The Turbulent Second Chapter of Large Language Models: Has Scaling Stalled?

The recent Chinese podcast from Guangmi's quarterly report on large language models, discussing the "scaling paradigm shift" toward AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), is well worth a listen. It touches on many key topics related to the AI industry landscape, offering a unique perspective and style.

The term "paradigm shift" may sound a bit dramatic, but as a seasoned analyst, Guangmi uses it to describe the current turbulent landscape accurately. While the AI arms race among industry giants is still in full swing, real-world scalable applications of these models are struggling to materialize. The question of how to justify investments has become a significant pressure point, or perhaps even a looming bubble.

Let's revisit some AI basics. There are three main types of learning in LLMs (Large Language Models):

(i) supervised learning;
(ii) unsupervised learning (self-learning/pre-training); and
(iii) reinforcement learning (RL, self-play/post-training).

Ilya has emphasized the importance of RL in exploring new directions for LLMs. Guangmi's podcast highlights RL as the pathway to the paradigm shift in AGI through large models.

Historically, two key milestones in RL have stood out: AlphaZero's victory over human Go players, which shocked the world, and RLHF (Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback), which aligned models with human preferences and paved the way for ChatGPT’s explosive growth.

Currently, discussions revolve around the potential of a new RL-driven ecosystem for large models (though there's no broad consensus—it's primarily a conversation within small Silicon Valley circles) and the emerging trends in the "arms race" of large models. Here’s the context:

1. Pre-training scaling seems to have hit a bottleneck, with GPT-5 still unreleased;
2. The overall momentum of the arms race remains unchanged among the major players (the billionaire clubs/giants);
3. Key tech figures are proposing new roadmaps or trying to construct new scaling laws to continue the AGI journey.

Guangmi closely monitors trends in Silicon Valley. His small team conducts in-depth research in the Bay Area and has established extensive contacts. Having chatted with them over coffee a couple of times, I’ve found them to be a dynamic, young team under his leadership—a small but sharp presence.

Guangmi’s thoughts are well-structured, and his breadth of knowledge and understanding of the larger context are impressive. This is no small feat, as the landscape of large models, both in terms of the models themselves and the industry, is often akin to the parable of the blind men and the elephant. Even top experts and business leaders struggle to assess the full picture. Just recently, Meta’s Zuckerberg responded to a question about whether the AI arms race would deliver the expected AGI returns, essentially saying: “No one really knows, but we can’t afford to miss out,” reflecting a typical FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) mindset.

We’re currently in a delicate phase with little consensus. However, the few tech giants that have propelled Nvidia’s stock to astronomical levels won’t allow the arms race to slow anytime soon, as it is central to their tech and business dominance. OpenAI continues to raise funds, and Ilya, with his new company, recently secured more investment, all of which keeps the race heated.

At the same time, the obsession with scaling among tech elites and the mainstream AGI circles in Silicon Valley persists. The endless demand for resources driven by this scaling wave of large models means that only a small circle of tech insiders has the opportunity and resources to experiment, sense, and adjust the roadmap.

According to Guangmi, the so-called self-play RL scaling is currently gaining traction within a small circle of about 200 tech elites in Silicon Valley, indicating that this is still a nascent trend—one that even management leaders have not fully aligned with yet.

It seems Guangmi adopts a “prophet” mentality at times, perhaps exaggerating this trend to alert his audience. He even suggests that if he were a large-model entrepreneur, he would focus 200% of resources on RL, betting on it as the future path to victory.

In reality, for most people, this advice is neither practical nor actionable—it’s likely aimed at tech giants or unicorns, though even for them, it may fall on deaf ears.

Reinforcement learning is inherently challenging. Even the open-source leader Meta LLaMA 3 has chosen to sidestep RLHF in post-training alignment. So, it's even less realistic to expect large-model teams to fully bet on RL as the core of a new ecosystem. Furthermore, this trend is, at best, a “subtle undercurrent” in Silicon Valley. We’ll likely have to wait until OpenAI’s “Strawberry” or the new version of Claude releases later this year to fully assess its impact.

It seems the first chapter of LLM scaling has indeed come to an end. The actionable items in the so-called second chapter might not emerge from lofty, exploratory scaling directions with an uncertain roadmap. Instead, the focus should be on finding market entry points, accelerating applications, and addressing genuine market needs (PMF, product-market fit), especially as the inference costs of top models like GPT-4o/Claude 3.5 become more affordable, and multimodal capabilities (such as advancements in hyper-realistic full-duplex voice and video) further enhance application opportunities.

For the industry, the bottleneck in scaling large-model applications is the sword hanging over its future. This will determine whether the second chapter of the tech adoption curve ends with a soft landing and eventual recovery. As for the arms race, it’s best to leave that to Elon Musk, Zuckerberg, and the billionaire club to continue playing.

Reinforcement learning, as an extension of pre-training, belongs to the realm of “post-training.” When pre-training hits bottlenecks and diminishing returns, strengthening RL is a natural complement. In the simulation of human cognition, pre-training represents the accumulated knowledge of human civilization, while RL applies that knowledge in practice, learning from the environment. This overall approach to intelligent learning makes perfect sense and is the necessary direction for applying large models.

My old friend Lu said: “It’s intuitive that RL is the path we must take because there isn’t enough supervised learning data anymore.”

Indeed, utilizing regenerated data to varying degrees has become common practice. It’s inevitable. Models can already generate data of higher quality than humans, and this will only improve. However, this is not the same as self-play's proactive exploration and data regeneration.

As Mr. Mao pointed out: “RL aligns with the cognitive processes of humans and epistemology. It’s essentially the process of receiving external feedback and being tested in practice. RL is active learning, while training is passive.”

Guangmi's RL paradigm shift suggestion still lacks the necessary catalysts. But this potential trend is worth keeping in mind. It’s best to remain cautiously optimistic and open-minded while watching how things unfold.


Related original:

大模型风云诡谲的下半场:scaling 失效?

Professor Ma's long paper out

Here is the link to Professor Ma Yi’s presentation from the Shenzhen Entrepreneurship Forum, in Chinese, recommended.

Professor Ma is a compelling speaker, and his talk is definitely worth listening to. His paper on whitebox transformer, over 100 pages long, has just been released (Yi Ma’s white-box transformer paper is available here).  Unfortunately, I haven’t had the time to dig into it yet. We’ll have to wait until more people have accepted or verified it before delving deeper.

His current claims revolve around using an extremely sparse approach to force transparency in transformers, with results that are reportedly on par with BERT and GPT-2 in many benchmarks. However, this doesn’t mean that he will be able to catch up with GPT-3 or later models anytime soon. But to be fair, it’s not a level playing field—he’s an academic without the resources to compete with mainstream AI in an arms race. What he does believe, however, is that he has opened a door—a path toward explainable AI in large models.

Honestly, I’ve always had a litttle bit doubts about Ilya’s theory explanation of shortest program compression (his Berkeley talk). From an ultimate theoretical perspective—where lossless compression is the ideal—the idea of continually scaling training, deepening, and lengthening learning makes sense, as it pushes the model toward becoming the smallest possible program for universal tasks. Ilya’s theory may hold up in this respect, at least in theory or as an end goal. But in any real-world scenario (e.g., under budgetary constraints, with methodological limitations), it’s hard to call a model purely derived through gradient descent the “shortest program,” because these models appear to be gigantic beasts with "huge circuits" inside, intuitively, should not be considered "short or small".

Models with hundreds of billions or even trillions of parameters are massive monstrosities, succeeding mainly through sheer size rather than through high regularity or elegance. Emphasizing how impressive their compression ratios are or how well they handle lossless compression may help explain the generalization and emergeng abilities in sequence learning from a theoretical standpoint. But in practice, any model at a given time is far from being the “shortest program.”

This highlights an unavoidable distance between theory and practice. Ilya essentially hedged practice with theory along a future time axis, but our immediate reality doesn’t seem to align with this. It’s like a clumsy wrestler trying to brand himself as sleek and slender fashion model.  Visually not a fit, to most of our eyes.

Instinctively, LLMs feel full of rote memorization with significant redundancy. Under real-world conditions, achieving extreme or lossless compression seems impossible.

On the other hand, Professor Ma’s sparsity approach almost feels “over the top.” Enforcing the same weight for QKV directly seems a bit crude and simplistic, yet it still managed to be trained successfully. This shows that there’s a lot of flexibility within transformers—no matter what restrictions or pruning are applied, the model still finds a path out. In this sense, Professor Ma’s pursuit of the “shortest program” is more real and direct—it’s so short that even a human can interprete the process (hence the LLM explainability).

Yet the difference between these two extremes is still mind-boggling. On one side, we have gigantic models, and on the other, extreme simplicity to generate whitebox models. The fact that both approaches work is shocking.

Speaking of simplicity and explainability, here’s an interesting anecdote in AI history: Back in the day, during the era of symbolic MT, one of the earliest deployed systems (Siemens' METAL) for English-German translation used only eight symbolic features (such as human, animal, etc.). The rules were simple, transparent, and easy to explain. This shows that extreme simplicity and rule-based transparency can work in some rough application scenarios (where English and German are linguistically close, making translation easier).

Later, we MT-ers expanded the number of features to the thousands, trying to cover more of the long tail. Even then, it wasn’t perfect. At the time, we thought that with enough effort, we could match the quality of statistical MT. But now, we know that even if symbolic MT could catch up and match statistical MT, it’s still far from competing with neural MT.

So, could we have continued refining features further? It wasn’t because we didn’t want to keep extending symbolic features (similar to one-hot encoding, but with the internal structure of ontology/taxonomy). We wanted to go beyond thousands to tens of thousands of features. But in reality, thousands (of features in size) were already reaching the limit of human experts’ capacity to understand (AI explanability), manage and debug. Expanding further would have been unmanageable.

Meanwhile, how many parameters do mainstream Transformer neural networks have? And the space and granularity they represent are on a completely different scale. Given the vast difference in scale between the two, it’s natural to doubt any efforts to bridge this gap for AI explanability.  How could that even be possible?

That’s why I’ve always felt that explainability in large models is an elusive goal. But Professor Ma is telling the world that they’ve achieved it.



Relevant link:

Professor Ma Claims to Have Fully Unveiled the Mysteries of Neural Networks

What did Ilya see? -- secret behind success of LLMs




他目前所做出的 claims,是说用那种极度稀疏化的方法逼迫 transformer 透明化,结果也在多方面匹敌了BERT 和 GPT2。但并不说明短期他有办法赶上GPT3以上。话说回来,那也不公平。他作为教授没有资源去以军备竞赛的方式与AI产业主流打擂台。只是说,从路线上说,他觉得自己打开了一扇门,一条可以通向可解释AI的大模型大门。还是应该赞佩这样的反潮流的教授的。

其实,我也一直隐隐约约对伊利亚说的最短程序压缩论,持有怀疑:从终极目的(理论上以无损压缩作为理想目标)来看,不断加大训练、加深加长学习,结果就是朝着让模型真正成为最小程序,伊利亚理论也许没错。但在任何一个实际条件约束下(例如预算约束、方法论约束),这种纯粹靠 gradiant descent “凑出来”的模型/路径,很难说是最小 program,因为模型看上去就是个庞然大物,谈何“最小”。

千亿万亿参数的超大模型本来就是以大取胜,而不是以精简和规则见长的怪兽(gigantic monster),非要强调自己的压缩率厉害,无损压缩做得好,虽然有从理论上方便说明序列学习达成的通用性、泛化现象以及“涌现”能力,但实践中,在任意一个特定时间条件下的模型,都远远不是“最小程序”。


直觉上,LLM 里面充满了死记硬背和信息冗余的,在现实条件下其实不可能做到极度/无损的压缩。

但另一方面,马教授也太奇了,他的稀疏化直觉上做得“过分”,QKV直接拉平,看上去有点简单粗暴,但居然也最终能训练出来。可见,transformer 的肚子里的操作空间还是很大的,你给它各种限制,动不动就剪枝(化零),也不用担心它走不出来。这种意义上,马教授追求的才是真正的“最短程序”,短到了连“豆腐脑”的人类都可以看懂路径(hence 可解释性)。


谈到精简可解释,谈个掌故。老老年做 symbolic MT,一个著名的早期的实用系统(西门子的 METAL)做英语德语的翻译,整个系统只用了8个 symbolic features(例如人、动物等),规则简单而可解释,系统也一样上线实用了。可见极度精简和规则化,做到完全透明和人类可解释,在粗线条的应用场景(英语和德语距离较近,翻译难度低),有时候也是管用的。

我们后来把 8 个 features 扩展到千数量级,才擦了长尾的屁股。但也没擦干净。当时觉得,也许认真做可以对垒统计MT的品质(与董振东老师谈过,我们都觉得可以在翻译上最终用符号打败统计的,只是需要时间磨细活),但现在知道即便匹敌了统计MT,也远远不能与神经MT比高下。

那就把 features 往细做,成不?不是因为我们不想继续把 symbolic features (类似于 one hot encoding,但人为在 features 内部强加了类似于 HowNet 的 ontology/taxonomy 的结构性),从千这个量级进一步提升到万的量级。实际情况是,千几乎已经达到专家人脑的极限了,再扩大 features 的范围,我们就无法掌控和调试了。

可是,神经里面有多少 params 啊,其所能反映的 representation 的空间和细密度,与千量级的 symbolic features,尺度完全无法比拟。二者表征的尺度如此悬殊,对拉近二者距离的任何努力,我们天然会产生怀疑:这怎么可能做到呢。






大模型爆发前,最痴迷的是当时就有的 txt2img 文生图模型。当时尝试过很多种工具,“小雅”就是那个阶段的产物。不仅人物,也做过各种绘画风格,在群里和博客也分享多次。后来疲劳了,就不怎么玩了。

开始对数字人感兴趣,2D 的 talking photo,2.5D 的有姿态虚拟主播,以及 3D 舞蹈等。因为是自家产品「奇妙元」,玩起来没限制,作为“产品体验官”,疯玩了一阵子。


紧接着对于超拟人/超写实配音,以及跨语言的突破,包括最近“双工”的突破,各大头部模型开始显摆自己的语音亲民能力,与普通真人无异,不再是板着腔调的播音味了。 咱们自家的AIGC拳头产品「魔音工坊」赶上了这波语音tokens化的端到端大模型浪潮,也实现了超写实,那是大约半年前的事儿。意义重大,因为语音是所有copilot类大模型应用的最自然的接口,也是数字人和短视频的必要赋能点,但语音从可玩性上,不如音乐生成。

Suno 惊艳登场,我入迷了几个月,实现了自己也做“音乐人”的梦想。当然,现在也淡化了,不是不好,是没时间玩了。

时间被中国的 Sora,快手可灵AI的视频生成大模型占用了。视频生成疯玩到今天,我用它做了很多儿时的回忆,定格和再现了人生的高光时刻,虚拟了超生活的场面,最 high 的时期也过去了。这一通尝试,包括三分钟视频连续生成的极限试验,以及种种提示词工程探索,对当前视觉大模型的优点短板看得比较清晰了。

视觉模型的重要应用形态之一就是“一键成片”,也是自家产品了,叫「元创岛」。 目前还很粗糙和简陋,但的确做到了“傻瓜”制作能力,零门槛,任何人都可以用它来生成视频。显然有落地场景和起飞的迹象。


从人文和科技结合的角度看,我们这种“老文科生”与生俱来对于人文、艺术的追求本性,并没有因为在工业界的码农环境“挖煤”几十年,而(被)湮灭,应用到如今又是一个自然汇聚。这有点像乔布斯当年的说法,他追求的就是人文意味的科技产品,工程结合美学品味,嘲笑微软产品的粗鄙,no taste。

想想这一路走来挺有意思,无论研发还是应用,冥冥之中都在汇聚。而我们何等有幸见证、经历和投入到这种汇聚的潮流中,虽然这个汇聚也同时意味着颠覆自己、碾压自己、否定自己的过往,抛弃很多过去的“绝技”,例如曾经做到世界顶尖的符号解析(symbolic parsing)的庖丁解牛之术。 靠的是终身学习,不至于掉队太远。但一切的一切,更需要一种 精神,尤其是 passion:passion 所驱,乐此不疲。

下一个passion点 应该是 to b 场景,因为最终的应用大期待,大概率在垂直。To c 虽然很卷,但路线图和态势,能做什么,包括 aigc,已经基本清晰。但 to b 还在泥潭里挣扎,方向都还隔雾看花,闪闪烁烁,但也看到高人。例如白硕老师,感觉他就在捻须微笑,坐在金融交易的莲花池上,仗着to b 积淀。


Decoupling to Resolve: Issue of Character Consistency in Video Generation

I’ve now become the go-to expert for AIGC (AI-generated content) "custom services" among my old friends and classmates, just for fun. Below are nostalgic videos made from old photos that two of my classmates asked me to create.

Whenever I find the time, I’m more than happy to provide this kind of emotional value for friends and family because it’s truly satisfying to see their reactions of surprise.

The pianist is now a world-class piano master, frequently touring and performing in Europe, America, and China. These are precious old photos of him practicing and performing with our mutual friend, Brother Sun, in Philadelphia back in the early days.

Dr. Bai Shuo, a seasoned expert in NLP and a multi-talented musician, commented humorously: “Looks real for someone who pulls on the bow in  Meditation as named, but the bowing and fingering are all wrong.”

Another old friend also left feedback noting that the visual model doesn’t understand music: "This needs improvement! It's obvious that the model was created by someone who doesn’t know how to play the violin or piano. The bowing and piano accompaniment are off. The first note has a two-and-a-half beat long tone, which should be played with a long bow. Additionally, the pianist’s right foot should never be raised or shaking like that—it should be on the sustain pedal.”


Even though the music's name Meditation was clearly specified in my prompt during generation, there is no model, in the foreseeable future, that can truly align the understanding of music with the intricate details of bodily movements during performance. Perhaps this can be reserved as one of the ultimate challenges for large models aiming for AGI, because theoretically, if enough alignment data of musical performance is available, based on the compression theory of "joint training", it’s possible to aim at perfect alignment across different modalities.

If simulating the objective world is the ultimate goal of visual models, then the current generation of visual models is at the level of “playing the piano to a cow” or “playing music to a tone-deaf audience”—completely unable to withstand scrutiny from musicians. For example, as someone with little musical knowledge, when I watch the nostalgic performance videos above, I wouldn’t notice the flaws as an expert would; instead, I find them vivid and emotionally engaging.

Of course, the standards of musicians might as well just be a "pseudo-demand" or a pseudo-goal (even if the visuals satisfy the picky “expert eye,” so what? Will it sell well?). It might not be worth the effort to pursue this. However, in theory, an ideal AGI should be capable of meeting these expert-level demands.

This is the challenge of musical performance alignment.  Another challenge to Sora-like video generation models is character consistency in videos.

Achieving facial consistency in generative visual models is an extremely difficult. Don’t expect this issue to be resolved by video generation models alone in the short term, especially not through autoregressive methods.

Human eyes are extremely discerning with regards to face recognition, especially when it comes to familiar faces of friends and family—you can immediately tell when a character's appearance is off. For example, while playing with old photos recently, I used the KeLing model (top notch Video Model in China) to generate a video of myself. At the 5-second mark, it still looked passable, but by 10 seconds, it no longer resembled me.

In the second 10-second video, just a slight turn of the head, and it’s no longer me—it looks more like my brother. How can a model handle such fine details? Especially when the starting image for video generation is not even a straightforward frontal shot, making the character information incomplete—how could it not go off track?

While the videos I've made for friends and family using KeLing during its public testing phase have generally been met with passionate surprise and amazement, most of them suffer from this issue of character consistency, which is a regret.

The current one-click video generation products on the market (including our own YuanChuang Island recently launched) tend to mainly use anime or manga styles. This is to avoid user scrutiny since these styles lack 3D distinct individual characteristics. As long as there is consistency in attire, no gender mix-ups, with age and race alignment, most people will accept it. The current one-click videos are generally rough, with entertainment value primarily in the story rather than character portrayal akin to a Hollywood blockbuster. However, as this path progresses, it will inevitably encounter the challenge of maintaining the consistency of digital IP actors and their roles.

My colleague, Lu, mentioned, "the consistency issue might require cross-checking from multiple video angles, which more or less touches on the core issue of whether modeling is necessary."

Indeed, some form of cross-checking is required, not just monotonic correction over time/sequence—that is indeed the key. There’s a need to decouple or separate the character's image from the storyline, rather than generating in a linear, one-way path. While sequence learning has indeed produced miracles in LLMs, sequence generation inherently has limitations, including random deviations over time. Although it's not as extreme as LeCun's criticism—where he says GPT's error accumulation is a tiny discrepancy that leads to a significant miss—his claim isn't entirely accurate because GPT's autoregressive operation also corrects and adjusts its course at every step in the context. Nevertheless, when it comes to fine-grained consistency, random deviations are almost impossible to handle, even with corrective mechanisms in place.

Hence decoupling, decoupling, decoupling! Decoupling can solve the problem. The world isn't limited to sequences. Beyond sequences and time, there is a constant abstraction (i.e., character image, or IP) that can be utilized. This is becoming increasingly clear. Take, for example, the digital IP character Maria (Xiao Ya) that I created using AIGC txt2img more than 2 years ago::

Unless they’re fans, perhaps my numerous Maria videos might cause aesthetic fatigue—someone even called her “Dr. Li's fairy” (LOL). But indeed, there are fans; several of my old classmates are among them.

Why? Because she is an IP, and she has been decoupled.


Related Links (original posts in Chinese):








一转脸就不是我了,倒更像我哥。这种细粒度,模型怎么能搞定。尤其是,如果图生视频的起点图就不是正面照,character 信息本就不全,怎么可能不走偏。所以,我在可灵公测以来为亲友同学做的视频虽然普遍感觉惊喜或震撼,但大多存在这个人物变形的问题,成为一个遗憾。

现在市面上做的一键成片产品(包括我们的元创岛),其所以用二次元或其他夸张风格为主,是为了避免用户的挑剔,因为那些形象缺乏鲜明的个性,不是真正的 individual IP,只要保持穿戴一致性,男女不要错位,年龄和种族不要相左,一般人也就接受了。目前的一键成片普遍比较粗线条,娱乐价值更多是为视频里的故事,而不是好莱坞大片那样的角色形象刻画。但这条路往上走,就躲不开这种 digital IP 的演员角色定位及其一致性问题。

吕兄说:一致性问题可能需要靠多角度视频的cross-checking, 这里面多多少少要涉及到是不是要建模的硬核问题。

是的,要某种 cross-checking,而不是时间流单调矫正,这是key。需要解耦/剥离故事线上的人物形象,不能生成一条道走到黑。序列出过奇迹,但序列生成有随着时间出现随机偏差的局限,虽然不是 LeCun 批评的那样极端:他说gpt错误积累是差之毫厘失之千里;他的说法不正确,因为gpt的“自回归”推理方式也在每一步context自回归中不断纠错、矫正航向。尽管如此,对于细线条一致性,随机偏差哪怕有了矫正机制,也是基本搞不定的。




Related Links:



原创 立委 LiWeiNLP 2024年09月01日 17:44 北京



前不久深圳会议请他来,他把主流大模型、伊利亚,以及k氏复杂性理论,批为中学生的水平,说他们根本不懂理论。而他自称理论实践双突破,说的就是他带领团队做的这个白箱 Transformer,不仅揭开了大模型的神秘面纱,而且是工程可实现的替代方案。



论文100多页,说过几天就放出来。看现在的 outline,重点在,quote:

Overall, CRATE is similar to a transformer, with two differences:

in each attention head, the Q,K, and V weight matrices are weight-tied, i.e., set to be equal;

and the nonlinearity following each attention layer is no longer a multi-layer perceptron (MLP), but rather a more structured operator (ISTA) with sparse outputs.

咱们了解一下,ISTA(Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm,迭代软阈值算法),是一种用于解决稀疏优化问题的算法,在机器学习领域有广泛应用。在CRATE架构中, ISTA被用来替代传统Transformer中的多层感知器(MLP),还记得前不久的 KAN 的创新也是旨在平替 MLP。都是在 Transformer 里面开刀。

我浅薄的理解,ISTA 与 KAN for Science/Physics 的思路是一致的,就是要经过某种正则化或剪枝,最终拟合成稀疏化路径,从而获得可解释性。

工作原理: ISTA通过迭代的方式逐步接近问题的最优解。每次迭代包括两个步骤: a) 梯度下降步骤,这与主流同;b) 软阈值操作。增加这个操作,是要在两个目标之间找平衡:

a) 使模型尽可能准确;b) 使模型尽可能稀疏,即简单(因为人很难理解一团乱麻)。




但做LLM可解释性研究的人早就发现,在MLP网络的尽头,各种结构化(例如 头、脚)的部件也都被注意力抓到了,否则不能解释LLM表现出来的泛化(或压缩)能力。困难的是在网络的前期,那些个注意力比较混杂,主流的MLP搞不清都在注意什么。隐隐约约是在注意像素(点)、线等基础元素之间的关系。


正常人,谁不愿意模型可解释?所以这种稀疏精简的路数/算法一定也是有极大的挑战,才 so far 无法与那种黑箱子瞎凑的方法比试。

马教授觉得自己很牛的底气是因为他在最近半年一年,开始用可解释的上述白箱方法,训练出了可以匹敌传统 transformer 的成绩。他在深圳会上说,此前他有信心这才是正道,但在没有拿到结果前,还是必须谨慎。现如今,他觉得他的跨国团队用这一套在各方面所做的实现,已经让他满意到可以向全世界宣告,他找到了理论和实践的突破口,找到了transformer白箱化的正确方法,可望引发范式转变式的深度学习的突破。这令他很激动,也很霸气。所以他不再满足于大学教授的理论建树,而是觉得应该下场了。马教授自己成立了一家公司要在工程上做这个推进。这次来创业邦深圳主题宣讲,据他说,是他第一次以这个新公司的名义来向社会宣布这个挑战主流的工程落地的方向性大项目。

不过,凭着多年经验和直觉说一句这件事的挑战性(或可疑之处):人类的可解释性建立在一个非常小的高度精简的 finite set 基础之上。如果拿 symbolic features 来说,超过千这个量级的 feature system,对于人就是不可解了。贵为上帝选民,我们人类的“豆腐脑”真地很局限。可是另一边看 transformer 里面的 parameters 以及 attention heads 的KQV数量,完全不具有可比性,天上地下。让大变小在这样的尺度下去归约,感觉上是不可思议的。

KAN for Science 之所以成功,是因为他们瞄准的 target 极为狭窄,只是 science 中的某些已有的解析公式,或者未知的但局限在少数参数的潜在公式。有了这样的目标去做剪枝,中间加上科学家的人为干涉或反馈,KAN 声称是做到了可解释性。


Related Links:

What did Ilya see? -- secret behind success of LLMs



Professor Ma Claims to Have Fully Unveiled the Mysteries of Neural Networks

Professor Yi Ma’s white-box transformer paper is available here.

Professor Ma is a prominent figure, renowned for his distinctive style and leadership in the field. His name is widely recognized and respected. Of particular interest recently are his critiques of mainstream large models and the bold claims he has made about his own work (see his post in Chinese below).

Recently, at a conference in Shenzhen (which I attended with my own talk too), Professor Ma sharply criticized mainstream large models, Ilya, and Kolmogorov complexity theory, dismissing them as being on the level of high school students and claiming that they lack a true understanding of theoretical concepts. He asserted that he has achieved breakthroughs in both theory and practice, particularly with the white-box Transformer developed by his team. According to him, this model not only demystifies the complexity of large models but also offers an engineering-feasible alternative.

When someone speaks with such confidence, it usually indicates genuine expertise and a commanding presence. Just as Yann LeCun in the U.S. criticized GPT as being inferior to a dog and called it a dead end, proposing his world model as an alternative, China has Professor Ma. Their critiques balance the global discourse, making the world feel less excluding. There is indeed hope that their work might address the "slow thinking" and "interpretability" shortcomings of current mainstream large models and contribute to the overall advancement of AI. Professor Ma’s academic and practical work deserves close study, though we may have to wait for time and peer reviews to fully test and validate their findings.

At the Shenzhen conference, after delivering his talk and sharp critiques, Professor Ma left immediately, likely due to his busy schedule.

The paper is over 100 pages long and is said to be released in a few days. Based on the current outline, the key points are as follows:

Overall, CRATE is similar to a transformer, with two differences:

- In each attention head, the Q, K, and V weight matrices are tied, i.e., set to be equal.
- The nonlinearity following each attention layer is no longer a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) but rather a more structured operator (ISTA) with sparse outputs.

Let's examine ISTA (Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm), a widely used algorithm for solving sparse optimization problems in machine learning. In his  CRATE architecture, ISTA replaces the traditional MLP in Transformers. Not long ago, KAN also introduced innovations aimed at replacing the MLP, both approaches representing surgeries within the Transformer architecture.

In my understanding, ISTA and KAN (for Science/Physics) share a common goal: through regularization or pruning, they ultimately fit a sparse path, thus achieving interpretability.

How it works

ISTA Iteratively approaches the optimal solution of a problem. Each iteration involves two steps: a) a gradient descent step, which aligns with mainstream methods; and b) a soft-thresholding operation. This operation is added to balance two objectives:

a) Maximizing model accuracy;
b) Achieving model sparsity, i.e., simplicity (as overly complex models are difficult for humans to interpret).

The soft-thresholding operation encourages internal elements to become zero, resulting in sparse outputs and increased interpretability. The weight-tied attention mechanism, combined with ISTA, promotes a deeper understanding of the input data structure, resembling a human-like structured analysis process that prioritizes key elements while regularizing the data.

Professor Ma claims that these two modifications naturally lead the model to learn the interpretability associated with human-like structuring and sparsity during supervised learning (and later as claimed successfully applied to self-supervised learning too).

For example, in image recognition, it was observed that certain attention heads correspond to different parts of animals. What's more remarkable is that this correspondence remains consistent across different animals and even different categories of animals. For instance, an attention head focused on the "head" consistently pays attention to the head area when processing different kinds of animals. This consistency suggests that CRATE has learned a general representation of visual features across categories.

However, those studying LLM interpretability have long discovered that at the end of MLP networks, various structured components (such as heads and feet) are also captured by attention mechanisms. Without this, it would be difficult to explain the generalization (or compression) capabilities exhibited by LLMs. The challenge lies in the early stages of the MLP network, where attention is more mixed, and mainstream researcher struggle to clarify what the attentions heads are focusing on. It seems that they are vaguely paying attention to the relationships between basic elements like pixels/dots and lines.

The core idea behind explainable AI is consistent: transforming the tangled, black-box, multi-layer network's internal data fitting paths into structured paths that are enabled with various constraints and pruning, leading to a sparse representation.

Who wouldn’t want a model to be interpretable? However, achieving sparsity and simplicity is extremely challenging, which is why, so far, these approaches have struggled to compete with the black-box methods that involve randomness.

Professor Ma’s confidence stems from the fact that, in the past six months to a year, he has begun to train models using the explainable white-box methods mentioned above, achieving results comparable to traditional transformers. At the Shenzhen conference, he mentioned that while he had always been confident that this was the correct approach, he remained cautious until results were obtained. Now, he believes that his cross-national team’s achievements with this approach have satisfied him enough to announce to the world that he has found a breakthrough in theory as well as practice, the correct method for white-boxing transformers, which could lead to a paradigm shift and a breakthrough in deep learning. This has made him both excited and confident. Therefore, he is no longer content with academic theoretical achievements alone; he feels compelled to take actions in industry as well. Professor Ma has recently founded a company to advance this work on an engineering level. At Shenzhen, he announced a directionally significant project challenging the mainstream, first time under the banner of his new company.

However, based on my years of NLP experience and intuition, I must point out a challenge (or potential issue): Human interpretability is built on a highly simplified finite set. If we consider symbolic features, a feature system with more than thousands of elements becomes incomprehensible to humans. But on the other hand, the number of parameters in transformers and the number of KQVs for attention heads are on a completely different scale. Reducing such complexity on this scale seems almost unimaginable.

KAN for Science succeeded because their target was extremely narrow—certain existing symbolic formulas in physics or potential formulas limited to a few parameters. With such a goal, pruning, along with scientist intervention or feedback, allowed KAN to claim interpretability.

Regardless, Professor Ma seems confident, so we would like to observe how his methods and results evolve and will, or will not, be accepted.



Related Links:

What did Ilya see? -- secret behind success of LLMs






  1. 大模型的出现,就像翻越了语言的大山,统一了这些不同的赛道,建立起了一种类似圣经中巴别塔的通用语言能力。
  2. 历史上,技术革新往往遵循一条被称为“technology adoption curve”的路径:一开始,人们对于重大创新和突破趋之若鹜,但当这些创新在商业化、盈利和实际应用方面遇到瓶颈时,就会出现一段回落期。
  3. 在通用人工智能时代,一个模型可以处理各种任务,这使得许多细分领域的创新空间被压缩。以前,每个细分赛道都有机会诞生超级应用,但现在这种可能性大大降低了。



实际上这个题目挺难的,原因在于AI和大模型非常热闹,但是真正走向商业落地的寥若晨星。所谓“AI一日人间一年”,大模型的发展虽然很快,但从总的趋势上来看,AI实则进入了一段下行期。历史上,技术革新往往遵循一条被称为“technology adoption curve”的路径:一开始,人们对于重大创新和突破趋之若鹜,但当这些创新在商业化、盈利和实际应用方面遇到瓶颈时,就会出现一段回落期。我们现在正处于这一回落下行期,但尚未触底。





随着ChatGPT等通用大模型的崛起,Jasper的优势逐渐消失,开始走向衰落。ChatGPT不仅仅是一个超级应用,它通过人机对话的方式,实际上已经成为一个“超级的超级应用”(super super-apps),它超越了传统的界限。通用大模型现在能够处理各种语言、知识,甚至多模态的内容,如语音、音乐、图像和视频。这种广泛的能力使得通用大模型在很多领域都占据了主导地位,挤压了相关赛道的生存空间。




在NLP领域,过去我们有机器翻译、对话系统、问答系统等多个专业方向,甚至还有分词这样的细分技术。但大模型的出现,就像翻越了语言的大山,统一了这些不同的赛道,建立起了一种类似圣经中巴别塔的通用语言能力。大模型的出现,彻底改变了NLP行业的格局。但实际应用起来,我们发现它比我一年多前想象的要困难得多。例如,以NLP为方向的应用(如各种文案或翻译的 co-pilot)因为已经被头部大模型搞定,这个方向的创业产业就做死了。

现在,大家都在期待大模型原生的超级应用(LLM-native Super APPs),虽然呼声很高,行业内竞争激烈,但真正能够规模化落地的,目前还只有像ChatGPT、豆包、文心一言这样的通用类的toC应用。


目前的情况是,无论是行业内外人士、投资者还是创业者,都对大模型的技术潜力广泛认可,这仍然是基本共识,但要找到它的market fit并实现规模化落地,可能需要至少两三年的时间探索:现在处于技术落地的难产期,也是突破期。

大模型虽然功能强大,但也存在一些严重的短板:第一,信息准确性问题:由于学习了大量信息,大模型可能在记忆不精确的细节时出现错误,导致其输出内容不准确,所谓“幻觉”。第二,可控性问题:与以往的符号逻辑AI不同,大模型包含百亿千亿参数,运作起来像一个巨大的黑箱,难以进行精确的调试和控制。第三,安全性问题:大模型可能存在安全隐患,公开上线需要谨慎。第四,算力成本问题:尽管随着技术进步,算力成本有望降低,但与上一代边际成本趋于零的许多应用相比,使用大模型的应用在算力成本上仍然相当高。推理时也常常遭遇高并发的瓶颈。普及到 toC的大众市场,巨大的推理成本直接影响盈利能力。






我们开发了自己的大模型,名为"序列猴子",基于此,我们推出了多模态AIGC产品,涵盖数字人、配音和短视频一键生成等功能。此外,我们还成功推出了出海产品"DupDub "。"魔音工坊"是我们在市场中占据主导地位的产品,尤其在抖音平台上,约70%的声音内容都使用了我们的技术。

我们的目标客户群体包括内容创作者(ToPC,to professional consumer)和小型至中型企业(ToSMB,to small medium businesses)。内容创作者愿意为方便他们工作的工具付费,而我们正是为他们提供这样的工具。对于ToB客户,我们专注于为中小企业提供较为标准化的解决方案,因为大型客户的定制化需求较为复杂,不易操作。目前,我们拥有86万付费用户,这证明了我们的服务已经成功落地并得到市场的认可。下面是我们产品的一些展示。




吹拉弹唱无所不能的NLP老司机白硕老师评论说:会拉沉思的表示,弓法指法都不对。前微软NLP老友吴兄也留言反映视觉模型不懂音乐:“這個有待改進哦!一看就是不會拉小提琴和彈鋼琴的人做的/:,@P。音樂和弓子的運行差太多,第一個音是有兩拍半的長音,應該給個長弓才對, 另外鋼琴伴奏的右腳永遠不會這樣翹著,或抖動著。他的右腳應該在 sustain pedal 上。”


生成的时候 虽然prompt里是标明了音乐的名字的,但在可见的将来,没有哪家模型能够真正做到音乐理解与演奏肢体动作细节的对齐。或可留作大模型AGI的极限挑战题(之一)吧,因为理论上如果有足够的对齐数据,根据联合训练的压缩理论,做到极致不同模态之间是可以对齐的。


当然,音乐家的标准也许就是个伪需求伪目标(让挑剔的“专家眼”满意了视觉细节又如何?能大卖么),也许并不真值得费力追求。但理论上,理想的 AGI 都应该搞定这些专家水平的要求。






朋友圈看到一个鸡汤:“穷人说,有钱就是幸福;盲人说,能看见就是幸福;乞丐说,有饭吃就是幸福;病人说,能活着就是幸福;单身说,有伴侣就是幸福。...". 可以诠释用户刚需。





但最后,“脱单”却是高低层次融合(物理和精神陪伴:原始性吸引+情绪价值)的刚需。这个刚需恰好是 LLM native 的 sweet spot,不会因为 商业化暂时受挫而失去前途。



长期看,老年陪护、心理therapy等都属于 LLM native 的刚需,找到切入点,排除万难做到底做好的赢家,不仅是赚钱,而且是功德。


Llama 3 Notes and Llama MV with Llama 3.1 Legend

Notes on the 92-page Paper Released with Meta's Super Large Model Llama 3.1

The super-large model Llama 3.1 is a milestone in the open-source large model community. As a leader, Meta's project involved over 500 participants/contributors (the authors of this paper are listed alphabetically in the appendix, similar to how the Central Committee members' names are displayed by stroke order). This original text is full of implementation details:

meta Llama 3.1 paper

AIGC MV using Suno and keling (just for fun & cheering opensource milestone)


  1. Llama 3.1 doesn't use sparse techniques, it's not a multi-expert system like model 4, but a dense model.
  2. 405B parameters, 15.6T tokens: The number of tokens is 40 times the number of parameters. Large-scale top models now emphasize data growth far exceeding parameter growth. Is this 15T tokens of data open source? (No, because even if they were willing to open source it, they wouldn't dare, as it could lead to countless data infringement lawsuits)
  3. Emphasizes three major levers for super-large foundation models: data, scale, and managing complexity.
  4. Compared to the previous generation system Llama 2, computational power has increased 50 times (using 3.8 × 10^25 FLOPs).
  5. Complexity management: (1) Choosing a standard dense Transformer architecture instead of a mixture of experts model to maximize training stability. (2) Adopting a relatively simple post-training procedure: Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT), Rejection Sampling (RS), and Direct Preference Optimization (DPO). In other words, algorithm design and implementation tend towards simplification. Not using sparse techniques and multi-expert systems is for stability (but training challenges are greater, though they're not afraid). Using simpler, easier-to-implement DPO in the post-training phase instead of reinforcement learning is also for stability, as reinforcement learning has always been difficult to handle.
  6. Benchmark tests cover: general, code, math, reasoning, tool use, long context, and multilingual. All performances are SOTA (state-of-the-art international level).
    • MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding): 405B model achieves 87.3% (5-shot), 88.6% (0-shot, CoT).
    • Code generation (HumanEval): 405B model reaches 89.0%, close to GPT-4.
    • Math problems (GSM8K): 405B model achieves 96.8%, slightly higher than GPT-4.
    • Long context tasks: Excellent performance on some tasks, such as 95.2% on QuALITY.
    • Multilingual tasks (MGSM): 405B model reaches 91.6%, on par with top models. The 405B model is comparable or close to GPT-4 and Claude 3.5 Sonnet on many tasks. In short, open-source has caught up with closed-source.
  7. Pre-training started with an 8k window, expanded to a 128k window in the later stages of pre-training (continued training).
  8. After the foundation model pre-training was completed, multiple iterations of alignment "post-training" were performed. Including: (1) Aligning the model through human feedback, including multiple rounds of Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) and Direct Preference Optimization (DPO); (2) Integrating new capabilities, such as tool use; (3) Enhancing coding and reasoning abilities (specialized optimization); (4) Safety alignment.
  9. Multimodal expansion (in progress, not yet released): Image, video, and speech capabilities. Including (1) Multimodal encoder pre-training: Image encoder trained on a large number of image-text pairs, aligning visual content and natural language in a unified space; (2) Speech self-training? (3) Experiments on video-text data alignment based on images.
  10. Language model as the core, other modalities are added later (whether added to pre-training and/or post-training). When expanding to multimodal, the language model parameters remain unchanged, adapting to multimodality, allowing multimodal alignment in the same semantic space, closer to the language model. In other words, Llama follows a modular, step-by-step approach to gradually expand to multimodality. This is not the mainstream approach (mainly referring to Open AI and Google, at least in theory) advocating for "unified multimodal native data joint pre-training". The overall impression of Llama's algorithmic strategies is seeking stability rather than innovation or unification. It tends towards practicality, not caring about leading in algorithms. For example, the integration of speech first involves speech self-training (because speech is actually very similar to text, both being language systems), then alignment between speech and text (including Automatic Speech Recognition ASR and Text-to-Speech TTS). Integrating step by step into the cross-modal large model, this approach isn't cutting-edge in terms of advancement, but it's steady progress, beneficial for engineering development, integration, and iteration. It's unclear when they will be able to release multimodal capabilities online.
  11. Data collection and cleaning work is very complex, but the Llama team is meticulous, which is also the data guarantee for its quality to catch up with SOTA. To recap: (1) De-duplication: URL-level de-duplication; Document-level de-duplication using MinHash algorithm; Row-level de-duplication: removing rows appearing more than 6 times every 30M documents. (2) Filtering: Removing low-quality documents, outliers, and excessively repetitive documents, using repetitive n-gram coverage to remove repetitive content (such as logs or error messages); using "dirty word" counts to filter adult websites not covered by blacklists; using token distribution KL divergence to filter documents with too many abnormal tokens. (3) Controlling data quality: Using fasttext classifier to identify text that might be cited by Wikipedia; using a Roberta-based classifier trained on Llama 2's predictions; using DistilRoberta to generate document quality scores. Also, fasttext language classifier can identify 176 languages; specially filtering two types of information: adult content and personal identity/privacy information. Special fine processing for code and math web pages.
  12. Data proportions: For example, downsampling over-represented data categories on the web (such as art and entertainment); data mixing ratios determined by a series of small model experiments, final data mix summary: About 50% of tokens correspond to general knowledge; 25% of tokens involve math and reasoning; 17% of tokens are code; 8% of tokens are multilingual content.
  13. Model architecture: Apart from empirical detail adjustments, the basic architecture of the dense model remains unchanged, so it's data and scaling that create top models. 405B model specific parameters: 126 layers; token representation dimension 16,384; 128 attention heads; model size of 405B determined according to scaling law, about the computational optimal size under 3.8 × 10^25 FLOPs training budget.
  14. Vocabulary: Using a vocabulary of 128K tokens. Combines 100K tokens from the tiktoken3 tokenizer and 28K additional multilingual tokens to better support non-English languages.
  15. Computing resources, including GPU clusters of tens of thousands of cards, massive storage, and high-speed networks, represent huge resource investments. Specific data as follows: Computing resources:
    • Used up to 16,000 H100 GPUs (a very powerful graphics processor).
    • Each GPU has 80GB of high-bandwidth memory, with a power of 700W.
    • These GPUs are installed on servers designed by Meta itself, with 8 GPUs and 2 CPUs per server. Storage system:
    • Uses a distributed file system called Tectonic.
    • Provides 240PB (1PB=1000TB) of storage space, distributed across 7,500 servers.
    • Can process 2TB of continuous data per second, with a peak of 7TB/second.
    • A major challenge is handling the large amount of burst writes generated when processing model checkpoints (the process of saving model states).
  16. Three-step pre-training process: a) Initial pre-training; b) Long context continued pre-training; c) Annealing with high-quality data sources Key pre-training strategies:
    • Gradually increase batch size and sequence length to balance stability and efficiency.
    • Dynamically adjust data mixing to specifically enhance certain capabilities.
    • Increase context length in stages to avoid early computational overhead.
    • Use annealing and high-quality data in the late stages of training to fine-tune model performance.


[LLM Summary]

Llama 3: Meta's Open-Source Large Language Model Breakthrough**

1. Introduction and Overview

Meta has introduced Llama 3, a series of foundation language models designed to support various tasks including multilingual processing, programming, reasoning, and tool use. This model series includes versions with 8B, 70B, and 405B parameters, with the largest 405B parameter model adopting a dense Transformer architecture and supporting context windows of up to 128K tokens. The development of Llama 3 highlights three key factors: data quality and scale, computational scale, and complexity management.

2. Model Architecture and Pre-training Strategy

2.1 Model Architecture

Llama 3 retains the standard dense Transformer architecture rather than adopting a mixture of experts model. This choice aims to maximize training stability, reflecting Meta's emphasis on simplifying design to manage complexity. Key architectural improvements include:
- Using Grouped-Query Attention (GQA) mechanism, with 8 key-value heads per attention layer.
- Introducing attention masks to prevent self-attention between different documents in the same sequence.
- Expanding the vocabulary to 128K tokens, combining 100K tokens from the tiktoken3 tokenizer and 28K additional multilingual tokens.
- Increasing the RoPE base frequency hyperparameter to 500,000 to support longer contexts.

2.2 Pre-training Data Processing

Llama 3's pre-training data processing is extremely rigorous, including:
- Multi-level deduplication: URL-level, document-level (using MinHash algorithm), and row-level deduplication.
- Heuristic filtering: Removing low-quality documents, outliers, and excessively repetitive content.
- Model-based quality filtering: Using fasttext and Roberta-based classifiers for quality assessment.
- Special content processing: Developing specialized processing pipelines for code and mathematical content.
- Multilingual data processing: Using fasttext base language identification model, supporting 176 languages.
- Safety and privacy protection: Filtering website data containing personally identifiable information (PII) and unsafe content.

2.3 Pre-training Strategy

The pre-training process is divided into three main stages:
1. Initial pre-training: Conducted on about 15T multilingual tokens, far exceeding Llama 2's 1.8T tokens.
2. Long context pre-training: Gradually expanding from initial 8K tokens to 128K tokens context window.
3. Annealing phase: Fine-tuning with high-quality data in the final stage, using Polyak averaging to generate the final model.

Data mixing ratios are carefully designed:
- 50% general knowledge
- 25% mathematics and reasoning
- 17% code
- 8% multilingual content

3. Training Infrastructure and Challenges

3.1 Computational Resources
- Using up to 16K H100 GPUs, each equipped with 80GB HBM3 memory.
- Adopting a 4D parallel strategy: tensor parallelism, pipeline parallelism, context parallelism, and data parallelism.

3.2 Storage System
- Using the Tectonic distributed file system, providing 240PB of storage space.
- Supporting 2TB/s sustained throughput, with peak capacity of 7TB/s.

3.3 Network Optimization
- Developing the NCCLX communication library to improve network efficiency.
- Designing specific network topologies and load balancing strategies.

3.4 Training Challenges
- Experiencing 466 job interruptions during the 54-day training period, 419 of which were unexpected.
- Developing automated systems and specialized tools to handle hardware failures and network issues.

4. Post-training and Alignment

Llama 3 adopts a multi-round iterative post-training process, including:
1. Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT)
2. Direct Preference Optimization (DPO)
3. Reward model training: Using human feedback data
4. Safety alignment: Implementing multiple rounds of safety measures

This process not only improves the model's instruction-following capabilities but also enhances safety and specific abilities (such as coding and reasoning).

5. Multimodal Expansion

Although not officially released yet, Llama 3 demonstrates promising multimodal capabilities:
- Image recognition: Training independent image encoders, integrated with the language model through adapters.
- Video understanding: Adding video adapters based on image adapters.
- Speech processing: Independently training speech encoders, then aligning with the language model.

This modular approach allows flexible addition of new modalities while maintaining core language capabilities.

6. Performance Evaluation

Llama 3 performs excellently in multiple benchmark tests:
- MMLU (5-shot): 87.3%
- HumanEval (code generation): 89.0%
- GSM8K (math problems): 96.8%
- Long context tasks (like QuALITY): 95.2%
- MGSM (multilingual tasks): 91.6%

These results indicate that Llama 3 405B is comparable or close to GPT-4 and Claude 3.5 Sonnet on multiple tasks, particularly excelling in document understanding and long context tasks.

7. Safety Considerations

Meta highly prioritizes safety in the development of Llama 3:
- Implementing strict safety measures in both pre-training and post-training stages.
- Developing the Llama Guard system-level safety solution.
- Conducting extensive red team testing and risk assessments.

8. Open Source Impact and Future Directions

Meta's decision to publicly release the entire Llama 3 series, including the 405B parameter version, may have far-reaching impacts on the AI research community:
- Promoting open, responsible AI development.
- Accelerating AGI research progress.
- Providing researchers with opportunities to examine and improve large-scale language models.

Future development directions may include:
- Further improving multimodal integration.
- Expanding context length.
- Continuously enhancing data quality and model scale.

9. Conclusion

The development of Llama 3 demonstrates Meta's deep experience and forward-thinking in large-scale AI systems. By focusing on three key levers - data quality, computational scale, and complexity management - Llama 3 has reached or approached the current state-of-the-art level on several key benchmarks. Its open-source release may drive a wave of innovation across the entire AI field, paving the way for responsible AGI development.

Llama 3: Meta's AI Chef's Latest "Divine Delicacy"

Attention, all tech enthusiasts! The Michelin three-star AI chef Meta has just unveiled a new dish! This divine delicacy named "Llama 3" is not only spicy enough but will elevate your taste buds to new heights!

1. The Chef's Secret Weapon

Imagine Llama 3 as a super nanny who speaks 8 languages, writes code, does math, and can be your personal assistant. She can handle a kindergarten full of rambunctious kids (8B version), manage a mid-sized company (70B version), or even govern a small country (405B version)! This 405B big sister can remember 128,000 "gossips" (oh no, I mean context) simultaneously, essentially a walking encyclopedia + supercomputer!

2. Ingredient Selection: Only the Freshest!

Llama 3's chefs are masters at picking ingredients:

  • They "fished" 15 trillion words from the internet, nearly 10 times more than the previous generation!
  • Half of these words are everyday life seasonings, a quarter are math problems and brain teasers, nearly a fifth are programmer spells, and the rest are dialects learned from world travels.
  • They even invented a super weed remover, filtering out all the online garbage, repetitive, and unhealthy stuff.

3. Cooking Process: Three-Step Stir-Fry Method

Step 1: "Slow Simmer" - Start with a regular stove (8K context) to cook it halfway. Step 2: "High Heat Stir-Fry" - Switch to a super stove (gradually increasing to 128K context), reducing the sauce to be thick and fragrant. Step 3: "Low Heat Finish" - Finally, a gentle simmer with the best ingredients, the legendary "annealing" (even the chefs don't know why it's called that), bringing the flavor to its peak!

4. Kitchen Equipment: Top-of-the-Line Luxury Version

  • 16,000 super high-power induction cookers (H100 GPUs) firing simultaneously!
  • A refrigerator that could fit half the Pacific Ocean (240PB storage)!
  • A proprietary ingredient prep system faster than 5G (NCCLX communication library)!

Imagine all these stoves firing at once, making the kitchen feel like a sauna. But our chefs persevered through the heat, changing chef uniforms 466 times in 54 days to whip up this dish!

5. Training Method: Both Cute and Well-Mannered

Being a good cook isn't enough; you've got to have manners too! So our chefs began a long "training" process:

  • First came a round of "gentle education" (supervised fine-tuning)
  • Then the "carrot and stick" tactic (direct preference optimization)
  • Finally, they invited moral role models (safety alignment) for guidance

After all this fuss, Llama 3 not only cooks well but also knows how to please people, program, do math, and mind her manners - a true decathlon champion!

6. Special Side Dishes: Showcasing Multiple Talents

Don't think Llama 3 can only cook; she's a multi-talented "goddess":

  • Storytelling from images? Piece of cake!
  • Writing movie reviews? No problem!
  • Recognizing songs and even singing a bit? The karaoke queen!

Although these "talents" are still in practice, they already show the potential of Li Bai's "from black hair to snow white in a day"!

7. A True Powerhouse: Dazzling Test Scores

Llama 3 participated in a series of "Top Chef Competitions," with eye-popping scores:

  • College Entrance Exam (MMLU): 87.3 points (out of 100)
  • Programmer Interview (HumanEval): 89 points (out of 100)
  • Math Olympiad (GSM8K): 96.8 points (out of 100)
  • Long Novel Reading Comprehension (QuALITY): 95.2 points (out of 100)

Bring this report card home, and even a "Tiger Mom" would be grinning from ear to ear!

8. Safety First: AI's "Security Captain"

Meta's chefs know well the principle of "don't leave guns and ammo lying around." They've assigned Llama 3 a 24/7 bodyguard team (Llama Guard) to prevent her from accidentally saying or doing the wrong thing. They even arrange occasional "moral exams" to ensure she doesn't turn into a "Terminator."

9. Open Source Feast: Everyone Can Be a Master Chef!

The most impressive part is that Meta decided to make the recipe for this "divine delicacy" completely public! It's like a Michelin three-star restaurant putting their signature dish's recipe online. Now anyone who wants to can whip it up at home! This move not only shocked other master chefs but also made countless food lovers cheer with joy!

10. Future Outlook: Reaching New Heights

Meta's chefs aren't resting on their laurels; they're already pondering the next "divine delicacy":

  • Maybe a dancing Llama 4?
  • Or a painting Llama 5?
  • Who knows, one day we might see a Llama 6 composing symphonies!

In short, the AI world's "Michelin" journey has only just begun!


The birth of Llama 3 not only elevates Meta's status in the AI world but also brings a fresh breeze to the entire AI research community. This bowl of "Llama soup" is not only delicious but also brings unlimited imagination to everyone. What will the future of AI be like? Let's wait and see what flavor the next "divine delicacy" will be!

辣妈3笔记 以及辣妈MV与辣妈3.1传奇

Meta超大模型辣妈3.1 发布时的92页论文读书笔记

超大模型 辣妈3.1 是大模型开源社区的里程碑。作为 leader,Meta 该项目的参与者/贡献者有 500 多人(这篇论文的作者署名作为附录按字母顺序排列,跟中央委员姓氏笔划公示似的)。这是充满了实现细节描述的原文

meta Llama 3.1 paper

AIGC MV (just for fun & cheering opensource milestone)


1. 辣妈3.1 没有用稀疏技术,不是 model 4 那种多专家系统,而是一个 dense model

2. 405B参数,15.6T tokens:token 数是参数的 40 倍

超大规模头部模型现在强调的都是数据量远大于参数量的增长,这 15T tokens 的数据也是开源的吗?(不会,因为即便愿意开源,也没这个胆子,可能会引起无数数据侵权的官司)

3. 强调超大基础模型的三大杠杆:data, scale, and managing complexity.

4. 比上一代系统辣妈2,计算量增加了 50 倍 (using 3.8 × 1025 FLOPs)

5. 复杂性管理:(1)选择标准的密集Transformer架构,而非混合专家模型,以最大化训练稳定性。(2)采用相对简单的后训练程序:监督微调(SFT)、拒绝采样(RS)和直接偏好优化(DPO)。就是说,算法设计和实现上,趋于简单化。不利用稀疏技术和分流多专家系统,为的是稳定性(但训练挑战更大,但他们不怕)。后训练阶段用更简单、容易实现的DPO,而不用强化学习,也是为了稳定性,因为强化学习从来就不好缠。

6 基准测试涵盖:通用、代码、数学、推理、工具使用、长上下文和多语言。全部表现为 SOTA(国际先进水平)。


405B模型在许多任务上与GPT-4和Claude 3.5 Sonnet相当或接近。一句话,开源追平了闭源。

7. 预训练开始是 8k 窗口,在预训练后期(继续训练)时候扩展到了 128k 窗口。

8. 基础模型预训练完成后,经过多次迭代的对齐“后训练”。


9. 多模态扩展(进行中,未上线发布):图像、视频和语音能力。

包括 (1)多模态编码器预训练:图像编码器在大量图像-文本对上训练,统一空间里对齐视觉内容和自然语言;(2)语音独自自训练?(3) 在图片基础上,进一步作视频-文本数据对齐的实验。

10. 语言模型为核心,其他模态都是后加的(无论加到预训练 and/or 后训练)。

在扩展到多模态的时候,语言模型保持参数不变,适配的是多模态,让多模态在同一个意义空间对齐、靠近语言模型。换句话说,辣妈是遵循模块化、步骤化的方式逐渐扩展到多模态。而不是采用主流(主流主要指 Open AI 和谷歌,至少在理论上)倡导的“大一统的多模态原生数据的联合预训练”。

辣妈的所有算法策略,总的印象是求稳,而不是求创新 或 求大一统。偏向于务实,不在乎自己的算法领先。例如语音的集成,先是语音的自训练(因为语音与文字其实很类似,都是语言体系),然后是语音与文字的对齐(包括语音识别 ASR 和语音合成 TTS)。一步一步集成进跨模态的大模型,这方面谈不上先进性,但一步一个脚印,有利于工程化的开发、集成和迭代。不知道他们什么时候可以上线发布多模态的能力?

11. 数据收集清洗工作非常繁杂,但辣妈团队一丝不苟,这也是它质量可以追平 SOTA 的数据保证。


(1)去重(De-duplication):URL级别去重; 文档级别去重:使用MinHash算法;行级别去重:每30M文档移除出现超过6次的行。
(3) 控制数据品质:使用fasttext分类器识别可能被维基百科引用的文本;使用基于Roberta的分类器,该分类器基于Llama 2的预测进行训练;使用DistilRoberta生成文档质量分数。还有 fasttext 的语言分类器,可识别176种语言;特别过滤两类信息:黄色;个人身份等隐私信息。对代码和数学的网页做特别的精细处理。

12. 数据比例:例如,对网络上过度表示的数据类别(如艺术和娱乐)进行降采样;数据混合比例由一系列小模型实验决定比例取舍,最终数据混合摘要:


13. 模型架构:除了经验性细节调整,dense 模型的基本架构不变,所以是数据和规模化造就了头部模型。

405B模型具体参数:126层;token表示维度16,384;128个注意力头;根据scaling law决定模型大小为405B,约为3.8 × 10^25 FLOPs训练预算下的计算最优size。

14. 词汇表:使用128K个token的词汇表。结合了tiktoken3分词器的100K个token和28K个额外的多语言tokens,以更好地支持非英语语言。

15. 计算机资源,包括GPU万卡集群、海量存储和高速网络,巨大的资源投入。具体数据如下:

使用了多达16,000个H100 GPU(一种非常强大的图形处理器)。


16. 三步预训练过程:a) 初始预训练;b) 长上下文继续预训练;c) 用高质量数据源退火(Annealing)



【LLM摘要】Llama 3:Meta的开源大模型突破

1. 引言与概述

Meta公司推出的Llama 3是一系列基础语言模型,旨在支持多语言处理、编程、推理和工具使用等多种任务。这个模型系列包括8B、70B和405B参数三个版本,其中最大的405B参数模型采用密集Transformer架构,支持多达128K tokens的上下文窗口。Llama 3的开发突显了三个关键因素:数据质量与规模、计算规模、以及复杂性管理。

2. 模型架构与预训练策略

2.1 模型架构
Llama 3沿用了标准的密集Transformer架构,而非采用混合专家模型。这一选择旨在最大化训练稳定性,体现了Meta对简化设计以管理复杂性的重视。主要的架构改进包括:
- 使用分组查询注意力(GQA)机制,每个注意力层有8个键值头。
- 引入防止同一序列中不同文档之间自注意力的注意力掩码。
- 扩展词汇表至128K tokens,结合了tiktoken3分词器的100K tokens和28K个额外多语言tokens。
- 将RoPE基频超参数增加到500,000,以支持更长的上下文。

2.2 预训练数据处理
Llama 3的预训练数据处理极为严格,包括:
- 多层次去重:URL级、文档级(使用MinHash算法)和行级去重。
- 启发式过滤:移除低质量文档、异常值和过度重复内容。
- 模型基础质量过滤:使用fasttext和基于Roberta的分类器进行质量评估。
- 特殊内容处理:为代码和数学内容开发专门的处理流程。
- 多语言数据处理:使用fasttext基础语言识别模型,支持176种语言。
- 安全与隐私保护:过滤包含个人可识别信息(PII)和不安全内容的网站数据。

2.3 预训练策略
1. 初始预训练:在约15T多语言tokens上进行,远超Llama 2的1.8T tokens。
2. 长上下文预训练:从初始的8K tokens逐步扩展到128K tokens的上下文窗口。
3. 退火阶段:在最后阶段使用高质量数据进行微调,并采用Polyak平均法生成最终模型。

- 50%通用知识
- 25%数学和推理
- 17%代码
- 8%多语言内容

3. 训练基础设施与挑战

3.1 计算资源
- 使用多达16K个H100 GPUs,每个GPU配备80GB HBM3内存。
- 采用4D并行策略:张量并行、流水线并行、上下文并行和数据并行。

3.2 存储系统
- 使用Tectonic分布式文件系统,提供240PB存储空间。
- 支持2TB/s的持续吞吐量,峰值可达7TB/s。

3.3 网络优化
- 开发NCCLX通信库,提高网络效率。
- 设计特定的网络拓扑和负载均衡策略。

3.4 训练挑战
- 在54天训练期间经历466次作业中断,其中419次为意外中断。
- 开发自动化系统和专门工具处理硬件故障和网络问题。

4. 后训练与对齐

Llama 3采用多轮迭代的后训练过程,包括:
1. 监督微调(SFT)
2. 直接偏好优化(DPO)
3. 奖励模型训练:使用人类反馈数据
4. 安全对齐:实施多轮安全措施


5. 多模态扩展

虽然尚未正式发布,但Llama 3展示了promising的多模态能力:
- 图像识别:训练独立的图像编码器,通过适配器与语言模型集成。
- 视频理解:在图像适配器基础上添加视频适配器。
- 语音处理:独立训练语音编码器,然后与语言模型对齐。


6. 性能评估

Llama 3在多项基准测试中表现卓越:
- MMLU(5-shot):87.3%
- HumanEval(代码生成):89.0%
- GSM8K(数学问题):96.8%
- 长上下文任务(如QuALITY):95.2%
- MGSM(多语言任务):91.6%

这些结果表明Llama 3 405B在多个任务上与GPT-4和Claude 3.5 Sonnet相当或接近,特别是在文档理解和长上下文任务上表现突出。

7. 安全性考虑

Meta在Llama 3的开发过程中高度重视安全性:
- 预训练和后训练阶段均实施严格的安全措施。
- 开发Llama Guard系统级安全解决方案。
- 进行广泛的红队测试和风险评估。

8. 开源影响与未来方向

Meta决定公开发布Llama 3全系列模型,包括405B参数版本,这一决定可能对AI研究社区产生深远影响:
- 推动开放、负责任的AI发展。
- 加速AGI的研究进程。
- 为研究者提供检验和改进大规模语言模型的机会。

- 进一步改进多模态集成。
- 扩展上下文长度。
- 持续提升数据质量和模型规模。

9. 结论

Llama 3的开发展示了Meta在大规模AI系统方面的深厚经验和前瞻性思考。通过聚焦数据质量、计算规模和复杂性管理这三个关键杠杆,Llama 3在多个关键基准上达到或接近了当前最先进水平。其开源发布可能会推动整个AI领域的创新浪潮,为负责任的AGI开发铺平道路。


老友说大模型做摘要千篇一律 看了等于没看。其实那是因为学术圈摘要 人类就是这么写的 难免有点八股 怪不得大模型。其实大模型擅长各种表述 端看你怎么提点它了。例如,指令: 根据上面的《辣妈3之歌》,讲一个风趣幽默但不离谱的故事:

好的,我来尝试用更加风趣生动、通俗易懂的方式重新描述Llama 3这个庞然大物:



1. 主厨的秘密武器


2. 食材选择:只选最新鲜的!

- 他们从网上"海捞"了15万亿个词,比上一代多了近10倍!
- 这些词里,一半是日常生活的调料,四分之一是数学题和脑筋急转弯,近五分之一是程序员的咒语,剩下的是环游世界学来的各国方言。
- 他们还发明了一个超级除草机,把网上的垃圾、重复的、不健康的统统都筛了出去。

3. 烹饪过程:三步炒作法

第一步:"小火慢炖"- 先用普通灶台(8K上下文)煮个半熟。
第二步:"大火爆炒"- 换成超级灶台(逐步加到128K上下文),把汤汁收得又浓又香。
第三步:"温火收尾"- 最后用最好的食材轻轻一熬,这就是传说中的"退火"(连厨师自己都不知道为啥叫这名),让味道达到巅峰!

4. 厨房设备:顶配豪华版

- 16000个超级大功率电磁炉(H100 GPU)同时开火!
- 一个能装下半个太平洋的冰箱(240PB存储)!
- 比5G还快的专属配菜系统(NCCLX通信库)!


5. 调教方法:既要软萌可爱,又要知书达理

- 先是来了一轮"温柔教育"(监督微调)
- 接着是"棒棒糖加大棒"战术(直接偏好优化)
- 最后还请来了道德模范(安全对齐)来指导


6. 特色小菜:多才多艺显身手

- 看图说故事?小菜一碟!
- 看视频写影评?不在话下!
- 听歌识曲还能唱两句?简直就是KTV麦霸!


7. 实力派:考试成绩单亮瞎眼

- 大学入学考试(MMLU):87.3分(满分100)
- 程序员面试(HumanEval):89分(满分100)
- 奥数比赛(GSM8K):96.8分(满分100)
- 长篇小说阅读理解(QuALITY):95.2分(满分100)


8. 安全第一:AI界的"保安队长"

Meta的厨师们深知"枪支弹药不能乱放"的道理。他们给辣妈3号配了个24小时保镖团队(Llama Guard),防止她不小心说错话或做错事。还时不时安排几次"道德考试",确保她不会变成"终结者"。

9. 开源盛宴:人人都能当大厨!


10. 未来展望:更上一层楼

- 也许是会跳舞的辣妈4号?
- 或者会画画的辣妈5号?
- 搞不好哪天就冒出个会写交响乐的辣妈6号!





下面才是中规中矩、非常忠实的另外几个LLM论文摘要,出自头部大模型,角度和风格略有不同,可以对比着快速浏览,获得辣妈3的基本信息 。我核对过,觉得比人类写得好。


Meta最新推出的Llama 3系列基础模型,旨在支持多语言任务、编程、推理和工具使用,其旗舰模型拥有4050亿参数,上下文窗口可达128K tokens。本文将深入探讨Llama 3的模型架构、训练过程、性能评估、多模态扩展、数据处理与质量控制、复杂性管理以及安全性等方面。


Llama 3采用了标准的密集Transformer架构,而非混合专家模型,以最大化训练稳定性。模型训练分为三个主要阶段:

  1. 初始预训练:使用大规模多语言文本语料库进行预训练,模型在此阶段学习语言结构和大量知识。初始上下文长度为8K tokens。
  2. 长上下文预训练:逐步增加上下文长度至128K tokens,以支持更长的输入和输出。
  3. 退火:对高质量数据进行上采样,并采用Polyak平均化方法生成最终预训练模型。


Llama 3的数据处理过程极其严格,包括大规模文本语料库清理、去重和过滤,以确保数据的高质量。具体步骤包括:

  1. PII和安全过滤:过滤掉可能包含个人可识别信息(PII)和不安全内容的网站数据。
  2. 文本提取和清理:使用自定义解析器从HTML内容中提取高质量文本,并保留数学和代码内容的结构。
  3. 去重:在URL、文档和行级别上进行多轮去重。
  4. 启发式过滤:通过启发式方法去除低质量文档、异常值和重复内容。
  5. 模型质量过滤:使用模型分类器对数据进行进一步的质量筛选,确保训练语料库的高质量。



Llama 3在多个基准数据集上进行了评估,包括多语言理解、编程、推理等任务。其旗舰模型在多个关键基准上的性能接近甚至超过了GPT-4。具体来说:

  • 多语言能力:支持至少八种语言的问答和指令执行。
  • 编程能力:能够编写高质量代码,并在HumanEval等编程基准上表现优异。
  • 推理能力:在ARC Challenge等推理基准上表现出色。
  • 长上下文任务:在某些任务上表现优异,如QuALITY达到95.2%。
  • 多语言任务(MGSM):与顶级模型持平。


Llama 3还进行了多模态扩展实验,整合了图像、视频和语音的识别能力。这些模型通过组合方法进行训练,显示出与当前最先进模型在图像、视频和语音任务上的竞争力。


Llama 3在设计上做出了一些简化以管理复杂性,如采用标准的密集Transformer模型架构,而非混合专家模型,从而最大限度地提高训练的稳定性。此外,Llama 3引入了Llama Guard 3模型,用于输入和输出的安全性过滤,并在训练过程中实施多轮安全措施,以确保模型的安全性和可靠性。


Llama 3的所有模型将在更新的Llama 3社区许可证下公开发布,包括预训练和后训练版本的4050亿参数语言模型。通过公开发布旗舰模型,Meta希望推动研究社区的创新,并加速通向人工通用智能(AGI)的负责任发展。


Llama 3展示了在多语言、编程、推理和工具使用等方面的显著改进。通过优化数据质量和多样性、扩大训练规模以及简化模型架构,Llama 3在多个关键基准上达到了或接近了当前最先进模型的性能。Llama 3的公开发布将对AI研究社区产生深远影响,并加速AGI的负责任发展。



现代人工智能系统的基础是基础模型。本综述介绍了Meta推出的新一代基础模型集——Llama 3。Llama 3是一组支持多语言、编程、推理和工具使用的语言模型,其最大模型包含4050亿参数,并支持最多128K的上下文窗口。本论文对Llama 3进行了广泛的实证评估,结果显示其在多种任务上的性能与当前领先的语言模型如GPT-4相当。


Llama 3采用标准的稠密Transformer架构,并在数据质量和多样性以及训练规模上进行了显著改进。模型分为三个主要阶段进行训练:

  1. 初始预训练:使用大规模多语言文本语料库对模型进行预训练,模型在此阶段学习语言结构并获得大量知识。初始上下文长度为8K tokens。
  2. 长上下文预训练:在初始预训练后,通过逐步增加上下文长度进行进一步预训练,最终支持128K tokens的上下文窗口。
  3. 退火:在最后的退火阶段,对高质量数据进行上采样,并采用Polyak平均化方法生成最终预训练模型。

Llama 3在设计上做出了一些简化以管理复杂性,如采用标准的稠密Transformer模型架构,而非混合专家模型,从而最大限度地提高训练的稳定性。后训练阶段采用相对简单的程序:监督微调(SFT)、拒绝抽样(RS)和直接偏好优化(DPO)。


Llama 3的模型被评估在多个基准数据集上,包括多语言理解、编程、推理等任务。其旗舰模型在多个关键基准上的性能接近甚至超过了GPT-4,具体表现如下:

  • 多语言能力:Llama 3支持至少八种语言的问答和指令执行,包括英语、德语、法语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、印地语、西班牙语和泰语。
  • 编程能力:能够编写高质量代码,并在HumanEval等编程基准上表现优异。
  • 推理能力:在ARC Challenge等推理基准上表现出色。
  • 长上下文任务:在某些任务上表现优异,如QuALITY达到95.2%。
  • 多语言任务:在MGSM测试中,405B模型达到91.6%,与顶级模型持平。

Llama 3还进行了多模态扩展实验,整合了图像、视频和语音的识别能力。这些模型通过组合方法进行训练,显示出与当前最先进模型在图像、视频和语音任务上的竞争力。


Llama 3的数据处理过程包括大规模的文本语料库清理、去重和过滤,以确保数据的高质量。具体步骤包括:

  1. PII和安全过滤:过滤掉可能包含个人可识别信息(PII)和不安全内容的网站数据。
  2. 文本提取和清理:使用自定义解析器从HTML内容中提取高质量文本,并保留数学和代码内容的结构。
  3. 去重:在URL、文档和行级别上进行多轮去重。
  4. 启发式过滤:通过启发式方法去除低质量文档、异常值和重复内容。
  5. 模型质量过滤:使用模型分类器对数据进行进一步的质量筛选,确保训练语料库的高质量。


Llama 3在设计上做出了一些简化以管理复杂性,如采用标准的稠密Transformer模型架构,而非混合专家模型,从而最大限度地提高训练的稳定性。通过优化数据质量和多样性、扩大训练规模以及简化模型架构,Llama 3在多个关键基准上达到了或接近了当前最先进模型的性能。


Llama 3引入了Llama Guard 3模型,用于输入和输出的安全性过滤。该模型在训练过程中实施多轮安全措施,以确保模型的安全性和可靠性。


Llama 3的训练在Meta的生产集群上进行,使用多达16,000个H100 GPUs,每个GPU具有80GB的高带宽内存,功率为700W。存储系统使用Tectonic分布式文件系统,提供240PB的存储空间,支持每秒2TB的持续数据处理能力,峰值可达7TB/秒。网络方面,使用RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) 和Nvidia Quantum2 Infiniband fabric。


Llama 3的后训练和对齐过程包括:

  1. 监督微调(SFT):使用人类反馈数据训练奖励模型,然后用于指导模型生成。
  2. 直接偏好优化(DPO):进一步对齐模型,使其更符合人类偏好。



Llama 3的所有模型将在更新的Llama 3社区许可证下公开发布,包括预训练和后训练版本的4050亿参数语言模型。通过公开发布旗舰模型,Meta希望推动研究社区的创新,并加速通向人工通用智能(AGI)的负责任发展。


总体而言,Llama 3展示了在多语言、编程、推理和工具使用等方面的显著改进。通过优化数据质量和多样性、扩大训练规模以及简化模型架构,Llama 3在多个关键基准上达到了或接近了当前最先进模型的性能。通过公开发布如此大规模的模型,Meta展现了其推动开放、负责任的AI发展的决心,这可能会对整个AI领域产生深远影响。


本文详细介绍了Meta推出的基础语言模型Llama 3。Llama 3是一组支持多语言、编程、推理和工具使用等多种任务的模型,其最大模型具有405B参数和128K token的上下文窗口。

Llama 3的开发基于数据、规模和复杂性管理三大关键支柱。在数据方面,其预训练数据量达约15T多语言tokens,远超Llama 2的1.8T tokens,并进行了严格的数据清洗和质量控制,包括PII和安全过滤、文本提取和清理、多轮去重、启发式过滤以及模型质量过滤等,数据混合比例为约50%通用知识、25%数学和推理、17%代码、8%多语言内容。

在规模上,旗舰语言模型使用3.8 × 10^25 FLOPs进行预训练,规模远大于以前的Llama模型。在管理复杂性方面,采用标准的密集Transformer架构和相对简单的后训练程序,如监督微调(SFT)、拒绝采样(RS)和直接偏好优化(DPO),以最大化训练稳定性。

Llama 3在多个基准数据集上进行了广泛评估,包括多语言理解、编程、推理等任务。其旗舰模型在许多任务上的表现与GPT - 4等领先语言模型相当或接近,在帮助性和无害性之间取得了更好的平衡。例如,在MMLU、HumanEval、GSM8K、QuALITY、MGSM等基准测试中表现出色。

此外,Llama 3还进行了多模态扩展实验,通过组合方法整合图像、视频和语音的识别能力。图像编码器在大量图像 - 文本对上训练,语音模块进行了自训练并与语言模型对齐,视频 - 文本数据也进行了对齐实验。这些模型仍在积极开发中,尚未准备好发布。

Llama 3的训练基础设施强大,使用多达16K个H100 GPUs,采用4D并行策略和专门的网络拓扑及负载均衡策略。训练过程中面临硬件挑战,但通过自动化系统和专门工具解决。在预训练和后训练阶段都实施了严格的安全措施,开发了Llama Guard系统级安全解决方案,并进行了广泛的红队测试和风险评估。

Meta公开发布了Llama 3模型,包括405B参数版本,这可能会推动AI研究社区的创新,加速负责任的AGI开发。未来可能会进一步提升模型能力,如改进多模态集成和扩展上下文长度,同时持续改进数据质量和模型规模。总的来说,Llama 3强调了数据质量、计算规模和复杂性管理在开发高质量基础模型中的重要性,其算法策略求稳务实,通过一丝不苟的数据收集清洗工作保证了模型质量。


What did Ilya see? -- secret behind success of LLMs

What did Ilya see?

-- looking closely into his historical Berkeley talk

by Wei Li, Jia Gao


When Ilya Sutskever left OpenAI and re-emerged with his new company, SSI (Safe Superintelligence Inc.), the move was both surprising and expected—he bypassed AGI and directly aimed at SSI (Safe Superintelligence). He confidently declared: Superintelligence is imminent, and establishing safe superintelligence (SSI) is the most important technological issue of our time.

Ilya, a legend in the field of deep learning and AI, and the former true soul of OpenAI, was at the center of the dramatic internal shift, addressing the issue—effective acceleration versus super alignment. Why was Ilya so steadfast about "super alignment" amid the underlying AI values and strategic path debate? Even after the storm settled, the outside world continued to speculate: what did Ilya see that compelled him to join the board in making the decision to oust CEO Sam Altman? Ilya remained hidden until recently, when he left OpenAI, leading to the dissolution of his super alignment team and the creation of his new company.

What did he see behind the push for "safe intelligence"?

Back on October 3, 2023, Ilya gave a talk at UC Berkeley titled "A Theory of Unsupervised Learning." Though obscure and known to few, it is destined to be one of the most significant moments in AI history. This talk was a theoretical reflection and summary by a top expert in deep learning on the GPT model he pioneered, now famous worldwide. Ilya revealed the core principles of large models and vividly described his obsession with, and excitement over, independently understanding the mechanisms of unsupervised learning. Despite the complexity, the talk was brilliant and enlightening.

Until recently, Leopold Aschenbrenner, a former member of his super alignment team, published a 165-page article, "Situation Awareness," preliminarily revealing the shock and concerns within OpenAI over the exponential evolution of GPT models. This partly answered the question of what Ilya saw, but Ilya himself remained silent until his official re-emergence not long ago.

Reflecting on his "confessional" talk at Berkeley, we might glimpse his "moment of enlightenment" when facing potential superintelligence and understand his original intent for safe intelligence. It was a rare deep sharing by Ilya, attempting to convey essential message to the world. But did the world hear him?

1. Machine Learning: Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning

To accommodate readers with varying mathematical backgrounds, this blog aims to explain Ilya's historical presentation in an accessible language. Purely technical explanations can be skipped by non-technical readers without affecting the understanding of the presentation's main ideas.

Before diving in, let's review the basic concepts of machine learning. Machine learning is like having computers as students and humans as teachers. By providing computers with numerous "practice problems" and "answer keys," they slowly learn to solve problems. This is supervised learning. But can computers really learn from practice problems instead of merely memorizing them? Ilya assures us there's theoretical proof of this.

Imagine a sea of problems before you, each paired with a standard answer. This is the model's training data. Model training is like diligently solving these problems until most of them are correct, meaning low training error. But even an extensive problem set has its limits. When new problems arise, can the model still get them right? These new problems are the test data, akin to exams. Whether the model performs well depends on its test error rate.

Mathematics tells us that as long as the problem set is large enough, far exceeding the model's size, excellent performance on training problems (low training error) ensures good performance on test problems (low testing error). In other words, if the model trains well, it will do well in exams! This is the mathematical guarantee for supervised learning.

However, if the model merely memorizes without extraction, no matter how large its memory or how strong its "memory power," it lacks real adaptive learning ability (called "generalization ability"). Only when the model isn't too smart, it will be forced to extract the essence (called "compression"), learning real skills from the problem set.

This explains why the model size shouldn't be too large, to avoid giving the model too much room to cut corners. In short, Ilya wants to say that "big labeled data + low training error" is the winning formula for supervised learning, guaranteed by mathematics. This point has been confirmed both theoretically and practically. Since the deep learning revolution 12 years ago, countless successful cases have shown that as long as the training data is sufficient, neural networks can excel, at all sorts of AI tasks, from recognizing cats and dogs to machine translation.

But what about unsupervised learning? Can computers learn intelligence from a problem set without standard answers? It sounds far-fetched, but Ilya is about to explain how he managed to seek a solid mathematical foundation for unsupervised learning as well.

2. Distribution Matching: A New Approach to Unsupervised Learning

Everyone knows that machine translation was a typical win of supervised learning, in fact, the only win among various NLP tasks (such as dialogue, information extraction, sentiment analysis,  question answering, docuent understanding, etc.) prior to the large language model's era. Why? Because we have a vast amount of historical bilingual data. It's like students having workbooks with English on the left and Chinese on the right—supervised learning thrives on this setup.

But what if the teacher suddenly stops providing aligned bilingual data and only gives you English books and unrelated Chinese books, leaving you to figure out how to align and learn automatic translation? That's the problem unsupervised learning needs to solve. Ilya says unsupervised learning can also handle various language machine translations (which we've seen today with large models—specialized translation software is no longer needed), and even any input-to-output transformation tasks. What's the catch?

Ilya discovered a new approach called distribution matching. Essentially, if the English and Chinese book collections are large enough, containing various sentence structures, their linguistic regularities will be learned "without supervision". For example, the context distribution of "I/me/my" in English should correspond to "我" in Chinese; adjectives near nouns in English with semantic compatibility should have a similar pattern in Chinese, etc. This provides the basic condition for potential language alignment.

Ilya points out that if two languages' native data is sufficiently rich, the input in one language can almost uniquely determine the equivalent translation in the other language. This principle applies not only to machine translation but also to tasks like speech recognition and image recognition.

Ilya independently discovered this approach in 2015, fascinated by the underlying mathematical principle—compression theory. If we can find a method that maximally compresses both English and Chinese data, this approach will capture the common patterns of the two languages, which form the basis of translation.

So, Ilya proposes that unsupervised learning is essentially about finding the optimal data compression method. This perspective not only sounds cool but also provides a mathematical explanation for the effectiveness of unsupervised learning. Although real-world tasks are not idealized, this principle gives unsupervised learning a solid theoretical foundation, making it as convincing as supervised learning.

Next, Ilya will delve deeper into the mathematical principles behind it. Although somewhat abstract, he promises it’s full of insights. We'll see how he uses the magic of compression to explain the mysteries of unsupervised learning.

3. Ilya’s Ultimate Theory: From Conditional Modeling to Joint Modeling

This is the final and most intriguing slide of Ilya's talk, worthy of thorough analysis and contemplation. The goal of unsupervised learning is often defined as "learning the internal structure of data." Ilya suggests understanding unsupervised learning from the perspective of data compression: a good unsupervised learning algorithm should maximally compress the data, representing its content in the simplest form. This introduces the concept of Kolmogorov complexity.

The Kolmogorov complexity of a data object is the length of the shortest computer program that can fully describe this object. You can imagine this shortest program as a "compressed package" containing all the information needed to reconstruct the original data. From this perspective, the goal of unsupervised learning is to find the optimal compressed representation of the data, which is the Kolmogorov complexity.

The Kolmogorov complexity of a data object is the length of the shortest computer program that can fully describe this object. Imagine this shortest program as a "compressed package" containing all the information needed to reconstruct the original data. From this perspective, the goal of unsupervised learning is to find the optimal compressed representation of the data, which is the Kolmogorov complexity.

However, in practice, we often need to handle multiple related datasets. For instance, in machine translation, we have the source language dataset X and the target language dataset Y. We want to learn a model that can translate sentences from X to Y (or vice versa). Traditionally, this is viewed as a conditional probability problem: given X, what is the probability distribution of Y? Represented in terms of Kolmogorov complexity, this involves finding K(Y|X), the shortest description length of Y given X.

Ilya proposes a different approach. Instead of viewing X and Y as condition and result, like in supervised learning, he suggests viewing them as a whole and compressing them together within a massive model. Essentially, we seek the joint Kolmogorov complexity K(X,Y), the shortest program length that compresses both X and Y simultaneously. This approach must fully utilize the correlation between X and Y, using information in X to automatically align Y (or vice versa), much like how we use our native language knowledge to understand and remember foreign language expressions.

Ilya believes this joint compression idea is the true power of unsupervised learning. Real-world data is often interconnected, with numerous deep common patterns and regularities. If unsupervised learning can discover and utilize these regularities, it can significantly enhance learning efficiency and generalization ability. This explains the remarkable performance of large language models like GPT across various tasks: through massive unsupervised pretraining, they learn the deep regularities of the training data, and these regularities are transferable across related datasets.

Although Kolmogorov complexity is theoretically uncomputable, Ilya believes we can approximate this process using deep neural networks (like GPT). Through optimization algorithms such as gradient descent, neural networks can find the optimal compressed representation in massive data, capturing the essence of the data and its alignment patterns, even if not strictly in terms of Kolmogorov complexity.

Thus, Ilya’s theory can be seen as a new paradigm for unsupervised learning, elevating traditional independent modeling (like separate models for English and Chinese) to a unified associative modeling approach. In this paradigm, the goal of unsupervised learning is no longer just compressing individual datasets but finding the connections between them. This cross-modality learning represents an advanced form of artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Now, let’s closely examine this final slide. In it, X represents dataset 1 and Y represents dataset 2. The key point is extracting every bit of information from X (or Y) to help predict Y (or X). This is what Ilya refers to when he says training X and Y together yields the effect that unsupervised learning of X helps accomplish the task of transforming X to Y.

The crucial idea is: K(Y|X) becomes K(X, Y).

Ilya transforms the universally applicable functional AI task of "input X conditions output Y" into an approximate solving problem by jointly training X and Y without modal segmentation. This joint training approach is effectively the current multimodal unified training, abbreviated as K(X, Y).

Ilya aims to strengthen the theoretical basis, emphasizing his surprising discovery that self-learning of X has a strong predictive effect on Y.

The essence of unsupervised self-learning is that the self-learning of X is to compress X, and the self-learning of Y is to compress Y. This is straightforward because the essence of self-learning is involves only positive examples, without negative samples. Unsupervised self-learning lacks a specific task orientation; it learns language from language, images from images, music from music, and so on, continually abstracting various patterns from phenomena.

Ilya points out in the slide: conditioning on a dataset, not an example. The compression object is the dataset, not individual data points, which is crucial. This distinction separates superficial compression from content compression. Superficial compression is merely a mechanical process that does not produce intelligence. Only content compression can achieve artificial intelligence.

How do we understand the difference and connection between superficial lossless compression (e.g., digital music) and content lossless compression (e.g., Suno)? Compressing a specific song losslessly aims to ensure it can be restored to its original musical form (including noise and imperfections). This is traditional music compression, targeting individual sample, e.g., a specific song. Compressing a collection of music, whether using GPT or Diffusion, targets a group of samples, resulting in a large model like Suno.

When individual objects turn into group objects, formal compression naturally transforms into content compression. This is because, although the group comprises individuals, compressing the group is like "painting" a portrait of the group, outlining its characteristics. It may resemble an individual, but it is not a specific individual in the original data; otherwise, it would not be a model but a memory repository.

This is understandable because the purpose of large model compression is to identify the characteristics and regularities of the dataset. The text generated by GPT-4 might seem familiar; the music generated by Suno might sound familiar; the videos generated by Sora might look familiar; the images generated by MJ might seem familiar. However, they are virtual individuals "restored" based on prompts, abstracted or compressed from big data: derived from data, higher than data, mingling with data, indistinguishable from real and fake.

Given that the compression object is the entire dataset content, how do we measure its effectiveness after decompression? What is the gold standard?

This standard is each sample itself. However, this is not entirely accurate; the standard could have equivalent answers, as the same content can have various ways of expressions. The implementation method is "masking", and NTP simply masks the next token. Training involves calculating the loss for each sample, using backpropagation with gradient descent to adjust parameters continually, eventually lowering the loss in the group training of the dataset to an acceptable point, forming the large model.

This final slide and Ilya’s explanation emphasize a core point: Conditional Kolmogorov complexity K(Y|X) provides a theoretically optimal solution for unsupervised learning. K(Y|X) is defined as the length of the shortest program that produces the output dataset Y given access to the input dataset X. It represents the theoretical limit of extracting all valuable information from X to predict Y. An algorithm that can achieve K(Y|X) would be the best for predicting Y using unlabeled data X.

This can be seen as the theoretical basis for large models performing various language translations. Each language is potentially X and potentially Y. After self-learning with an huge amount of data, LLMs learn the relationships between languages, possessing the potential to translate from X to Y.

In practice, the machine translation task, like other tasks, initially involves few-shot examples in instruction-following fine-tuning to define the task, ultimately triggering the internal power of large models to translate various languages. This internal power of unsupervised learning for various tasks is the theme of his talk.

However, K(Y|X) is uncomputable in practice. Ilya proposes a feasible alternative, using joint Kolmogorov complexity K(X,Y) (joint compression of X and Y). He believes K(X,Y) can achieve the same effect as K(Y|X) in practical machine learning tasks.

Let us stop and think again: conditional modeling is now replaced by sequence modeling by Ilya. The widely known probability simplification in traditional machine learning, such as the Markov chain, has a similar effect.


Ilya's historic presentation at Berkeley on the theory of unsupervised learning reveals the secret behind the mainstream of self-learning large models, especially GPT. It seems that Ilya, after long contemplation, finally disclosed this "heavenly secret" in a cryptic manner at Berkeley. Although the theory and its proof appear complex, it is crucial for understanding why GPT's sequence learning method ("next token prediction") has become a universal simulator for AI tasks.

Ilya exudes a genius prophet aura, with a lonely invincibility and high-altitude isolation, blending a sense of deep realization, compassion, and the pure, focused, and idealistic earnestness of a graduate student nerd.

He claims to prefer compression but does not emphasize so-called lossless compression. He leaves room for himself and the mainstream, proposing the concept of "no regret"—though GPT may not achieve lossless or perfect compression, it theoretically proves there is no better way: GPT is the closest to lossless, "no-regret" modeling.

When Ilya officially re-emerges to establish SSI, emphasizing a single focus, a single goal, and a single product—to use technology to ensure the superintelligence brought by large models is safe for humanity—he asserts: AI will be eternal, its birth akin to the creation of heaven and earth. As Ilya passionately discusses AI's progress, he is most qualified to declare and lead the "exciting yet dangerous journey towards AGI."


Chinese full-length post

Ilya's presentation:

Related Links:

Ilya Sutskever:你会 bet against AI 吗?

挥刀董事会,OpenAI 如何解决致命难题


为什么说 Sora 是世界的模拟器?



这是最近一篇论文的题目。ICML 2024:“Case-Based or Rule-Based: How Do Transformers Do the Math?” 第一作者为来自北京大学物理学院、即将加入人工智能研究院读博的胡逸。有点意思。

论文第一个结论是,llm 学不到真正的推理规则,只能通过相似案例学到有限泛化。人学到的推理规则是可以 外推的(extrapolation) , 而相似案例的有限泛化却只能做内插(intrapolation)。无法外推,所以训练集没有类似案例的区域就成了盲区。
这个实验是在 gpt2 上做的。可以理解为什么第一个实验必须在 gpt 2 上做,因为他可以控制训练数据,制造数据真空,来验证有没有逻辑推理带来的外推能力。但这种GPT2这样规模的“大”模型没有出现的能力,并不表明真正的大模型就不会“涌现”。

论文后来的实验是在比GPT2大得多的 “辣妈” 上做的,似乎得出一个相左的结论。结论是,如果模型足够大,只需要少量的任务微调,llm 就学会了接近规则推理的效果。在长整数加法上的表现,表明模型不仅会内插,在外推上也表现很好。


谈谈我的看法。从序列学习的方式上看,数据驱动的模型学习是以 case based 的归纳(也叫压缩)作为起点和主干的,这个没有疑问。问题是,case based 的学习,到了一定的程度和量级的时候,是不是会非常逼近 rule-based 的学习。承认后者就是承认了大模型具有某种逻辑推理能力。大模型具有初步的逻辑推理能力这一点在大模型主流社区中本来不是问题,而是默契的共识,大模型测试的一个重要维度就是逻辑推理能力。但在更大的范围内(非主流圈子以及普罗大众),一直还是作为疑问存在的。

一个有意义的视角是看泛化中外推的理解。对于非解析的、没有对应符号规则的现象,外推本质上是不可计算的,也就是只能碰运气了。出路只有收集相关数据,把盲区带入雷达屏,化外推为内插。但是对于有解析解的高度规则化的数据分布,外推能力是泛化学习的自然期望,达不到期望就说明llm只是一个鹦鹉。达到了期望, 就说明 llm 跳过了鹦鹉的门槛,学会了某种推理规则。现在看来,头部大模型是跨越了这个门槛,继续拿鹦鹉学舌来比况大模型,彰显的是人类盲目的狂妄自大。
前不久引起关注的一项关于KAN模型的研究中,KAN 的 AI for science 实验,其实已经展示了模型如何数据驱动去逼近解析解,等于是把模型学习逻辑推理的内部过程图示化了,非常生动 ,有相当的说服力。当然,KAN的实验表明对于简单的解析解,数据驱动可以逼近符号规则,但并不轻易就得出符号规则。实验中是加入了人为的剪枝等操作才得出了数据背后的符号规则。

与此对照,深度学习大佬杨立昆却坚决否认GPT有逻辑推理能力。杨立昆语录: AGI is a complete nonsense;GPT is a deadend,等等。矫枉过正反潮流,把话说死,并不是坏事。但轻信他,也可能就被带进沟里去了。






Ode to Madam Hu

July 1, 2024 at 1:50 PM

[verse 1]
In Suzhou's June, beneath a scorching sky,
A madman's blade flashed, evil drawing nigh.
Mother and child cried out in desperate fear,
Their screams of anguish piercing far and near.

With verse we mourn, our grief in words conveyed,
A hero's tribute, never to fade.

[verse 2]
Before the school bus, Madam Hu stood tall,
Her gentle hands became a shield for all.
No tiger-wrestler she, no dragon-slayer,
But love unbounded made her their savior.

With verse we mourn, our grief in words conveyed,
A hero's tribute, never to fade.

[verse 3]
Her blood stained red the soil of Jiangnan,
White clouds and grieving grass bore witness, wan.
Though snuffed, her candle's light forever gleams,
Like brave Feng Yuan of old, her courage beams.

With verse we mourn, our grief in words conveyed,
A hero's tribute, never to fade.

[verse 4]
Why must the kind so often suffer woe?
When will justice's path smooth waters show?
We question Heaven, tears fall like the rain,
In silence seek life's meaning through our pain.

With verse we mourn, our grief in words conveyed,
A hero's tribute, never to fade.

[verse 5]
Madam Hu's name shall echo through the years,
Half-masted flags, a nation draped in tears.
Her love, transcending life and death's divide,
One selfless act, as sun and moon abide.

With verse we mourn, our grief in words conveyed,
A hero's tribute, never to fade.

[verse 6]
Rest now in peace, return to native ground,
Let not your family grieve, all hearts are bound.
In old Wu Gate, by Suzhou's storied streams,
We offer flowers and wine to honor dreams.

With verse we mourn, our grief in words conveyed,
A hero's tribute, never to fade.






4.35 05/03 CHI:/ [email protected] 尼克讲解大模型的理论渊源与奥秘 复制此链接,打开Dou音搜索,直接观看视频!






让我们来认识一下这位留着圣诞老人般白胡子的数学怪才——Ray Solomonoff!1926年出生,2009年离世,这位在芝加哥大学混学位的数学物理双料高手,可不是普通的学霸。他是独立研究的先驱,用数学公式预测未来,比算命先生还厉害!


现在我们来看看AI界的'前传'!在达特茅斯会议这场AI盛宴前,麦卡锡大佬就在偷偷摸摸写'剧本'啦!他的文章《The inversion of functions defined by Turing machines》可不是在讲怎么把图灵机倒过来用。这篇'天书'其实在讨论如何设计一台超级解题机器。麦卡锡想象中的这台神机,能解决所有明确定义的智力问题。这不就是AI的雏形吗?"






1964年,所罗门诺夫发表了一篇惊世骇俗的论文,名为《归纳推理的形式理论》。这篇论文堪称 AI 领域的“武林秘籍”,详细介绍了如何用数学语言来描述归纳推理。简单来说,就是从数据中学习规律,预测未来!这篇论文可是 所罗门诺夫归纳推理的“扛鼎之作”,奠定了他在机器学习领域的江湖地位。
Solomonoff 的这篇论文第二部分给出了归纳推理的形式理论在不同问题上的应用示例。其中一个例子就是语法发现,即如何从观测到的语言数据中学习语言的语法规则。这个例子在今天看来,就是语言学习的问题,即机器如何像人类一样学习语言。所罗门诺夫 在论文中还探讨了一个更深层次的问题:语言是否等于思维?这个问题至今仍然没有明确的答案,但所罗门诺夫的研究为我们思考这个问题提供了一个新的视角。


Kolmogorov K氏叠加定理 (K-A-N): 该定理与著名的希尔伯特第13问题有关,涉及到函数的表示与逼近。
K氏复杂度: 这是一种衡量信息复杂性的方法。它将一个对象的复杂度定义为生成该对象的最短程序的长度。

数数派: 就像掷骰子,看某个点数出现的次数。
搭积木派: 关注积木块的数量和怎么组合。
写程序派: 把信息看成程序,越短的程序越简单。

蔡廷年少有为,18岁就在IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers上发表了第一篇论文。19岁时,他在JACM上发表的论文独立地重新发现了所罗门诺夫和柯尔莫哥洛夫的思想。
定理1: 即NP-完全性,即Cook-Levin定理,为计算复杂性理论的发展做出了重要贡献。
定理2: 是柯尔莫哥洛夫复杂性的一个推广。

Charles Bennett提出了逻辑深度的概念,它考虑了生成一个对象所需的最短程序的运行时间。大语言模型的参数可以看作是模型内部存储的信息量。因此,将模型参数比作柯氏复杂度是合理的。大语言模型的推理时间比作逻辑深度也是合理的。
李明是滑铁卢大学的杰出教授,在信息论和生物信息学领域做出了卓越贡献。他将K氏复杂性从单个序列扩展到两个序列,不仅可以测量单个序列内的信息,还可以测量两个序列之间的信息,这对通用大模型定义万能任务及其非监督学习完成各种任务意义重大。他与Paul Vitanyi合著的《An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications》被认为是该领域的经典著作,对信息科学的发展产生了深远影响。
Marcus Hutter是一位物理学家出身的计算机科学家,他提出了AIXI通用人工智能框架,并认为语言建模本质上就是压缩。他将所罗门诺夫归纳用于解释智能体和强化学习,认为学习过程就是压缩过程,并致力于研究通用人工智能。
Open AI 前灵魂人物伊利亚在伯克利演讲中,揭示监督学习与非监督或曰自监督学习的联系。伊利亚声称他在2016年独立想到了所有监督学习可以被归约为自监督学习的观点,并追溯到K氏复杂度为基础的压缩理论。伊利亚笃信简单的自回归GPT模型可以在超大数据展现超级智能。
总结一下,所罗门诺夫归纳第一步是收集观察数据。第二步形成假设解释数据: 假设可以是一个图灵机或一个数据驱动的大模型。第三步进行实验验证。如果数据证伪,则返回步骤2形成新的假设。








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简介一下 first:

Moravec悖论是由机器人专家汉斯·莫拉维克(Hans Moravec)在20世纪80年代提出的一个观察,指出了人工智能领域中的一个有趣现象:高水平的推理需要相对较少的计算资源,而低水平的感知和运动技能则需要大量的计算资源。这意味着计算机和机器人在处理复杂逻辑和数学问题时相对容易,而在执行诸如行走、抓取和视觉识别等基本感知和运动任务时却非常困难。


高水平推理 vs. 低水平感知和运动技能:






下棋 vs. 走路:计算机程序可以打败世界上最好的选手,但要让一个机器人在复杂的现实环境中稳定地行走仍然是一个巨大的挑战。

逻辑推理 vs. 抓取物体:逻辑推理问题可以通过算法高效解决,而让机器人精确地抓取和操纵不同形状和材质的物体仍然需要复杂的感知和控制算法。


1. 既然低水平的感知和运动技能是亿万年进化的结果,成为动物和人的遗传本能,后天只是激发出来了这种能力。

那么 LeCun 以动物和人总是在语言能力之前,先“学”会了这些能力作为理由,批判LLM对于多模态的干扰和“投机取巧”,就不是很有说服力。因为模型并没有进化出来的遗传基因作为基础。模型唯一可以利用的是LLM里面的认知知识(包括感知常识的语言描述)。

2. 虚拟机器人(LLM)可以轻易做很多高级白领工作,但人形机器人却对蓝领低级工作的模仿非常笨拙,这是大家都看到的事实。


3. 视觉识别以前是模型的短板,人和动物的强项。



4. 具身机器人的外推能力怎么来呢

我们知道,机器人以前的建模都是非常“内向”的,在厨房环境建立的模型,换到了办公室环境就不行,必须一切重来,重新准备场景数据,重新训练。厨房环境的数据 “外推” 到办公室环境的能力,可不可以做到?

可以的。在大模型的架构下,这早已不是幻想。可行性可以从半年多前的谷歌 RT-2 机器人的项目表现看到端倪。

道理就是大模型虽然没有遗传的基因,也没有目标场景(厨房场景)的数据, 但办公室环境的数据 finetune 出来的大模型能力,是有希望迁移(外推)到其他的环境(例如办公室环境),因为LLM 某种意义上起的作用就是生物进化得到的先验遗传。



模型训练的讨论中,常常提到 interpolation(内推)与 extrapolation(外推)两个术语,可以说说。

大家都知道,在数据驱动的主流学习过程中,内推需要的是在训练数据的边界内“泛化”能力,善于信息压缩的深度学习训练是内推的利器。但外推(extrapolation)就没见有长于此道的算法或模型。实际上,外推与数据驱动是直接矛盾的,by nature 就是无解的,因此很可能这就是个伪问题,根本就不该对外推抱有幻想。当然,从鲁棒性角度,外推现象出现的时候,应该有个合理的应对,至少要做到模型不死机,至于外推的精度,主要是看运气,而非模型的内功可以发力。




但加强外推,理论上还有 “先验知识” 和 “模型结构复杂化” 两个路子可能有点帮助,而数据本身的短板,除了数据,没有它途:就是说把对于“无人区”的外推问题,转化为收集相关数据,让外推变成内推。

模型结构复杂化在历史上是帮助了训练的“外推”能力的,如果原来的简单模型有自身的结构性局限。我们都知道,AI历史上,非线性问题在简单的单层神经网络的模型里是无解的,无论给出多少训练数据(这其实是早期神经网络的命门:单层神经无法解决 XOR 的现象)。但到了多层+非线性转换,就有解了。这其实是深度学习神经革命的最基本的立足点。这其实反映了当本质上是多维的数据被挤压在低维空间的时候,简单模型是无法跨越维度去找patterns的,相当于外推遇到了墙壁。模型复杂化就是开拓了多维空间,供训练施展。

至于“先验”对于外推的作用,我们从 Alpha-Zero 利用 self- play 再生数据可以看到效果。self-play 的好处是有游戏规则等先验知识,因此它所产生的数据,可以是在先验知识条件下的未见过的“外推”数据。



鲁为民:我的理解是如果用数学语言来描述, 给定一个数据集,如果一个数据 sample 在该数据集的 Convex Hull 是内插,在Convex Hull 之外是外推。所以 Nick 说的证伪也还应该是内插,但科学革命要看革命到什么程度。

所以内插问题基本是可解的问题。从这个意义上来说 NTP 都是内插 (不过 Sonomonoff 说的下一个符号预测是外推,定义和这个不一样)。










鲁为民:所以像 Embedding 这样试图将离散问题近似为连续问题,将问题简化到利用目前的手段可解。另外通过概率方法,也可将离散问题连续化 ...

立委:如果某数据的本性就是完全随机(布朗运动?) 不存在任何有效的压缩。外与内如何区分?区分又有何意义?


立委:这类数据本性是不可计算的,但在谜底泄漏之前,只要给数据 模型(or 图灵机)就一定在计算。它在计算或压缩什么呢?

又因为所给的数据一定是有限的,这有限的数据一定会被“误读” 而且一定形成某种内外之别。不完全归纳/回归??数据驱动的方法 其实不知道 也不可能知道背后的真相。

立委:离散符号的 embedding 比起 1 hot 是降维 降维克服了数据稀疏的挑战 从而为压缩创造条件。但从传统的符号逻辑 用人为的非常有限的离散 features (例如词类与子类)来表示离散符号来看, embedding 是在增加维度。但除了 embedding 还有更好的办法 与上帝对话吗 ?embedding 的维度数,本来就具有任意性、可配置。

白硕:理论上离散的NP完全问题对应的人造数据也都可以“嵌入”连续空间。连续方法对求解有好处吗?@Nick Zhang(尼克)


白硕:用1 hot那种嵌入。能不能找到结构相似性?比如对变元做一个permutation不变的SAT问题。














在Anthropic 的 Claude 3 和 谷歌 Gemini 赶上 GPT4 以后,就不断有人希望 Open AI 放出它的 GPT5 的大招来,但传说中的 5 迟迟不来,于是有人怀疑,scaling law 是不是失效了,大模型是不是进入了平台期。

这个怀疑有一定的道理,因为GPT路线上的 scaling law 不过是个经验“法则”,虽然说,it never fails us,so far,但谁也不敢保证它永远有效。遇到瓶颈不是不可能的。


文章开始有个奇怪的递减结论的依据。在一个 100 scale 的性能上,达到 80 以后,绝对递升减缓不是一个宇宙真理吗?怎么就成了马库斯眼中的递减论的批评依据呢?我们对 “更大力出更大奇迹” 的 scaling 期望,主要是要补齐那些目前能力的空白 和 短板,最终实现 “在所有职能任务上,模型都可以达到或超过人类水平” 的 AGI 理想。因此,合理评价大模型更新换代是不是走在agi的路上,应该细致分析空白与短板,而不是用那些已经达到 接近 或超过人类水平的指标上。 也许 gpt5 确实遇到平台期或过不去的瓶颈 (我们其实不知道),但这种论证方式显得多么不靠谱。



多媒体方向的进步,虽然水到渠成,但其实速度很快,无论Sora的发布,还是前两天Open AI 和谷歌的全双工、实时、流式、能看能听能说、甚至能逗哏捧哏、打情骂俏的超写实助理的发布,其表现和速度实际上超出我们多数人的预期,完全不像是模型进入平台期的景象。



从大模型本身的健康来看,多模态也是绕不过去的关,认知智能只有借助感知智能(进而结合具身智能从数字世界进入物理世界),才能算是真正落地(grounding),获得数字世界 ——或跳出数字空间获得物理世界—— 的意义。

在这一点上,LeCun 在 AGI 中特别强调感知智能是有其道理的。但LeCun过分纠结于感知和认知训练的次序了:他坚持感知智能先行,要排除语言模型的认知的“投机取巧”和对感知智能的“干扰”,淡化或无视认知智能对于感知智能的知识迁移作用,这是具体路线之争,不是特别有说服力的。

LeCun 说过: GPT 不如我家的一条狗。



so what?

对不如一条狗的LLM,我们也不能因此否认它比1000个教授和博士都更博学。LLM 可以与物理学家讨论暗物质,与语言学家谈乔姆斯基层次结构,与任何专家谈任何问题。而且所谈的并不是人们想象的那么无知和胡说,虽然里面 here and there 确实有幻觉和臆测。

切身体会是,如果你作为专家保持一种探究问题的心态和对于幻觉警惕的 alert,你会发现与它交谈比与很多中等水平的同行讨论,更有意思,或受启发。ta 看的书实在太多,而且也本性上学到了融会贯通,而不仅仅是死记答案:学到了语言,也相当程度上,学到了知识。


不管怎样,AI 因为有了马库斯和LeCun这些“持不同政见者”,而更加丰富多彩。但我们也没必要被他们蛊惑。



甜甜听到我的 piano ballad,问:are u ok, Dad?

我说,if you are blue, what you do is play piano.
我也想 play,但可惜我不会。所以,I made a piano ballad

她说,I see, 但她没想到这是 AI 歌曲。

甜有很高的音乐素养,以前一直看不起AIGC,主要是她觉得她看到的AIGC内容在似像不像之间,所谓“恐怖谷”效应,感觉 weird,但这次说,这一首的确不像是AI的,与人类艺术家产出无异。

我说,there will be more and more AIGC beyond our imagination

human like or super human like ...

我说我在公园转,循环听了这首不知道多少遍,还没有烦。谁说 AIGC 出不来可循环听放的曲子?

当连听三个 sad, 很难不泪眼模糊:人生本来就有无尽的不可承受之重。




昨天,听李飞飞 Ted 演讲,她确实是个演讲高手。谈她刚下场要做的初创,做所谓“空间智能”,就是视觉 3D,也许加“具身智能”,当前的热门。





这个意义上,超级对齐不仅是杞人忧天,而且是要做上帝,或替上帝操心。太把自己当回事儿了。伊利亚、马斯克,无不如此,自以为超人。马斯克准备投巨资要移民火星 说是为文明买一张保险。但巨额保费谁出?打着人类的名义,本质上还是人类买单,哪怕这是从他个人的超级利润拿出来的。这其实没有道理。尤其是在还有疾病、饥饿和无数本来可以避免的痛苦的世界。




Unified Models Surpass Single-modal Models  (Gemini Notes 2/8)

by Zhi-Fei Li, Gao Jia, Wei Li, from "Brother Fei on AI"


Multi-modal Large Unified Models Finally Surpass Specific Single-modal Models  

Humans perceive, cognize, and generate emotions and consciousness through the integration of multiple senses. Gemini is also practicing this approach, processing multiple modal inputs, integrating them in the brain, and then expressing through various modal outputs. This comprehensive "simulation" of human intelligence by such models is rapidly evolving.

Previously, multi-modal model training resembled a system composed of separate eyes, ears, arms, and brains, lacking strong coordination. However, the direction represented by Gemini feels significantly different: it's as if the large model has become a complete digital person, where hands, eyes, brain, and mouth work in harmonious silicon unity. Gemini is the first true end-to-end multi-modal system.

In the past, models optimized for a single modality usually outperformed those handling multiple modalities simultaneously. The common practice was single-modality model training. Even GPT-4 primarily "concatenates" different modalities into an overarching framework, rather than being a unified multi-modal model.

The exciting aspect of Gemini is that it was designed from the start as a native multi-modal architecture. The training process interweaves various modal data from the beginning. If previous large models were like attaching sensory organs or mechanical arms to a brain externally, Gemini is like growing its own eyes, ears, and arms internally, allowing for fluid and natural interaction.

Whether in terms of model architecture, training process, or final output, Gemini achieves a seamlessly integrated multi-modal experience.

For the first time, Gemini demonstrates that a unified model can handle all modalities, and perform even better than models focused on a single modality! For example, compared to the Whisper model, which is optimized for voice recognition, Gemini shows a significant improvement in accuracy.

This signifies the dawn of the era of unified multi-modal models.


In fact, Gemini is not the first model to demonstrate that different modalities can mutually enhance performance. This was also evident in PaLM-E, where "PaLM-E, trained across different domains including general vision-language tasks at internet scale, showed a marked improvement in performance compared to models performing single tasks in robotics."

Another example of modalities enhancing each other is the multilingual processing ability of large language models. If we consider different languages as distinct "modalities," the practice of large language models has proven that processing native data of all languages together (through tokenization and embedding) managed to lead to the successful construction of a human language tower of Babel.

The overwhelming amount of English data in the training of large language models also benefits the model's understanding and generation of languages with limited data, reaffirming the transfer of linguistic knowledge. It's akin to a person skilled in tennis also being able to improve their abilities in squash or golf through related skills.

Since the rise of large models in February this year, many have gradually embraced the belief that "unified multi-modal models will surpass single-modality models." However, this belief hadn't been confirmed on a large scale until Google's Gemini showcased the prospects of this belief, reshaping and solidifying it for many.

In the future, specialized models for tasks like voice recognition or machine translation may become less significant. Many generative tasks such as TTS and image generation are also likely to be unified under large models. Some may complain about the high cost and slow speed of large unified models, but these are purely technical challenges. In practice, we can distill unified models to specific modalities or scenarios.

We firmly believe that unified cross-modal large models will become the mainstream pathway to achieving AGI.

Furthermore, "modalities" are not just sound, images, videos, etc. Olfactory, gustatory, tactile, temperature, and humidity sensors are also different modalities for gathering environmental information, all of which can in time be encompassed by unified models.

Ultimately, various modalities are merely carriers of "information." They are a form of rendering, a presentation style, a means for an intelligent entity to interact with the physical world. In the eyes of a unified model, all modalities internally can be represented by unified multi-dimensional vectors, enabling cross-modal knowledge transfer and the intersection, alignment, fusion, and reasoning of information.

When the barriers between modalities are breached, revealing the core beneath various renderings, we see the origin of cognition — language.




(Gemini Notes Series to be continued)


Original from:

关于 Google Gemini 的八点启示

by Zhi-Fei Li, Gao Jia, Wei Li, from "Brother Fei on AI"

Cross-modal Knowledge Transfer of Large Models Proven (Gemini Notes 1/8)

by Zhi-Fei Li, Gao Jia, Wei Li, from "Brother Fei on AI"


In 1948, inspired by psychiatric patients, British doctor Ross Ashby invented a peculiar machine called the "Homeostat." He proclaimed that this device, costing about 50 pounds, was "the closest thing to an artificial brain ever designed by mankind." The Homeostat utilized four bomb control switch gear devices from the British Royal Air Force, used during World War II, as its base. Above these were four cubic aluminum boxes, with the only visible moving parts being four small magnetic needles on top of the boxes, swaying like compass needles in a small trough of water.

When the machine was activated, the needles moved in response to the electric current from the aluminum boxes. The four magnetic needles were always in a sensitive and fragile state of balance. The sole purpose of the Homeostat was to keep the needles centered, maintaining a "comfortable" state for the machine.

Ashby experimented with various methods to make the machine "uncomfortable," such as reversing the polarity of the electrical connections or the direction of the needles. However, the machine always found ways to adapt to the new state and re-center the needles. Ashby described the machine as "actively" resisting any disturbances to its balance through synaptic action, performing "coordinated activities" to regain equilibrium.

Ashby believed that one day, such a "primitive device" could evolve into an artificial brain more powerful than any human, capable of solving the world's most complex and challenging problems.

Despite Ashby's lack of knowledge about today's AGI evolution and the laughable idea of using four small magnetic needles as sensors for intelligence, his Homeostat fundamentally challenged everyone's understanding of "intelligence" - isn't intelligence the ability to absorb information from the environment in various modalities, and to modify behavior and responses based on feedback?

From the peculiar "Homeostat" to today, 75 years later, Google's Gemini, which claims to have surpassed human multi-modal task processing abilities, accelerates towards the evolution of billions of years of carbon-based intelligence through the injection of multi-modal native big data.

The acceleration speed of machine intelligence evolution today far exceeds our imagination. A year ago, OpenAI overturned Google's long-established AI position with its 'brute force aesthetic,' having constructed the Babel Tower of human languages. A year later, Google countered with Gemini, via a 'fight fire with fire' approach to building the first unified cross-modal model, setting another milestone in AGI evolution.

Despite initial skepticism over exaggerated video demos upon Gemini's release, it's undeniable that the dawn of a unified multi-modal approach is shining. What capabilities does Gemini confirm? How will Google's wheels of fate turn? Is time a friend to OpenAI or Google? What does multi-modality mean for Agents and embodied intelligence? Are the foundations for the emergence of AGI with consciousness already in place? How should we view the implications of Gemini for the AI future?


Cross-modal Knowledge Transfer of Large Models Proven Again

For humans, the ability to transfer knowledge across various domains and through different timespaces is more important than merely learning skills. If machines can master cross-modal knowledge transfer, they edge closer to "intelligence generality."
In July this year, Google introduced RT-2, a robotic system based on large models, sparking hope for general-purpose robots.  The system's robotic arm, leveraging the "common sense" of language models, demonstrated the ability to "pick up an extinct animal from a table," moving from common sense reasoning to robotic execution, showcasing cross-modal knowledge transfer. 
In December, the introduction of Gemini by this tech giant reaffirmed the cross-modal knowledge transfer capability of large models: the "common sense" of language models could be transferred to the training of other non-linguistic modalities added later. Language models are known to form the foundation of cognitive intelligence, and the most basic form of cognitive intelligence is "common sense."  Without common sense empowerment, the practical application of large multi-modal models would be challenging.  Gemini smoothly transfers this "common sense" to downstream multi-modal tasks.  Like RT-2, it achieves cross-modal integration through the transfer of text-derived knowledge — Gemini can connect ontology concepts to the understanding of auditory and visual objects, and eventually link them with action, forming an intelligent system ready for real world application. 
From the perspective of model training, compared to language models trained with massive internet data, downstream models (like robotic models) can be trained with very limited data through knowledge transfer.  This transfer-based training manages to address the long-standing issue of data scarcity in downstream applications.  For instance, to achieve the effects shown in the video (which raised doubts about Gemini's video comprehension or picture comprehension but did not affect the discussion on cross-modal knowledge transfer here), Gemini first needs some ontological knowledge — it understands the concept of a duck, knows the usual color of ducks, and what blue is. When it sees a "blue duck," it reacts similarly to humans, expressing the "common sense" that "blue ducks are uncommon." 
Gemini, through auditory and visual perception, identifies that the material of the blue duck is rubber and knows that rubber's density is less than water's. Based on this common sense and reasoning, when it hears a squeaking sound, it can predict that "the blue duck can float on water." 
From RT-2 to Gemini, we've moved to the "fusion" of multi-modal perceptual intelligence and cognitive intelligence. We've transitioned from isolated "five senses" modules of eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and body to a unified digital "human". 
Doesn't this imply that on the path to simulating human intelligence, the unified model is the right approach? 




(Gemini Notes Series to be continued)


Original from:

关于 Google Gemini 的八点启示

by Zhi-Fei Li, Gao Jia, Wei Li, from "Brother Fei on AI"


作者 | 高佳   李维
创意 | 李志飞

在 RT-2 和 Gemini 中,以语言为基础的认知智能始终是人类知识模拟的核心,其中常识及其推理的知识迁移起到了关键作用。例如在 RT-2 中,反映语言模态的数据量和参数规模都远远大于下游的图片和动作模态的规模。
这一点做到了,就凸显了语言模型对AGI的最大贡献,因为它真正体现了研究人员对语言大模型的初心和定位——作为 Foundation ModelCore Engine.

关于 Google Gemini 的八点启示





立委按: 生活比戏剧更戏剧, 虚拟比现实更现实; Turbo 比 GPT 更 GPT, AI 比智能更智能,是为AGI。


### OpenAI 剧情回顾:硅谷戏剧全纪录

#### 第一幕:引火 - 山姆·奥特曼被解雇

故事始 于 OpenAI 董事会一个突然且有争议的举动:CEO 山姆·奥特曼的意外解雇。此举在硅谷引发了轩然大波,标志着一场前所未有的公司戏剧的开幕。

- **亮点**:董事会指责奥特曼在与董事会的沟通中缺乏坦诚,这一指控后来成为争议的核心。
- **关键人物**:山姆·奥特曼,因引领 OpenAI 进入新领域而闻名,现在却突然被驱逐,为接下来的剧情奠定了基础。

#### 第二幕:后果与反抗


- **亮点**:近500名员工威胁离职,除非董事会辞职并恢复奥特曼和联合创始人格雷格·布罗克曼的职位。
- **关键人物**:联合创始人兼前总裁格雷格·布罗克曼成为反抗董事会决定的象征。

#### 第三幕:伊利亚的后悔与公开信

在一个出人意料的转折中,被指责策划奥特曼出局的 OpenAI 首席技术官伊利亚·苏茨克维公开表达了他的后悔。这一认错为这场戏剧增添了新的复杂层次。

- **亮点**:伊利亚在社交媒体上的公开后悔和他参与的要求董事会辞职的公开信。
- **关键人物**:伊利亚·苏茨克维的角色从被指责的策划者转变为悔恨的关键人物,寻求修复 OpenAI 内部的裂痕。

#### 第四幕:董事会的困境与新任 CEO

在巨大的压力下,董事会发现自己处于十字路口。与此同时,新任 CEO Emmett Shear 被任命,标志着 OpenAI 可能的发展方向转变。

- **亮点**:Emmett Shear 的任命和他对 AI 发展的保守态度,与奥特曼的激进增长战略形成鲜明对比。
- **关键人物**:Emmett Shear,作为一股可能稳定混乱局势的力量,代表了 OpenAI 的新篇章。

#### 第五幕:转投微软与 OpenAI 的未来


- **亮点**:微软成为主要角色,吸收了 OpenAI 的人才,可能重新定义 AI 领域的格局。
- **关键人物**:山姆·奥特曼转投微软,被视为一种战略高招,可能改变 AI 发展的未来轨迹。

#### 终幕:持续进行的剧情

这场戏剧暂时告一段落,OpenAI 正处于关键时刻。它的领导层、发展方向和核心理念都处于变动之中,这些事件的影响继续在科技界波及。

- **回顾**:从奥特曼被解雇到现在,OpenAI 的剧情回顾了权力斗争、意识形态和硅谷 AI 领域未来的集中展现。
- **关键收获**:这一事件证明了领导尖端 AI 组织的复杂性,技术抱负与人类动态和企业权力游戏交织在一起。

*这一综合回顾作为对 OpenAI 持续戏剧的闪回,突出了塑造这一硅谷历史非凡章节的关键时刻和人物。*


### OpenAI 动荡剧情:双语剧本

#### 第一幕:疑云初起 / Act 1: The Beginning of Doubts

**场景**:OpenAI 办公室,员工们围坐讨论。
**Scene**: OpenAI office, employees gathered in discussion.

- **员工甲**(激动):「你们听说了吗?Sam 被解雇了!」
- **Employee A** (Excited): "Have you heard? Sam has been fired!"
- **员工乙**(震惊):「怎么可能!Sam 是我们的灵魂人物!」
- **Employee B** (Shocked): "How is that possible! Sam is our soul!"
- **员工丙**(沉思):「这背后一定有更复杂的故事。」
- **Employee C** (Thoughtful): "There must be a more complex story behind this."

#### 第二幕:董事会的难题 / Act 2: The Board's Dilemma

**Scene**: The boardroom.

- **董事甲**:「我们必须要有新的领导,Sam 的领导方式不再适合我们。」
- **Director A**: "We need new leadership, Sam's way of leading is no longer suitable for us."
- **董事乙**:「但这样的决定会引起巨大的反响,我们准备好了吗?」
- **Director B**: "But such a decision will cause a huge backlash, are we ready for it?"
- **董事丙**(坚定):「为了公司的未来,我们必须要做出艰难的决定。」
- **Director C** (Firm): "For the future of the company, we must make tough decisions."

#### 第三幕:伊利亚的后悔 / Act 3: Ilya's Regret

**Scene**: Ilya's office, he paces anxiously.

- **伊利亚**(自言自语):「我做错了... 我不应该那样做... 我需要公开道歉。」
- **Ilya** (Muttering to himself): "I did wrong... I shouldn't have done that... I need to apologize publicly."
- **助手**(担忧):「这样会不会引起更大的混乱?」
- **Assistant** (Worried): "Won't this cause even more chaos?"
- **伊利亚**(坚定):「我必须要承担责任。」
- **Ilya** (Determined): "I must take responsibility."

#### 第四幕:员工的反抗 / Act 4: Employees' Revolt

**场景**:OpenAI 大厅,员工们聚集。
**Scene**: OpenAI hall, employees gather.

- **员工甲**:「我们不能接受这样的决定!我们要写一封信给董事会!」
- **Employee A**: "We can't accept such a decision! We need to write a letter to the board!"
- **员工乙**:「对,我们要求他们辞职,要求Sam回来!」
- **Employee B**: "Yes, we demand their resignation and demand Sam's return!"
- **众员工**(齐声):「OpenAI没有我们就是一无是处!」
- **All Employees** (In unison): "OpenAI is nothing without us!"

#### 第五幕:微软的招手 / Act 5: Microsoft's Invitation

**场景**:微软总部,Satya Nadella 与 Sam 和 Greg 会面。
**Scene**: Microsoft Headquarters, Satya Nadella meets with Sam and Greg.

- **Satya**(微笑):「欢迎加入微软,Sam。我们会一起创造不可思议的事物。」
- **Satya** (Smiling): "Welcome

to Microsoft, Sam. Together, we will create incredible things."
- **Sam**:「我很期待这个新的开始,我们会创造新的辉煌。」
- **Sam**: "I look forward to this new beginning, we will create new glories."
- **Greg**:「是的,这是我们的新使命。」
- **Greg**: "Yes, this is our new mission."

#### 第六幕:终幕 / Act 6: The Finale

**场景**:OpenAI 办公室,员工们聚在一起。
**Scene**: OpenAI office, employees come together.

- **员工甲**:「现在怎么办?Sam 和 Greg 都走了。」
- **Employee A**: "What do we do now? Sam and Greg are gone."
- **员工乙**(坚定):「我们必须要继续前进,为了我们的使命。」
- **Employee B** (Resolute): "We must continue to move forward, for our mission."
- **众员工**(齐声):「OpenAI是我们的家,我们会一起度过难关!」
- **All Employees** (In unison): "OpenAI is our home, we will get through this together!"

*本剧本创意基于最近 OpenAI 发生的一系列戏剧性事件,旨在通过对话和场景刻画,双语呈现这个引人入胜的科技界故事。*



《清晨时刻: 每日GPT》可以成为一个专栏,关于 GPTs(GPT Builder / GPT Store / GPTs by Wei Li)似乎每天都有新的进展或体验可以分享。


除了把抱怨当作 bug reports 直接反馈给 GPT Builder,我开始从网上收集鲁迅先生的文集 PDF,填入 local knowledge,并指令它从中学会鲁迅的言谈风格。今天填进去的文集是:

这几乎就是一本鲁迅先生的文学类“全集”了吧,排除了鲁迅先生“硬译”的外国文学译品,以及家长里短的乏味的日记等,觉得是一个合适的 feed,可以让 GPT 聚焦其文学风格。

原文序言:序 言
圆园世纪猿园年代以来,《鲁迅全集》、《鲁迅选集》时有出版。“全集”版本虽不很多,印数却相当可观;“选集” 更是版本繁富,数量浩大;比较起来,只收鲁迅文学作品的全集,却显得较少。许多读者觉得“全集”太大,因为日记、书信、序跋、学术著作,没有纳入他们的必读范围;“选集”又欠精,他们手头需要一部像本书这样的鲁迅文学作品的全集。

把这本文集作为 local knowledge (类似于 GPT-PDF 的 rag) 喂进去,鲁迅先生(大脑具身)的表现会有所改善么?我们试试。

GPT Builder 强调,为了 access (local)knowledge,需要打开内置插件 code interpreter,我在 config 中确认了已经打开。

上传上去后,似乎无需等待时间,就立即开始起作用了(内部快速建立一个类似向量知识库的东西还是其他什么 embedding retrieval 方式?总之都是 OpenAI GPT Builder 平台北部搞定的,不用我们用户操心)。

好,我们来试试效果。(作为小白鼠,先给个警告,鲁迅先生向来以辛辣著名,时评不可能“政治正确” -- 这正是他老人家最厌恶的东西,所以很多人说过,他老人家虽然极受毛主席推崇,但倘若活到1957年,肯定是要打下去的最大右派。)


以上就是他老人家最新的时评。是我请他老人家写的。(群内供研究,不外传,也不必上纲上线,阅后可焚。我想展示的是 AI 的惊人内功。再说一遍,群内都是我熟知的老友,此件务必不外传,不惹麻烦。不合时宜的话语是他的风格,这里的本义只有AI研究。)


到底 AI 做 character,复活古人、名人、思想家、艺术家,是不是一个靠谱的目标?

我们知道,复活名人的外表早已不是问题,蜡像馆就是成功案例。现在我们的2D3D的奇妙元数字人也是栩栩如生。复活声音也不是大的挑战,我们有亚洲AIGC业务最强的魔音工坊,很快都可以搞定。最难复活的还是大脑。而大脑,非 LLM 不可。现在只是一个开始。


character AI 虽然面对 Open AI 平台的碾压,也还是聚集了足够的人气和社区,正在 AI characters 的方向上前进。国内也有几家出海产品,正在尝试进入这个市场。

我已经公开发布我制作的【鲁迅先生(GPT具身)】,有 ChatGPT Plus 注册的朋友都可以在此尝试,欢迎反馈和 bug reports,我的迭代更新会是秒速(只要有反馈,可以做到日迭代,这是因为在“LLM对话驱动编程”的新范式下,现在的 bug reports 可以直接扔给平台,GPT Builder 会实时迭代,无需等待):

个性化精调模型 AIGC 小妹(9)






《朝华之四: 小妹》



个性化精调图片生成实验(3)- AIGC 甜




个性化精调图片生成实验(6): AIGC立委先生

个性化精调模型 AIGC 老哥(7)


个性化精调模型 AIGC 老爸(8)

个性化精调模型 AIGC 小妹(9)


个性化精调模型 AIGC 老爸(8)

半年前,我用过一个图形软件刚推出来的 个性化 fine tune 模型 feature,给老爸老照片做了精调,效果不好(碰运气,有的用户反应说效果很好),出来的形象老爸说不像。这是半年前的图片生成:


现在重新做 fine tune,用的是 SDXL 1.0-finetune,效果似乎明显改善了。

但是,AI 预测人的不同年龄,实际上也是瞎蒙。因为随着岁月增长,人的形象改变有不同的方向,包括疾病、锻炼、营养等因素吧。这是 AI 根据老照片预测的90岁的形象:



人物肖像应该是所有图画中,用生成模型产生作品最难让人满意的了,这是因为人的眼光对人的细微差别特别敏感,尤其是要让本人和亲友感觉很像,这是很难的。现在的 fine tune 水平,大约可以做到每生成四张,能有一张让人觉得像的,或可以接受的。对于特别挑剔的眼光,或者近距离的亲人来说,大约每10张生成能出现一张即便最挑剔的眼光也难以拒绝的作品来,不时还会让人感觉惊喜或震撼。

AIGC 甜甜儿时的尝试中就有一些惊喜,例如下面博文的前面几张肖像:

个性化精调图片生成实验(3)- AIGC 甜




到了亲友和熟人,细微的差别也都能看出不同来。所以,画得像不像很难骗过身边的亲友。俗话说,画鬼容易画人难。这对模型是一个极大的考验,尤其是考虑到生成模型实际上具有以下容易走偏的特征:fine tune 的样本有限,通常在 10-30张之间,与预训练基础大模型完全不成比例。

天然具有随机性的生成模型,其原理是根据预训练的基本模型所学到的人类形象的普遍特征,然后通过少量的 finetune 来逼近一个特定的实体形象。显然共性与个性的样本不成比例。这种情况下,能够迅速从人类的一般形象具像化到一个特定的实体,仅仅是少数几张样本的 trigger,这是一件一年前还难以想象的事情。把一个人的特征抓住,重现出不同场景的形象,做到真假莫辨,要让自己和亲友惊喜、服气,现在基本做到了。如今基础模型的发展及其 fine tune 技术,做到了对结果的可靠性有一定的保障了。

这其实开辟了很大的个人用图的想象空间,因为人的本性都是自我中心(“自我”的延伸也包括自己的亲友)。自拍为什么流行全世界,正是因为符合了人的本性。半年前就见到有修图软件配备了类似的能力,推出了“情侣照”系列,可以让任何 couple 惊喜。


从商业模式来看,订阅式(例如缴纳年费)目前是给你一定量的 credits,每生成一次要用n个credits,以此来控制成本,限制滥用。但随着AIGC产品和服务的内卷和白菜化,不久就会出现类似手机流量公司推出过的 unlimited plan。这样来看 1/4 或 1/10,成本最终也不是问题。何况,随着模型技术的爬升,良品率有望进一步提高。

由于职业关系和技术控的思维定势,我对于业界领先的订阅付费式的AI工具和服务(chat,mj,nightcafe ......) 一律做 early adopters,好与我们的复现或创新工作有所比对。你会发现,AIGC 目前的确让人眼花缭乱,不断在演进。这是一个令人兴奋的技术爆发时代。




个性化精调图片生成实验(3)- AIGC 甜




个性化精调图片生成实验(6): AIGC立委先生

个性化精调模型 AIGC 老哥(7)


个性化精调模型 AIGC 老爸(8)

个性化精调模型 AIGC 小妹(9)