最新消息:雅虎刚上任两个月的CEO因学历造假即将下台 屏蔽留存


屏蔽已有 3950 次阅读 2012-5-14 01:53 |个人分类:立委随笔|系统分类:博客资讯| 学历, 雅虎

Scott Thompson 雅虎CEO因履历上的电脑学位并非事实遭遇质疑,被迫“因个人原因”下台。
互联网巨头雅虎这几年管理混乱,风雨飘摇,人心涣散,人才大量流失。其创始人及前 CEO 杨致远战线太长,一再失误,空有雄心,回天无力,雅虎股价持续下挫,成为投资人弃之可惜食之无味的鸡肋。董事局好不容易下了决心,请杨致远出局,找到了这个据说能力超强的新CEO,开始了大刀阔斧的裁员和公司重构,却闹出这么个丑闻,使得CEO不得不谢罪下台,雅虎前途是一片黯淡。本来就是个巨大的烂摊子,Scott 的改革也未见得奏效,但不改必死,让一个有经验的执行长改革一下,也许可以死里逃生,也未可知。
据统计,在美国履历造假也是普遍现象,高达近五成。大部分履历造假都得以逃避惩罚,因为雇主很少做真正的背景审查。不过,企业高管的履历造假丑闻引发诚信问题,有损公司信誉,迫使董事局有时不得不忍痛自断其臂。但也有董事局顶住压力,为了公司的最大利益,坚持保住履历有瑕疵者的职位的先例。Bausch & Lomb CEO Ronald Zarrella 就是如此,丑闻以后他被迫让出了一百万的奖金,以平息股东的愤怒,得以保住其位,励精图治,五年以后成功出卖了公司,从而收获了三千万。
A study conducted in 2009 by payroll and HR outsourcing firm ADP found that 46 percent of reference checks turned up discrepancies. If it seems surprising that nearly half of job applicants fudge their credentials in one way or another, another stat explains why: It's really easy to get away with it. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, just under half of companies check to see if job applicants have the degrees they claim to hold. An even smaller percentage verifies that job-seekers actually went to the schools they say they attended. 

Most of these job-seekers obviously aren't CEOs, but Thompson isn't the first chief executive to have a resume that doesn't match up to the facts. RadioShack CEO David Edmondson resigned in 2006 after the Fort Worth Star-Telegram discovered that he hadn't earned the two degrees he claimed. Kenneth Lonchar, CFO of Veritas Software, resigned in 2002 after the company found out he didn't hold the MBA he claimed to have earned. 

These executives don't always leave. When it was discovered in 2002 that Bausch & Lomb CEO Ronald Zarrella hadn't really gotten an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business, he had to give up more than a million dollars in bonus compensation. The longtime company executive got to keep his job, though. Five years later, Zarrella netted nearly $30 million from a private equity takeover of the company. 

The irony is that Thompson's degree didn't really matter when Yahoo hired him, Challenger said. "No company wants someone who's been lying on his or her background, but in terms of job searches for executives, companies don't care much about what they did when they were 22. They care about what they did in the last five or 10 years."

Yahoo is standing behind Thompson, saying in a statement, "This in no way alters the fact that Mr. Thompson is a highly qualified executive with a successful track record leading large consumer technology companies." 



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