Why deep parsing rules instead of deep learning model for sentiment analysis?


(1)    Learning does not work in short messages as short messages do not have enough data points (or keyword density) to support the statistical model trained by machine learning.  Social media is dominated by short messages.

(2)    With long messages, learning can do a fairly good job in coarse-grained sentiment classification of thumbs-up and thumbs-down, but it is not good at decoding the fine-grained sentiment analysis to answer why people like or dislike a topic or brand.  Such fine-grained insights are much more actionable and valuable than the simple classification of thumbs-up and thumbs-down.

We have experimented with and compared  both approaches to validate the above conclusions.  That is why we use deep parsing rules instead of a deep learning model to reach the industry-leading data quality we have for sentiment analysis.

We do use deep learning for other tasks such as logo and image processing.  But for sentiment analysis and information extraction from text, especially in processing social media, the deep parsing approach is a clear leader in data quality.



The mainstream sentiment approach simply breaks in front of social media

Coarse-grained vs. fine-grained sentiment analysis

Deep parsing is the key to natural language understanding 

Automated survey based on social media

Overview of Natural Language Processing

Dr. Wei Li’s English Blog on NLP




立委博士,出门问问大模型团队前工程副总裁,聚焦大模型及其AIGC应用。Netbase前首席科学家10年,期间指挥研发了18种语言的理解和应用系统,鲁棒、线速,scale up to 社会媒体大数据,语义落地到舆情挖掘产品,成为美国NLP工业落地的领跑者。Cymfony前研发副总八年,曾荣获第一届问答系统第一名(TREC-8 QA Track),并赢得17个小企业创新研究的信息抽取项目(PI for 17 SBIRs)。


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