[转载]关于科学诚信的《自然》社论和120公开信 屏蔽留存


屏蔽已有 10072 次阅读 2010-9-30 07:43 |个人分类:其他杂碎|系统分类:人文社科| 诚信, 科学研究, 打假 |文章来源:转载




9月9日出版的《自然》杂志刊登社论——《动摇的力量》(A destabilizing force),文章称,公开指控科学行为不端引起的扰动令人震惊。以下为社论主要内容:
在匿名的庇护下,似乎没有什么可以阻止伯恩斯。混乱和不确定将持续到调查结束,在那之前,每个人都被假定无罪。调查报告应该在不牺牲公平、公正和正常程序的前提下尽快做出。这是此次不幸事件最好的处理方式。(科学网 王佳/编译)

关于科学研究诚信的公开信 (傅新元等120人连署) 

尊敬的:教育部部长周济 科技部部长徐冠华 中国科学院院长路甬祥 国家自然科学基金委员会主任陈宜瑜 


1. 我们反对任何形式的学术不端行为,并强烈主张一个科技工作者应当保持高标准的学术道德规范。我们支持揭露任何形式的学术不端。与此同时,要确证学术不端的 案例,我们必须遵循合法和适当的调查程序。例如,美国公共卫生署关于学术研究不端行为的处理指南规定,对学术研究不端行为指控的调查,起初应当是非公开 的,其首先应当由所涉及机构的内部委员会调查并处理。“无罪假定 (Innocent until proven guilty)”是我们在调查学术不端的指控时必须遵守的一个重要原则。 

2. 如果争论或指控不能够在该研究机构内部解决,那么,更高的主管部门和基金支持机构或专业协会应当介入,建立外部调查委员会,直到问题得到圆满解决。在调查 期间,不论是指控者或被指控者,都应受到合法保护,其身份应该保密。被指控者有责任和授权调查者合作,提供原始数据和研究纪录。一个好的解决案例将能为今 后的实践树立先例,并帮助科技工作者培养良好传统。 

3.在处理学术不端的指控时,为了避免可能出现的混乱结果,也为了对关于学术不端行 为辩论的当事人双方公正,我们建议中国的研究机构主管部门建立起合适的程序和一个由学术专家组成的权威机构来处理学术不端的真实指控。这包括建立制度,在 需要时建立特别专家委员会来迅速调查真实的,对学术不端行为的指控。我们建议科技部、教育部、科学院、自然科学基金委协调建立国家权威机构,对有关学术不 端指控的调查,提供政策和机制。 

4.我们必须区别正常的学术辩论和对学术不端的指控。作为原则,我们应当在中国培养公开而负责的学术辩 论的传统。这种公开讨论或辩论必须有负责的态度。因此,在任何有关学术辩论的公开通讯中都应当签署实名,以表明其责任。有关学术不端的公开指控,我们也鼓 励举报者签署真名以示负责,或者,为了保护举报者,发表的机构应该代举报人负责。我们支持公众和任何人的言论自由。争论双方均有权争辩或答辩。对于科学问 题及争辩应当用进一步的实验,特别是用来自不同实验室的进一步的实验来解决。我们相信,建立一个对于重大事件进行实名负责公开争论的优良传统,是促进中国 科学研究基本建设的一个重要部分。 


6. 我们理解并感谢公众对于学术不端行为的强烈指责。很显然,公众有权利知道科技工作者利用公众基金所从事的研究活动。可是,我们应当指出,有关学术不端行为 的问题,由于其过于专业化和技术性,一般需要由一个专家组成的委员会加以调查,判断和决定。在缺乏适当调查的情况下,任何企图误导公众或利用新闻媒体去求 得偏袒支持,或匿名进行公开人身攻击或传播谣言的行为都是不可接受的,必须加以制止。 





傅新元博士 美国印第安娜大学医学院 免疫学教授[www.iupui.edu] 


Xin-Yuan Fu, Ph. D. 
Department of Microbiology and Immunology 
Walther Oncology Center 
Indiana University School of Medicine 
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5120Phone: 317-274-2082, Fax: 317-274-4090E-mail: [email protected] 

Jianxin Bao 
Associate Res. Professor 
Dept. of Otolaryngology 
Center for Aging 
Washington Univ. 
Box 8115, 660 South Euclid Ave.St. Louis, MO 63110314-747-7199"Bao, Jianxin" [email protected] 

Guoqiang Bi 
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine 
Department of Neurobiology200 Lothrop St, E1451 BST 
Pittsburgh, PA 15261Phone: (412) 648-9921Fax: (412) 648-1441Guoqiang Bi 

Jiang-Fan Chen 陳江帆 
Associate Professor 
Department of Neurology 
Boston University School of Medicine 
715 Albany Street, C329Boston, MA 02118Phone: 617-414-1249Fax: 617-638-5354chenjf 

Jianzhu Chen陳建柱 
Professor of Immunology 
Center for Cancer Research, E17-131 
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
77 Massachusetts Avenue (regular mail)40 Ames Street (express mail)Cambridge, MA 02139tel: 617-258-6173fax: 617-258-6172email:[email protected]://web.mit.edu/ccr/labs/chenlab/index.html 

Lieping Chen陳列平 
Professor, Cancer Immunology 
Department of Dermatology/Oncology 
Director, Dermatology Research 
Johns Hopkins Univ, School of Medicine 
Jefferson Building, Rm. 1-121600 N. Wolfe St.Baltimore, Maryland 21287Office Phone: (410) 502-0957Fax: (410) 502-0961Email: [email protected] 

Shiming Chen陳世明 
Associate Professor, 
Department of Ophthalmo and Visual Sci. 
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis 
660 South Euclid Ave. Campus Box 8096 St. Louis, MO 63110Phone: 314-747-4350Fax: 314-747-4211E-mail: [email protected]:[ophthalmology.wustl.edu] 

Yan Chen陳雁 
Associate Professor 
Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics 
Indiana University School of Medicine 
975 West Walnut St., IB130Indianapolis, IN 46202Tel: (317)278-0275Fax: (317)274-2387E-mail: [email protected] 

Yuqing Eugene Chen陳育慶 
Associate Professor of Medicine 
Cardiovascular Center 
University of Michigan Medical Center 
MSRB III 7301E 1150 W. Medical Center DriveAnn Arbor, MI 48109Phone: 734-763-7838 Fax: 734-936-2641Email: [email protected] 

Jing Cheng程京 
Cheung Kong Professor 
Medical Systems Biology Research Center 
Tsinghua University School of Medicine 
Haidian District, Beijing 100084ChinaTel: +86-10-62772239Fax: +86-10-62773059Email: [email protected] 

Linzhao Cheng 程臨釗 
Associate Professor 
Stem Cell Program 
The Institute for Cell Engineering 
Johns Hopkins Univ. School of Medicine 
Broadway Research Building, Room 747733 North BroadwayBaltimore, MD 21205Phone: 410-614-6958 Fax: [email protected]://www.HopkinsMedicine.Org/ICE/faculty 

Shi-Yuan Cheng, 
Associate Professor of Pathology 
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute& Department of Pathology 
Hillman Cancer Center Research Pavilion 
Office: 2.26f, Laboratory: 2.195117 Centre AvenuePittsburgh, PA 15213Phone: (412)623-3261 Fax: (412)623-4840E-mail:[email protected]://www.pathology.pitt.edu/people/Faculty/ChengSY.htm 

Y. Eugene Chin秦越 
Associate Professor 
Department of Surgery and Programs of MCB and Pathobiology 
Brown University School of Medicine 
Rhode Island Hospital 
593# Eddy StreetProvidence, RI 02903401-444-0172 (O); 401-333-3564 (M); 401-444-3278 (F) 

Xing Dai 戴醒 
Department of Biological Chemistry 
250D Med Sci I 
University of California 
Irvine, CA 92697-1700Xing Dai 

Chuxia Deng鄧初夏 
Chief, Mammalian Genetics Section 
GDDB, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health 
10/9N105, 10 Center DriveBethesda, MD 20892, USATel: (301) 402-7225Fax: (301) 480-1135Email: [email protected].gov[www.niddk.nih.gov] 

Xinxin Ding丁欣欣 
Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health; and 
SUNY Albany, School of Public Health 
Empire State Plaza, Box 509, Albany, NY 12201-0509Phone: 518-486-2585; Fax: [email protected], [email protected] 

Chen Dong,董晨 
Associate Professor 
Department of Immunology 
MD Anderson Cancer Center 
7455 Fannin, Unit 906Houston, TX 77030-1903Tel: (713)563-3203Fax: (713)563-0604E-mail: [email protected] 

Chunying Du, 
Assistant Investigator 
Stowers Institute for Medical Research 
1000E 50th St., Kansas City, MO 64110. Tel.: 816-926-4084 Fax: 816-926-2055 E-mail: [email protected]. 

Guoping Fan范國平 
University of California Los Angels 
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1761Office Phone: 310-267-0439Lab Phone: 310- 267-0438Email: [email protected]://www.genetics.ucla.edu/labs/fan/ 

Guowei Fang方國偉 
Assistant Professor 
Department of Biological Sciences 
Stanford University 
Lokey Chemical Biology Building, Rm 137 Stanford, CA 94305-5020 Tel: 650-725-2762 Fax: 650-724-9945 email: [email protected]: [www.stanford.edu] 

Gen-Sheng Feng馮根生 
Program in Signal Transduction, 
The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037Phone: 858-713-6265E-mail: [email protected]. 

Ying-Hong Feng,馮映紅 
美國軍醫大學Associate Professor 
Depart of Pharmacology 
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences 
4301 Jones Bridge Road Bethesda, MD 20814 301-295-3232 (Office) 301-295-3220 (Fax) Ying-Hong Feng www.usuhs.mil/pha 

Xin-Yuan Fu傅新元 
Department of Microbiology and Immunology 
Walther Oncology Center 
Indiana University School of Medicine 
635 Barnhill Drive, MS 420Indianapolis, IN 46202-5120Phone: 317-274-2082Fax: 317-274-4090E-mail: [email protected]://www.iupui.edu/%7Emicro/fu.html 

Yang-Xin Fu 傅陽新 
Department of Pathology 
Committee on Immunology 
University of Chicago 
J541, MC30385841 South Maryland,Chicago, IL60637Phone: (773) 702-0929Fax: (773) 834-5251E-Mail: [email protected] 

Bin Gao高斌 
Chief, Section on Liver Biology 
5625 Fishers Lane Rm 2S-33Bethesda, MD 20892-8115Tel: 301-443-3998Fax: 301-480-0257"Gao, Bin (NIH/NIAAA) [E]" [email protected] 

Wei-Qiang Gao高維強 
Senior Scientist 
Dept. of Molecular Biology 
Genentech, Inc., 
MS#72 1 DNA Way South San Francisco, CA 94080 Tel: 650-225-8101 Fax: 650-225-6240 e-mail: [email protected] 

Xiaolian Gao,高曉蓮 
Professor of Biology and Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Biomedical Engineering 
Department of Biology and Biochemistry 
Rm: 369-SR2 
University of Houston 
Houston, TX 77004-5001 Office: 53-SR1T: 713 743-2805F: 713 743-2636E: [email protected]: gaolab.chem.uh.edu 

Jun-Lin Guan管俊林 
Department of Molecular Medicine 
Director of Graduate Studies, Field of Pharmacology 
Cornell University 
Ithaca, NY 14853Tel: 607-253-3586Fax: 607-253-3708[www.vet.cornell.edu] 

Kun-Liang Guan管坤良 
Professor of Biological Chemistry 
University of Michigan 
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1055Phone: 734.763.3030 Fax: 734.763.4581E-mail:[email protected]://www.biochem.med.umich.edu/biochem/research/profiles/guan.html 

Min-Xin Guan管敏鑫 
Associate Professor of Pediatrics 
Division and Program in Human Genetics &Center for Hearing and Deafness Research 
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center 
3333 Burnet AvenueCincinnati, Ohio 45229Tel: 513-636-3337Fax: 513-636-3486E-mail: [email protected]://www.cchmc.org 

Peixuan Guo 郭培宣 
Professor of Mol Virology and Biomed Engineering 
Director of Purdue Bionanotechnology Graduate Program 
Hansen B036Cancer Research Center 
Purdue University (普渡大學) 
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2064Phone # (765)494-7561Fax # (765) 496-1795Web Address: [www.vet.purdue.edu] 

T.-C. He 
Assistant Professor and Director Molecular Oncology Laboratory 
The University of Chicago Medical Center 
5841 South Maryland Avenue, MC 3078 Room J-611 Chicago, IL 60637, USA Tel. (773) 702-7169 (office); (773) 834-5325 (lab) Fax: (773) 834-4598 E-mail:[email protected] Lab Homepage: www.boneandcancer.org 

Taosheng Huang 
Assistant Professor in Pediatrics &Developmental Biology, Pathology 
Attending Physician in Human Genetics & Metabolism 
Director of Cardiovascular Genetic 
ClinicDirector, MitoMed Molecular Diagnostic Lab 
Robert R. Sprague Hall, Room 314 Zot 3950 
College of Medicine 
University California 
Irvine, CA [email protected] (o)949-824-9466 (L) Fax 824-9776[www.ucihs.uci.edu] 

Jiming Jiang 蔣繼明 
Department of Horticulture 
University of Wisconsin-Madison 
1575 Linden DriveMadison, WI 53706Tel: 608-262-1878Fax: 608-262-4743Email: [email protected]://www.hort.wisc.edu/jjiang/ 

Jingfang Ju 
Head, Cancer Genomics Laboratory 
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Medicine 
USA-Mitchell Cancer Institute 
MSB2015,307 N. University Blvd.Mobile, AL 36688Phone: (251) 460-7393Fax: (251) 460-6994E-mail: [email protected] 

Yibin Kang,康毅濱 
Assistant Professor 
Department of Molecular Biology, LTL 255 
Princeton University 
Washington Road Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone: 609-258-8834 Email: [email protected] 

Wei-Hua (Wendy) Lee 
Associate Professor 
Departments of Pediatrics and Anatomy 
Indiana University School of Medicine 
Indianapolis, IN, 46202Phone: (317) 274-8900 Fax: (317) 274-9906"Lee, Wei-Hua" [email protected] 

Ming Lei雷鳴 
Associate Professor 
Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 
Medical College of Wisconsin 
8701 Watertown Plank Road Milwaukee, WI 53226 Tel: 414-456-8321 (office) 414-456-4313 (lab)Fax: 414-456-6535 

Lei Li 
Associate Professor 
Department of Experimental Radiation Oncology, Unit 66 
Department of Molecular Genetics 
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center 1515 Holcombe Blvd., Y3.5621B Houston, Texas 77030 (713) 792-3424 [email protected] 

Linheng Li李凌衡 
Associate Investigator 
Stowers Institute for Medical Research, 
1000 E. 50th St. Kansas City, MO 64110(816) 926-4000 Fax (816) 926-2000"Li, Linheng" 

Luyuan Li李魯遠 
Associate Professor of Pathology 
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center 
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute 
5117 Centre Ave, G12CPittsburgh, PA 15213412-623-1118 Tel412-623-4747 Faxemail: [email protected] 

Min Li, Ph.D.利民 
Department of Neuroscience & High Throughput Biology Center 
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 
BRB 319 733 North Broadway Baltimore, MD 21205410.614.5131410.614.1001 (fax)[email protected] 

Pingwei LI 李平衛 
Assistant Professor 
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics 
Texas A&M University 
College Station, TX 77843-2128Phone: 979-845-1469"Li, Pingwei" 

Xiao-Jiang Li 
Department of Human Genetics 
Emory University 
615 Michael St Room 347Atlanta, GA 30322Phone 404-727-3290Fax 404-727-3949Email [email protected] 

Anning Lin林安寧 
Associate Professor 
University of Chicago 
Ben May Institute for Cancer Research 
Chicago, IL 60637Tel: 773-753-1408 (O)Fax:773-702-6260Email: [email protected] 

Haifan Lin林海凡 
Department of Cell Biology 
Head, Laboratory of Stem Cells and Germline Development, 
Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center 
412 Nanaline Duke Bldg., Box 3709 
Duke University Medical Center 
Durham, NC 27710Tel 919-684-3169 Fax 919-684-5481E-mail [email protected]://www.cellbio.duke.edu/Faculty/Research/Lin.html 

Shuo Lin林碩 
Department of Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology 
University of California, Los Angeles 
621 Charles E. Young Drive South, LS4325PO Box 951606Los Angeles, CA 90095-1606Tel: 310-267-4970Fax: 310-267-4971Email:[email protected]://www.mcdb.ucla.edu/Research/ShuoLin/ 

Xinli“Henry” Lin藺新力 
Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer 
ProteomTech, Inc. 
5980 Horton St., Suite 405Emeryville, CA 94608Tel: 510-597-9134Cell: 510-710-9835FAX: 510-601-6751www.proteomtech-inc.com 

Chunming Liu 劉春明 
Assistant Professor 
Department of Biochem and Mol. Biology 
Sealy Center for Cancer Cell Biology 
University of Texas Medical Branch 
Galveston, TX 77555-1048(Phone) 409-747-1909(Fax) 409-747-1938"Liu, Chunming" 

John? Liu劉興權 
Ottawa Health Research Institute 
725 Parkdale Avenue 
Ottawa, K1Y 1S4CanadaTelephone: (613) 798-5555 ext. 17752Fax: (613) 761-5411 or 761-5411e-mail:[email protected] [www.ohri.ca] [www.ohri.ca] 

Associate Professor 
Department of Pathology, Division of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, 
Houston, TX 77005 

Jun O. Liu劉軍 
Department of Pharmacology and Molecular SciencesSchool of Medicine 
John’s Hopkins University 
725 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205Telephone: 410-955-4619Fax: 410-955-4520E-mail address: [email protected] 

Yan-Yun Liu劉燕雲 
Assistant professor 
Devid Geffen School of Medicine @UCLA& VA Healthcare System 
Bldg 114, Rm 23011301 Wilshire BlvdLos Angeles, CA90073Tel: (310)478-3711 ext.49249Fax: (310)[email protected] 

Yang Liu劉陽 
Professor and Director 
Division of Cancer ImmunologyDepartment of Pathology 
The Ohio State University185 Hamilton Hall1645 Neil AvenueColumbus, OH 43210Tel: 614-292-3054Fax: 614-688-8152email: [email protected] 

Yusen Liu 劉玉森 
Associate Professor of Pediatrics 
The Ohio State University 
Center for Developmental Pharmacology and Toxicology700 Children's Dr.Columbus, Ohio 43205Phone: 614-722-3073Fax: 614-722-2774Email:[email protected] 

Hua Lu盧華 
Associate Professor 
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 
Oregon Health & Science University 
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park RoadPortland, Oregon 97239Tel, 503-494-7414 Fax, 503-494-8393Email, [email protected] 

Xin-Yun Lu 
Assistant Professor 
Department of Pharmacology 
University of Texas Health Science Center 
7703 Floyd Curl DriveSan Antonio, TX 78229Phone: 210-567-0803Fax: 210-567-4303Email: [email protected] 

Sheng Luan欒升 
Department of Plant and Microbial Biology 
University of California 
Berkeley, CA 94720Phone: (510) 642-6306Fax: (510) 642-4995Email: [email protected] 

Robert Luo 
Assistant professor 
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 
1515 Holcombe, Box 354 Houston, TX 77030 Phone [email protected] 

Rong Luo羅榮 
Department of Mathematical Sciences 
Middle Tennessee State University 
Murfreesboro, TN 37130Rong Luo 

Zhe-Xi Luo羅哲西 
Associate Director of Research and Collections& Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology 
Carnegie Museum of Natural History 
Pittsburgh, PA 15213Administrative Office: (412)622-3296Research Office: (412)622-6578; Fax: (412)622-8837 Email:[email protected]://www.carnegiemuseums.org/cmnh/vp/cv/luo.htm 

Hong Ma馬紅 
Professor of Biology 
Penn State Biology Department 
208 Mueller Lab,University Park, PA 16802-5301Tele: 814.863.0278, Fax: 814.865.9131Hong Ma 

Jun Ma,馬駿 
Associate Professor 
Division of Developmental Biology 
Children's Hospital Research Foundation 
3333 Burnet AvenueCincinnati, OH 45229513-636-7977 (phone)513-636-4317 (fax)[email protected] (e-mail) 

Qiufu Ma 
Associate Professor of Neurobiology, 
Harvard Medical School 
Department of Cancer Biology 
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 
44 Binney StreetBoston, MA 02115. USAphone: (617) 632-4594Fax: (617) 632-4595E-mail: [email protected] 

Xin L. Ma馬新亮 
Professor and Research Director 
Department of Emergency Medicine 
Thomas Jefferson University 
1015 Walnut StreetCurtis Building, Suite 220-222Philadelphia, PA 19107Tel: (215)955-4994Fax: (215)503-4458 

Lin Mei梅林 
Professor and Director 
Program of Developmental Neurobiology 
Institute of Molecular Medicine and Genetics 
Department of Neurology 
1120 15th Street, CA 4006 
Medical College of Georgia 
Augusta, GA 30912 phone 706-721-8775 fax 706-721-8685 [www.mcg.edu] 

Weijia Ni,倪維加 
6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 3190 Bethesda, MD 20892 Phone: (301) 435-1507Fax: (301) 480-1056"Ni, Weijia" 

Ruibao Ren任瑞寶 
Associate Professor of Biology 
Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences 
Research Center, Mailstop 029 
Department of Biology 
Brandeis University 
415 South StreetWaltham, MA 02454Tel. (781) 736-2486Fax. (781) 736-3107Ruibao Ren 

Yi Rao饒毅 
Professor of Neurology, Associate Director, NU Institute of Neuroscience 
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, 
320 East Chicago Ave. 5-474 Searle Building 
Chicago, IL 60611 USAPhone: 312-503-6091http: //www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/igp/facindex/RaoY.html北京生命科學研究所資深研究員,學術副 所長Phone:010-80726688-8368Fax: 010-80726673E-mail:[email protected] 

Yong Shen 
Professor of Neurology and Molecular Biology 
Robert Haldeman Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology 
Sun Health Research Institute 
Sun City, AZ 85351Phone: 623-876-5456FAX: [email protected] 

Zhiyuan Shen沈智淵 
Associate Professor and Chief 
Division of Radiation Cancer Biology 
Dept. of Radiation OncologyThe Cancer Institute of New Jersey 
UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School 
195 Little Albany StNew Brunswick, NJ 08903-2681Email: [email protected] 

Weinian Shou 
Associate Professor Department of Pediatrics 
Indiana University School of Medicine 
Indianapolis, IN, 46202Phone: (317) 274-8900 Fax: (317) 274-9906"Shou, Weinian" [email protected] 

Dr. Yigong Shi施一公 
Department of Molecular Biology 
Princeton University普林斯頓大學 
Tel: 609-258-6071 609-258-2948 (lab) Fax: [email protected] [www.princeton.edu] 

Yuenian Eric Shi史躍年 
Chief of Breast Cancer Research 
Dept of Radiation Oncology 
Feinstein Institute for Medical Research 
North Shore LIJ Healthy System 
Albert Einstein College of Medicine 
Tel 718 470 3086FAX 718 962 6675"Shi, Eric" 

Duxin Sun孫篤新 
Assistant Professor 
Division of Pharmaceutics 
College of Pharmacy, 
Ohio State University 
232 Parks Hall, 500 W 12th AveColumbus, OH 43210Tel: 614-292-4381Fax: 614-292-7766Email: [email protected] 

Xiao-Hong Sun,孫曉紅 
Member Eli Lilly Distinguished Chair 
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation 
825 NE 13th street Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Tel: 405-271-7103 Fax: 405-271-7128 E-mail: [email protected] [www.omrf.org] 

Yi E. Sun 
Assistant Professor 
Dept. Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences 
Dept. Mol. & Med. Pharmacology 
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine 
NRB 351, 635 Charles E. Young Drive (S)Los Angeles, CA 90095Tel: (310) 825-9506Fax: (310) 206-5061E-mail: [email protected] 

Xiaoyan Tang 
Associate Professor 
Department of Plant Pathology 
Kansas State University 
Manhattan, KS 66506-5502Tel: 785-532-1345Fax: 785-532-5692 

Ya-Ping Tang 
Assistant Professor 
Department of Psychiatry 
The Committee on Neurobiology 
The University of Chicago 
924 East 57th Street 
Knapp Learning Center, R-020Chicago, IL 60637Tel: (773) 834-5151Fax: (773) 834-2970 

Jin Wang王進 
曼哈頓資本集團合伙人Managing Partner 
Manhattan Capital Group, LLCJin Wang [email protected] 

Jiwu Wang王繼武 
President and CEO 
Allele Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals, Inc.綠陽生物技術醫藥公司 
9924 Mesa Rim Road 
San Diego, CA 92121858-587-6645800-991-RNAi858-587-6692 (Fax)www.allelebiotech.com 

Kan Wang,王侃 
Center for Plant Transformation 
Plant Science Institute 
Iowa State University 
G405 Agronomy HallAmes, IA 50011-1010, USATel: 515-294-4429Fax: 515-294-2299E-mail: [email protected]://www.agron.iastate.edu/ptf/ 

Xing Li Wang,王興利 
F.A.H.A. Professor, 
Director of Cardiothoracic Research, 
Baylor College of Medicine 
Tel: 713-798-5485, Fax: 713-798-1705 Email: [email protected] 

Dr. Weidong Wang 
Lab of Genetics 
National Institute on Aging/NIH 
333 Cassell Drive, TRIAD Building Rm. 3000 Baltimore, MD 21224phone: 410-558-8334; fax: 410-558-8331 [www.grc.nia.nih.gov] 

Xiao-Fan Wang王小凡 
Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology 
Duke University Medical Center 
C218 LSRCBox 3813Durham, NC 27710Phone: 919-681-4861E-mail: [email protected]://pharmacology.mc.duke.edu/faculty/wang.htm 

Yibin Wang 
Professor, Division of Molecular Medicine 
Departments of Anesthesiology, Physiology and Medicine 
Cardiovascular Research Laboratories 
Molecular Biology Institute 
David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA 
Room BH 569, CHS650 Charles E. Young DriveLos Angeles, CA 90095Tel: 310 206-5197Fax: 310 206-5907email: [email protected] 

Yu Tian Wang 
Professor and HHMI International Scholar 
Department of Medicine and Brain Research Centre 
University of British Columbia 
2211 Wesbrook MallVancouver, BC V6T 2B5Tel: 604-822-0398Fax: [email protected] 

Xiaoqin Wang王小勤 
Department of Biomedical Engineering 
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 
720 Rutland Avenue, Ross 419Baltimore, MD 21205, U.S.A.Tel.410-614-4547, Fax.410-614-9599Email: [email protected]: [www.bme.jhu.edu] 

Jie Wu吳杰 
Associate Professor of Oncology Molecular Oncology Program, 
SRB-3 H. 
Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute 
12902 Magnolia Drive Tampa, FL 33612 Phone: (813) 745-6713 Fax: (813) 745-3829 Email: [email protected] 

Ray Wu吳瑞 
Professor of Biochem and Molecular Biology 
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics 
Cornell University 
316 Biotechnology BuildingIthaca, NY 14853, USAPhone: 607-255-5710Fax: 607-255-2428Email: [email protected], or [email protected] 

Weiming Xia夏偉鳴 
Assistant Professor 
Center for Neurologic Diseases 
Brigham and Women's Hospital 
Harvard Medical School 
Harvard Institute of Medicine 
HIM 61677 Ave Louis PasteurBoston, MA 02115 Tel 617-525-5212Fax 617-525-5190Xialab.bwh.harvard.edu 

Zhengui Xia夏珍桂 
Associate Professor, Toxicology Program 
Dept. of Environ and Occupational Health Sciences 
University of Washington 
Seattle, WA 98195-7234Phone: (206) 616-9433Fax: (206) 685-3990Email: [email protected] Website: [depts.washington.edu] 

Jingwu Xie 
Associate Professor 
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology 
Scientist Sealy Centers for Cancer Cell Biology, Environmental Health and Medicine University of Texas Medical Branch 
301 University Blvd Galveston, TX 77555-1048 Tel: (409) 747-1845 Fax: (409) 747-1938 URL: www.utmb.edu/scccb/xie.htm 

Ting Xie 
Associate Investigator 
Stowers Institute for Medical Research1000 East 50th StreetKansas City, MO 64110Tel:816-926-4061Fax:816-926-2029"Xie, Ting" [email protected] 

Wen-Cheng XiongAssociate Professor 
Institute of Molecular Medicine and Genomics 
Medical College of Georgia 
Augusta, GA 30912Phone: (706) 721-5148Wen-Cheng Xiong 

Derek D. Yang.楊迪 
Principal Research Scientist 
Lilly Research Laboratories 
Eli Lilly and Company 
Lilly Corporate Center, 
Indianapolis, IN [email protected](317) 277-8292 

Liu Yang楊柳 
Associate Professor 
Department of Pathology, 
Slot 845 
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 
4301 W. Markham Street, BRCII/Room 641-B2Little Rock, AR 72205Tel: 501-526-5300, Fax: 501-526-4601 

Wei-ning Yang, 
Esq,Partner, Hogan & Hartson LLP 
1999 Avenue of the Stars 14th Floor Los Angeles, California 90067 Main Telephone: (310) 785-4600 Direct Dial: (310) 785-4674 Facsimile: (310) 785-4601"Yang, Wei-ning" [email protected] 

Xiaolu Yang 
Associate Professor 
Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute 
Department of Cancer Biology 
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine 
421 Curie Blvd., Rm 610 BRBII/IIIPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6160Tel: (215)573-6739 (office) Fax: (215)573-6725[www.med.upenn.edu] 

Xiao-Ming Yin殷曉鳴 
Associate Professor of Pathology and Department of Pathology 
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine 
Scaife Hall, 7th Fl, Room S7393550 Terrace StreetPittsburgh, PA 15261, USATel: 412-648-8436Fax: 412-648-9564e-mail: [email protected] [path.upmc.edu] 

Dihua Yu,余棣華 
Professor, Dept. Surgical Oncology 
Director of Research, Division of Surgery 
Director, Cancer Biology Program 
The Univ. Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center 
Houston, TX 77030Tel: 713-792-3636Fax: 713-794-4830Email: [email protected] 

Yinhua Yu郁茵華 
Assistant Professor Dept. Experimental Therapeutics 
U.T.M.D. Anderson Cancer Center 
1515 Holcombe Blvd. Houston, TX 77030 Phone: 713-792-3790 FAX: 713-745-2107 Email: [email protected] 

Zhi-Min Yuan 
James Stevens Simmons Associate Professor of Radiobiology 
Department of Genetics and Complex Disease 
Harvard University School of Public Health 
665 Huntington Ave (Bldg. 1, Rm. 507)Boston, MA 02115Phone: (617)432-0763,Fax: (617)432-0107,Email: [email protected] 

Jinfeng Yue,岳勁峰 
Assistant Professor (proved Associate Professor with Tenure) 
Department of Management and Marketing 
Jennings A. Jones College of Business 
Middle Tennessee State University 
Murfreesboro, TN 37132 USA(615) 898-5126"J. Yue" [email protected] 

Bing Zhang, Ph. D. 
Assistant Professor 
Section of Neurobiology1 University Station 
University of Texas at Austin 
Austin, TX 78712 "B. Zhang" 

Dong-Er Zhang 
Associate Professor 
Division of Oncovirology 
Department of Molecular and Experimental Medicine 
The Scripps Research Institute 
La Jolla, CA 92037Email: [email protected]: (858) 784-9558; FAX: (858) 784-9593Lab website: [www.scripps.edu] 

Hong Zhang,張紅 
Associate Professor 
Department of Biological Sciences 
Texas Tech University 
Lubbock, TX 79409, USAPhone: 806-742-3722 ext. 277Fax: 806-742-2963E-Mail: [email protected] 

Jian-Ting Zhang 
Professor Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology 
Indiana University School Of Medicine 
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202Telephonesad smiley317) 274-7844Fax: (317) [email protected]: [email protected] 

Michael Q. Zhang張奇偉 
Cold Spring harbor Laboratory 
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724phone (516) 367-8393, fax (516) 367-8461 email [email protected], 

Wei-Wei Zhang 
President and CEO 
GenWay Biotech, Inc. 
6777 Nancy Ridge Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858-458-0866 x 101 Fax: 858-458-0833 Email: [email protected] Web: www.genwaybio.com 

Xiao-kun Zhang張曉坤 
Burnham Institute for Medical Research, 
Cancer Center, 
10901 N. Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA.Phone: (858) 646-3141. Fax: (858) 646-3195E-mail: [email protected] 

Yi Zhang, Ph.D. 
Investigator & Professor 
Howard Hughes Medical Institute 
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center 
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics 
Campus Box 7295, Room 32-046 
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7295Phone: (919)-843-8225 (O), -8227/-8228 (L)Fax: (919)-966-4330e-mail:[email protected]://www.med.unc.edu/~zhangyi/lab.htm 

Zhuohua Zhang張灼華 
Burnham Institute for Medical Research 
10901 N. Torrey Pines RoadLa Jolla, CA 92037Tel. 858-713-6286 (office) 858-646-3100 X3716 (lab)Fax. 858-713-6273 

Zhizhuang Joe Zhao趙志壯 
Alfred M. Shideler Professor and Director of Experimental Pathology 
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 
BRC Rm 1211975 N.E. 10th StreetOklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104Phone (405) 271-9344Fax (405) 271-9483Email: [email protected] 

Xincheng Zheng鄭新程 
Director of Immunology 
OncoImmune Inc. 
1275 Kinnear Rd. Suite 267Columbus, OH 43212 

Tao P. Zhong 
Assistant Professor 
Departments of Medicine and Cell & Developmental Biology 
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine 
358 PRB, 2220 Pierce avenueNashville, TN 37232 Ph:615-936-2989(O); 615-936-1871 (L)Fax:615-936-1872Email: [email protected] 

Weimin Zhong鐘偉民 
Associate Professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology 
Yale University, 
KBT 616BPO Box 208103, 266 Whitney AveNew Haven, CT 06520Phone: (203) 432-9233/ (203) 432-3035 Email: [email protected] 

Yi Zhong鐘毅 
Cold Spring Harbor Lab 
P.O. Box 100Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 USATel: 516-367-6811Fax: 516-367-8880email: [email protected] 

Renping Zhou周仁平 
Department of Chemical Biology 
Rutgers College of Pharmacy and Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology 
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School 
164 Frelinghuysen RoadPiscataway, NJ 08854 (732) 445-3400, Ext 264FAX [email protected]://lifesci.rutgers.edu/~molbiosci/Professors/zhou.html 

Xiangjun Zhou周向軍 
Professor of Pharmacology 
School of Pharmacy 
Shanghai Jiaotong University 
1954 Huanshan Road, Shanghai, China 200030Phone: 86-21-3420-4763Email: [email protected] 

Yuan Zhuang 
Associate Professor of Immunology 
Duke University Medical Center 
Durham, NC 27710(919) 613-7822Yuan Zhuang 

Ming-Hui Zou 
Department of Medicine and Endocrinology 
University of Oklahoma Health Sci. Center 
941 Stanton L. Young Blvd.Oklahoma City, OK 73013Phone: 405-271-3974Fax: 405-271-3973email: [email protected]







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立委博士,出门问问大模型团队前工程副总裁,聚焦大模型及其AIGC应用。Netbase前首席科学家10年,期间指挥研发了18种语言的理解和应用系统,鲁棒、线速,scale up to 社会媒体大数据,语义落地到舆情挖掘产品,成为美国NLP工业落地的领跑者。Cymfony前研发副总八年,曾荣获第一届问答系统第一名(TREC-8 QA Track),并赢得17个小企业创新研究的信息抽取项目(PI for 17 SBIRs)。


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