白:S+/N N S/2N,这是一样的。但是,惠格是必选论元,可以置换一个免费额度给萝卜“中国”重用。间宾是正式工作,发工资的,介宾是客串临时工,不发工资的。在中国,不是惠格,没有这个待遇。介宾就是正式工作了。中间代表“中国”的那个N,重用与否,有免费额度与否,区别主要在这儿。这是“服务”的论元结构决定的。
施Shi / 氏S-ro --》S-ro Shi (倒装) 时temp / 时temp --》 tempo-al-tempo;de tempo al tempo 适ven / 市merkat --》 venas merkaton;venas al merkato 十dek / 时hor --》 dek-horon;je la dek horo 逝forlas 世/mond --》 forlasas mondon;forlasas la mondon
Ŝtonoĉambre poemisto S-ro Shi, hobias leonojn, promesas manĝi dek leonojn. S-ro tempo-al-tempe venis merkaton vidi leonojn. Dek horon ĝuste dek leonoj venis merkaton. Tiu-tempe ĝuste S-ro Shi venis merkaton. S-ro vidis tiujn dek leonojn, fidis sagopotencialojn, kauzis tiujn dek leonojn forlasi mondon. S-ro kolektis tiujn dek leonokorpojn, venis ŝtonoĉambron. Ŝtonoĉambro malsekis, S-ro kauzis serviston viŝi ŝtonoĉambron. Ŝtonoĉambro viŝinte, S-ro ekprovis manĝi tiujn dek leonokorpojn. Manĝtempe, ekkonis tiuj dek leonokorpoj faktis dek ŝtonoleonajn korpojn. Provu klarigi tiun aferon.
En la ŝtonoĉambro, la poemisto S-ro Shi hobias leonojn, kaj promesas manĝi dek leonojn. S-ro de tempo al tempo venis al merkato por vidi leonojn. Je la dek horo, ĝuste dek leonoj venis al merkato. Je tiu tempo, ĝuste S-ro Shi venis al la merkato. S-ro vidis tiujn dek leonojn, fidis sagopotencialojn, kaj kauzis tiujn dek leonojn forlasi la mondon. S-ro kolektis tiujn dek leonokorpojn, venis al la ŝtono-ĉambro. La ŝtonoĉambro malsekis, kaj S-ro kauzis serviston viŝi la ŝtonoĉambron. Kiam la ŝtonoĉambro estis viŝinta, S-ro ekmanĝis tiujn dek leonokorpojn. Je la manĝtempo, li ekkonis ke tiuj dek leonokorpoj fakte estas dek ŝtonoleonaj korpoj. Provu klarigi tiun aferon.
En la 石o室o 诗-士o 氏-o 施/NNP,嗜as 狮ojn,kaj 誓as 食i 十/Num 狮ojn。氏o 时时/de tempo al dempo 适is al 市o por 视i 狮ojn。Je 十/Num 时o,适-e 十/Num 狮oj 适is al 市o。Je 是/DT 时o,适e 氏o 施/NNP 适is al la 市o。氏o 视is 是/DT 十/Num 狮ojn,恃is 矢o势ojn,使is 是/DT 十/Num 狮ojn 逝i la 世on。氏o 拾is 是/DT 十/Num 狮o尸ojn,适is al la 石o室o。La 石o室o 湿is,kaj 氏o 使is 侍on 拭i la 石o室on。Kiam la 石o室o estis 拭inta,氏o 始-试is 食i 是/DT 十/Num 狮o尸ojn。Je la 食-时o,始-识is ke 是/DT 十/Num 狮o尸oj,实e estas 十/Num 石o狮aj 尸oj。试u 释i 是/DT 事on。
(En la) ŝtono-ĉambro poemisto S-ro Shi hobias leonojn, (kaj) promesas manĝi dek leonojn. S-ro (de) tempo (al) tempo venis (al) merkato (por) vidi leonojn. (Je la) dek horo, ĝuste dek leonoj venis (al) merkato. (Je) tiu tempo, ĝuste S-ro Shi venis (al la) merkato. S-ro vidis tiujn dek leonojn, fidis sago-potencialojn, (kaj) kauzis tiujn dek leonojn forlasi (la) mondon. S-ro kolektis tiujn dek leono-korpojn, venis (al la) ŝtono-ĉambro. (La) ŝtono-ĉambro malsekis, (kaj) S-ro kauzis serviston viŝi ŝtono-ĉambron. (Kiam la) ŝtono-ĉambro (estis) viŝinta, S-ro ek-manĝis tiujn dek leono-korpojn. (Je la) manĝ-tempo, (li) ek-konis (ke) tiuj dek leono-korpoj fakte (estis) dek ŝtono-leono-korpoj. Provu klarigi tiun aferon.
其中用到的世界语小词是:en (in),la(the),kaj(and),de(from/of),al(to),por(for,in order to),je(at/in/about),dek(10),S-ro(Mr/Sir),tiuj(these), estas (is/am/are), estis(was/were)
perfect+always (same as never1 for backward aspect in contrast to never2 forward, e.g. "never forget class struggle" ) are tense-aspect,VG is its category (V) and phrasal sign (Group, or X one bar).
总之就是用可以枚举的前后缀或小词材料的有限组合,去对 X 做词法句法的加持而已。没有必要再去细分其内部的词法结构。X 哪怕不是 V,也被强制为 VG 了。5gram以内的可以记住的组合,可以一律交给词典标注或词典习得,不必寻找其中的结构规则。
2 短语:VP = Verb Phrase; AP = Adjective Phrase; NP = Noun Phrase; VG = Verb Group; NG = Noun Group; NE = Named Entity; DE = Data Entity; Pred = Predicate; CL = Clause;
3 句法:H = Head; O = Object; S = Subject;M = Modifier; R = Adverbial; (veryR = Intensifier-adverbial;possM = possessive-modifier); NX = Next; CN = Conjoin; sCL = Subject Clause;oCL = Object Clause; mCL = Modifier/Relative Clause; Z = Functional; X = Optional Function
谈心脏病,追问谁的心脏,这不是常人的思维和信息需求。这是一种干扰,干扰了真正需要理解的信息。换句话说,保持不定状态对于有效的语言表达和理解,也许与填坑落地 同样重要。Keep it unspecified as a necessary and natural part of communication, 这就好比大脑。大脑的遗忘与大脑的记忆功能 同样重要。如果一个人一辈子只记忆 不遗忘 想来是非常可怕的。
马老师说,“端到端的(语音输入)翻译有可能性,不过应该是人翻译的”。但那要把两种语言混杂的情况考虑进去,“you cannot” 的英译汉状态 在遇到不可解片段时(beyond 语言模型的某个 thresholds),动态调整到反向的 mei more tai 的汉译英状态。这一直是MT的一个痛点,在同声传译场景更是如此。我们这些中文中喜欢夹杂英语单词的用户,也常常把MT弄晕,错得离谱。但注意到他们有做这方面的努力,如果汉语夹杂特别常见的英文词,如 ok,yes,等,有些系统已经可以对付。
先不说模拟人脑的 parser 如何实现的,说一说人脑怎么 parse 的。人脑大概用的是排除法。另一个结构的解读呈现下列形态:这次 x 是一次 x,这是一句没有信息量的语句(this x is an x)。因为有定(the)或无定(a)的量词结构是很虚的东西,所以上句结构从实体概念看就是: x ISA x,逻辑上的同义重复,基本没有信息。有信息的 ISA 句应该有一个逻辑上的区分量 y(百科全书中概念定义的典型句式):x ISA y x' (x belongs to x'), 譬如:"贪官就是违法乱纪的官员",其中 “违法乱纪” 就是 y.
2 短语:VP = Verb Phrase; AP = Adjective Phrase; NP = Noun Phrase;
VG = Verb Group; NG = Noun Group; NE = Named Entity; DE = Data Entity;
Pred = Predicate; CL = Clause;
3 句法:H = Head; O = Object; S = Subject;M = Modifier; R = Adverbial;
(veryR = Intensifier-Adverbial); NX = Next; CN = Conjoin;
sCL = Subject Clause;oCL = Object Clause; mCL = Modifier/Relative Clause;
Z = Functional; X = Optional Function
2 短语:VP = Verb Phrase; AP = Adjective Phrase; NP = Noun Phrase;
VG = Verb Group; NG = Noun Group; NE = Named Entity; DE = Data Entity;
Pred = Predicate; CL = Clause;
3 句法:H = Head; O = Object; S = Subject;M = Modifier; R = Adverbial;
(veryR = Intensifier-Adverbial); NX = Next; CN = Conjoin;
sCL = Subject Clause;oCL = Object Clause; mCL = Modifier/Relative Clause;
Z = Functional; X = Optional Function
2 短语:VP = Verb Phrase; AP = Adjective Phrase; NP = Noun Phrase;
VG = Verb Group; NG = Noun Group; NE = Named Entity; DE = Data Entity;
Pred = Predicate; CL = Clause;
3 句法:H = Head; O = Object; S = Subject;M = Modifier; R = Adverbial;
(veryR = Intensifier-Adverbial); NX = Next; CN = Conjoin;
sCL = Subject Clause;oCL = Object Clause; mCL = Modifier/Relative Clause;
Z = Functional; X = Optional Function
2 短语:VP = Verb Phrase; AP = Adjective Phrase; NP = Noun Phrase;
VG = Verb Group; NG = Noun Group; NE = Named Entity; DE = Data Entity;
Pred = Predicate; CL = Clause;
3 句法:H = Head; O = Object; S = Subject;M = Modifier; R = Adverbial;
(veryR = Intensifier-Adverbial); NX = Next; CN = Conjoin;
sCL = Subject Clause;oCL = Object Clause; mCL = Modifier/Relative Clause;
Z = Functional; X = Optional Function
2 短语:VP = Verb Phrase; AP = Adjective Phrase; NP = Noun Phrase;
VG = Verb Group; NG = Noun Group; NE = Named Entity; DE = Data Entity;
Pred = Predicate; CL = Clause;
3 句法:H = Head; O = Object; S = Subject;M = Modifier; R = Adverbial;
(veryR = Intensifier-Adverbial); NX = Next; CN = Conjoin;
sCL = Subject Clause;oCL = Object Clause; mCL = Modifier/Relative Clause;
Z = Functional; X = Optional Function
真所谓人算不如天算,看潮起潮落。老友谈养生之道,各种禁忌,颇不以为然,老了就老了,要那么长寿干嘛?最近找到一条长寿的理由,就是,可以看看这个世界怎么加速度变化的。今天见到的发生的许多事情,在 30 年前都是不可想象的:NMT,voice, image, parsing,iPhone,GPS, Tesla, you name it.
White House spokesman Sanders said 14th that TV commentator Codro Larry Kudlow will serve as president of the National Economic Council.
Sanders said in a statement that Trump to Codro as president of the economic policy assistant, as well as the President of the National Economic Council, Codro also accepted, the White House will announce later, Codro time.
Cohn, the president of the National Economic Council, resigned on 6th for not agreeing to Trump's move, announced earlier this month that it would impose tariffs on imported steel and aluminium.
After Cohen resigned, Codro was one of the successors, and in the past year Codro was Trump's unofficial advisor and advisor to Trump during the 2016 presidential election campaign. Trump 13th to the media that he had a high chance of appointing Codro chief economic advisor Cohen to resign casual vacancies. Trump said, "Codro has been my best friend for a while, and he's been my first supporter of my early campaign." He is a very talented person.
” The 70-year-old Codro oversaw the White House administration and Budget Office for 5 years in former President Ronald Reagan. Codro joined the financial media CNBC in 2001 and became a well-known critic and moderator.
Larry Kudlow, a television commentator, will become President of the national economic council, White House spokesman jay sanders said Sunday.
In a statement, Mr. Sanders said he had accepted Mr. Cordelo as an assistant to the President's economic policy and the President of the national economic council. The White House would then announce that Mr. Cordelo took office.
The chairman of the national economic council, Gary Cohn, said he would resign on June 6 after he announced that he would impose tariffs on imported steel and aluminum.
When cohn resigned, he was one of his successors. Over the past year, he has been an informal adviser to trump and an adviser to trump during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Trump told the media on Wednesday that he had a high chance of appointing the resignation of coderot's chief economic adviser, korn/ferry. "He was a good friend for a while," trump said. "he supported me early in my campaign and was one of my first supporters. He is a very talented person.
The 70-year-old has overseen the White House administration and budget office for five years under former President Reagan. Cordelo joined CNBC in 2001 and became a well-known critic and host.
White House spokesman Saunders said on the 14th that television commentator Larry Kudlow will serve as chairman of the National Economic Council.
Saunders pointed out through the statement that Trump had proposed to Cadero as the president’s economic policy assistant and the chairman of the national economic conference. Caldero also accepted it; the White House will later announce the time when Calderon took office.
Trump announced at the beginning of the month that it would impose tariffs on imported steel and aluminum products. Gary Cohn, chairman of the National Economic Council, resigned on the 6th because he did not agree with Trump.
After Keen resigned, Kedlow was one of the candidates for the replacement. In the past year, Kedro was an informal advisor to Trump and a consultant during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.
Trump stated to the media on the 13th that he has a high chance of appointing Kodlow to replace his chief economic advisor. Trump said, “Kadelo has been a friend of mine for some time. He supported me early in my campaign and was one of my initial supporters. He is a very talented person.”
Kodlow, 70, oversees the White House’s Office of Management and Budget for 5 years under former President Reagan. He joined the financial media CNBC in 2001 and later became a famous critic and host.
With the development of productive forces, the team of intellectuals has increased faster than the proletariat, the role of the productive forces leaped to the top, and the Marxist proletarian dictatorship theory in the era of electricity will be outdated. Second, the Bolshevik dictatorship of the proletariat will rapidly evolve into a one-party dictatorship, then become a leader dictatorship.
A society based on deception and violence, in itself, contains self-destructive explosives that, once the truth is revealed, Fall apart immediately.
Third, the "cloth" party will encounter four major crises: Famine crisis, ideological crisis, social economic crisis and collapse crisis, the final regime fell apart, this process may last for decades, but this end can not change. The greatness of the state is not in its territory or even its history, but in its democratic traditions and the living standards of its citizens. As long as citizens are still poor, as long as there is no democracy, the state will not be in turmoil until it collapses.
谷歌: The words of Plekhanov: First, with the development of productive forces, the ranks of intellectuals have grown faster than the proletariat, and they have taken the lead in productivity. In the age of electricity, the Marxist theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat will become obsolete. 2. The dictatorship of the proletariat of the Bolsheviks will rapidly evolve into a one-party dictatorship and will become a dictatorship of leaders. The society based on deception and violence itself contains self-destructive explosives. Once the truth is revealed, it will soon fall apart. Third, the “cloth” party will encounter four major crises in sequence: the famine crisis, the ideological crisis, the socio-economic crisis, and the collapse crisis. The final regime collapsed. This process may last for decades, but no one can change this outcome. Fourth, the greatness of the country does not lie in its territory or even its history. It is the democratic tradition and the standard of living of its citizens. As long as citizens are still living in poverty, as long as there is no democracy, the country cannot guarantee that there will be no turmoil until collapse.
His last words: One, with the development of productive forces, intellectual team increase faster than that of the proletariat, in the role as the first productivity, at the age of electricity of marxism's theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat will be out of date.
The dictatorship of the proletariat of the bolsheviks will quickly turn into a one-party state and become a leadership dictatorship. Society, based on deception and violence, contains self-destructive explosives, and when the truth comes out, it will fall apart.
Three, "cloth" party will, in turn, have four big crisis: hunger crisis, the collapse of the ideology, social and economic crisis and crisis, the regime collapse, this process may last for decades, but the end no one can change.
The greatness of a nation lies not in its territory or even its history, but in its democratic traditions and the living standards of its citizens. As long as the citizens are still poor, as long as there is no democracy, there will be no unrest until the country collapses.
“Draw a moon for the lonely night sky. Draw me under the moon and sing. Draw a large window for the cold house. Draw another bed. Draw a girl with me. Draw another lace bed. Draw a stove and firewood. We were born to live together. Draw a flock of birds around me. Let me draw green ridge and green slope. Picture peace and serenity. The rain fell on the rice fields. There's a rainbow you can touch with your hands. There are stars in the picture that I have decided not to destroy. There are endless smooth paths. The end of the family dream has entered. Picture mother's peaceful pose. There's also an eraser argument. Paint food that is not sad in four seasons. A leisurely person never worries. I didn't wipe out the quarrel eraser. There was only one painting of a lonely pen. The night sky was no longer bright. Only a sad child was singing. Draw a moon for the lonely night sky.”
自然有错译的地方(如 there's also an eraser argument. I didn't wipe out the quarrel eraser),可是总体而言,专业出身的我也不敢说一定能译得更好,除非旬月踟蹰。机器翻译超越业余翻译,已经是不争的事实。