Who we are. Not an ad, but a snapshot.





We are uniquely positioned to help global businesses create real business value from the unprecedented level of growth opportunities presented each day by social media. We have the industry’s fastest and most accurate social analytics platform, strong partnerships with companies like Twitter, DataSift, and Tumblr, and award-winning patented language technology.

We empower brands and agencies to make the smartest business decisions grounded on the deepest and most reliable consumer insights from social. We’ve grown 300 percent year-over-year and excited to see revenue grow by 4,000% since the second quarter of 2012.


We were recently named a top rated social media management platform by software users on TrustRadius and a market leader by G2 Crowd.


“NetBase is one of the strongest global social listening and analytics tools in the market. Their new interface makes customized dashboard creation a breeze.”

- Omri Duek, Coca-Cola

“Data reporting is both broad and detailed, with the ability to drill down from annual data to hourly data. NetBase allows us to have a pulse on the marketplace in just a few minutes.”

- Susie Thomas, VP, Palisades Media Group

“We started with a gen one solution, but then found that we needed to move to a tool with a better accuracy that could support digital strategy and insights research. NetBase satisfied all our needs.”

- Jared Degnan, Director of Digital Strategy

“As one of the first brands to test NetBase Audience 3D for our Mobile App launch, we’ve found that we could engage with our consumers on a deeper, more human level that further drives them to be brand champions.”

- Mihir Minawala, Manager of Social, Industry & Competitive Intelligence, Taco Bell


We work with executives from forward-looking agencies and leading brands across all verticals in over 99 countries. Our customers use NetBase for real-time consumer insights across the organization, from brand and digital marketing, public relations, product management to customer care.


  • March 2003
    Founded by Michael Osofsky at MIT. Later joined by Wei Li, Chief NetBase Scientist
  • July 2009
    P&G, Coca-Cola and Kraft signed as first customers of NetBase
  • January 2014
    Named Best-in-Class By Consumer Goods Technology
  • April 2014
    Launched Brand Live Pulse, the first real-time view of brands’ social movements
  • May 2014
    Celebrated 10 years with 500% customer growth in 3 years
  • January 2015
    AdAge Names 5 NetBase Customers to the Agency A-List
  • March 2015
    Introduced Audience 3D, the first ever 3D view of audiences
  • April 2015
    Raised $33 MM in Series E Round
  • November 2015
    Named Market Leader by G2 Crowd. Earned Top Ratings by Trust Radius


What inspired you to join NetBase?

It was exciting to build the technology that could quickly surface meaningful customer insights at scale. For example, what used to take a day to run a simple analysis now takes just a second. Our platform now analyzes data in “Google time”, yet the depth and breadth of our analysis is exponentially deeper and larger than what you’ll ever get from a Google search.

What are you most proud of at NetBase?

I’m especially proud that we have the industry’s most accurate, deepest, fastest, and more granular text analysis technology. This enables us to gives our customers very actionable insights, unlike other platforms that offer broad sentiment analysis and general trending topics. Plus, NetBase reads 42 languages. Other platforms don’t even come close. We are customer-centric. Our platform truly helps customers quickly identify their priorities and next steps. This is what sets us apart.

What is the next frontier for NetBase?

With the exploding growth of social and mobile data and new social networks emerging, we’ll be working on connecting all these data points to help our customers get even more out of social data. As Chief Scientist, I’m more excited than ever to develop a “recipe” that can work with the world’s languages and further expand our language offerings.


NetBase Solutions, Inc  © 2016

Overview of Natural Language Processing

Dr. Wei Li’s English Blog on NLP



立委博士,出门问问大模型团队前工程副总裁,聚焦大模型及其AIGC应用。Netbase前首席科学家10年,期间指挥研发了18种语言的理解和应用系统,鲁棒、线速,scale up to 社会媒体大数据,语义落地到舆情挖掘产品,成为美国NLP工业落地的领跑者。Cymfony前研发副总八年,曾荣获第一届问答系统第一名(TREC-8 QA Track),并赢得17个小企业创新研究的信息抽取项目(PI for 17 SBIRs)。


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