[转载]柏克萊本州生錄取率 降至13.5%
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【立委按】全世界公立大学的大哥大伯克利加大可能是最为国人熟悉的公立美国名校,是很多人的梦想。伯克利加大由于政府补贴的减少(富可敌国的加州,前几年州政府债台高筑,濒于破产,无力顾及教育,教育经费不增反减),财政逐步吃紧,不得不收紧本州招生,扩大外州和国际学生的比例。因为公立大学对于外地学生所收的学费远远高出本地:本州学生在近几年大幅调涨以后的学费才一万二千美元,而外州和国际学生则需缴纳三四万美金(大约比私立大学便宜一万多,美国私立大学的学费本地外地一律四五万美金,唯一不同是,很多助学金的申请不对国际学生开放)。这一改变,外地欢喜本州愁,是国际学生的福音。今年两所最牛的加大名校,加大伯克利(UCB)和加大洛杉矶(UCLA) 本州录取均创下新低。身边就见到很多非常优秀的孩子被拒。
圣荷西水星报 By Katy Murphy
The promise of an elite public university education for California’s top high school students continues to fade as record numbers of qualified in-state applicants are being rejected from every UC campus they applied to.
Admission rates at UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara have plummeted to less than half of what they were in the mid-1990s, a new analysis by this newspaper shows. This year, 11,183 freshman applicants who qualified for UC admission had no offers from their chosen campuses and were referred to UC Merced, the Central Valley campus that opened in 2005.
Some strove mightily and successfully in high school but found their aspirations opened few doors.

Aman Shergill — an A student who juggled an after-school job with a boatload of Advanced Placement classes and extracurricular activities — applied to seven UC campuses and got into one: UC Santa Cruz.
“It was within two weeks that I got all my rejections. It was pretty bad,” the Folsom teen said. “I just thought that with what I had done and all my hard work, I was hoping for a little more.”
Every year, more college-bound Californians feel the sting of rejection as spaces for the state’s college-bound students lag further behind the soaring demand for Cal and other popular UC campuses.
The ease of applying to many campuses online, the relatively low sticker price for in-state students compared to private colleges and population growth have radically changed the outlook for applicants. Growing numbers of out-of-state and international students, who pay nearly three times the tuition and fees, also fuel the competition for a spot in the class.
By Thursday, students must make the difficult decision about where to go in August. UC Berkeley gave thousands of fall applicants another option to consider: Wait until the spring term for a spot, when graduating students free up more space.
The options are more limited than parents and educators from past generations might assume, one expert said.
“Students need to be exposed to the truth,” said Lisa Garcia, director of outreach projects for USC’s Pullias Center for Higher Education. “I tell all my students, even the valedictorians, ‘You can’t just apply to Berkeley and (UCLA) and San Diego and Santa Barbara.’”
Excellent grades, solid SAT scores and a long list of activities these days might not be enough to get you noticed by Cal, which turned away some 20,000 more applicants this year than Stanford, the nation’s most selective campus.
Berkeley’s admitted class, as described in a campus announcement, included national robotics and debate winners, “a ballerina who has danced internationally,” Junior Olympics athletes, a Disney Channel series actor and “musicians, dancers and other artists who have performed at prestigious venues around the world.”
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- 邻家小妞,去了伯克利,第二年就是加州本州学生待遇了。
最近看一个纪录片《Inequality for all》,得知加州伯克利分校是个自由派大本营。
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- 外州生第二年就是本州生学费待遇,(因为成为加州居民),所以还要继续增加外国学生比例,敲外国学生竹杠。