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There are two types of command economies. In a strong command economy, such as communism, the state makes all the economic decisions. The state controls all the resources for the common good. The state decides what to produce, how much, and how to distribute it. China, Cuba and many Latin American and African countries have strong command economies.
In a moderate command economy, also called socialism, there is some form of private enterprise. The state owns major resources, such as airlines and steel, and makes the key economic decisions. However, individuals may own some businesses. France and Sweden are countries that have moderate comman economies.
The primary advantages of a command economy is that it guarantees everyone an equal standard of living. The state provides you with a job, a place to live, and health care. Goods and services are distributed evenly. The state also takes care of things like utilities, transportation, and defense. There is usually less crime and poverty because everyone's needs and wants are equally met.
Mixed Economy: A free market economy and a command economy are great ideas in principle but don't always work in practice. In a market economy, there can be great poverty in the midst of great wealth. In a command economy, everyone is economically equal. In reality, few nations have an economy based totally on one model or the other. Most nations have a mixed economy, a combination of a market and command economy. The state takes care of people's needs while the marketplace takes care of people's wants. In the United States, for example, the government provides things like defense and education. The marketplace provides things like cars, computers and fast food. There is some government regulation of business.
【图片新闻: 美国对孩子的爱国教育】: