《甜甜花絮:let me break the code》 (154140)
Posted by: liwei999
Date: May 18, 2008 11:26PM今天下午,领导在 Macy's 采购,我等着无聊就开始玩 iPhone. iPhone 可以随时通过 AT&T wireless 上网,但是如果周围有 wireless routers, 就会提示用户先接 router, 因为这样信道应该宽一些。
提示的网是上锁的,我一般遇到上锁的,就 cancel it, 但甜甜兴趣来了,说:Dad, let me break it.
我笑:you are not a hacker.
甜甜固执得很,非要试试,拿过 iPhone, 胡乱敲了一些字母作为口令,失败,再敲,还是失败。
我对甜甜说:you know how many possibilities are there?
甜甜说:I will try various combinations.
我不屑一顾:you may spend the rest of the year trying it without success, that's how small the probability is...
我话音未落,甜甜大叫:I broke it, I broke it, look, Dad...
我一瞅,还真进去了。甜甜仿佛是杀敌归来的大英雄,得意极了:I can be a hacker too, it is fun.
我问:what did you type the third time?
I typed AAAAA.
That's my lucky letter.
Why did you repeat it five times?
That's my lucky number.
我哑口无言,甜得意忘形。我说,I 'll write it down for old buddies. 回家以后,先陪甜甜操场玩tennis一小时,刚吃罢晚饭,甜甜不忘问道:Dad, have you posted the story to Old Buddies?
So I am posting it now.
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《甜甜花絮:let me break the code》 (1150 字节) - liwei999 08-05-18, 11:26PM (154140)
♦ 哈哈哈!有意思。青出于蓝胜于蓝。 (空) - 何人可 08-05-19, 04:27AM (154182)
♦ 请甜甜给找一个lucky number for 乐透mega。。。 (空) - 笑笑 08-05-19, 12:04AM (154150)
◊ 一定中大奖!捐一半到洗脚池。 (空) - shijie 08-05-19, 12:08AM (154151)
♦ yes, i meant it. (22 字节) - 笑笑 08-05-19, 12:13AM (154157)
This is absolutely unbelievable (163468)
Posted by: liwei999
Date: June 28, 2008 07:54PM
It just happened a couple of minutes ago. One of those days again, when Lingdao was shopping at a location of Talbots and we were bored. Tanya was playing with my iPhone.
"Dad", Tanya said with a big smile and pride, "you won't believe it: I broke the code again". She showed the iphone connected to a locked wireless router in store.
"How did you do that?"
"I am an amazing and lucky girl, ain't I?"
"How many times did you try?"
"Twice. The second time I tried it, I got in. I entered some random letters the first time just to warm up. No surprise, I was rejected."
"What did you type the second time, AAAAA or BBBBB?"
"No. I typed asdfg."
"Why asdfg?"
"I got a hunch. I happened to be good at this game". 甜甜得意极了,我真地不得不服,心想,我也甭为她的将来操心了,这孩子太灵气太运气,还用我瞎操心吗?
后来甜甜说:“You know, Dad, what we got is a QWERT keyboard. People are lazy when they set up a password and they simply want a code to be remembered easily. asdfg is just under qwert. Somehow, they always use my lucky number 5. I guess that's my hunch."