【社媒挖掘:第一夫人光彩夺目赞誉有加】 隐藏留存


隐藏已有 2364 次阅读 2013-3-25 21:03 |个人分类:社媒挖掘|系统分类:博客资讯| 第一夫人, 彭丽媛









I showed the First Lady's news pictures to my daughter.  Tanya was so intrigued, "Dad, Mom told me that you used to teach First Lady many years ago, is that true?"  "It is true, but that was only a short time, one or two semesters, and it was not her major subject.  As a part-time lecturer, I was teaching Advanced English to graduate students in the music conservatory and she happened to be one in my class.  She was already famous then as a new star for folk songs."  Tanya got excited, "Well, you never know, maybe her English training in graduate school helps her in state visits today.  My Dad is cool."  She continued, "Dad, Mom also told me that you were interpreter for foreign minister when she dated you, is that true?"  "Well, that was largely an accident, only happened once when I substituted some professor to act as interpreter for the former foreign minister and former Chinese congresss vice-chairman Mr. Huang Hua.  Your Mom agreed to date me partially because of her seeing a picture of me interporeting for Mr. Huang.  So I guess I benefited from that 'accident'."  Tanya was amused and felt very proud, "I have the coolest Dad in the world. He was so successful even when he was young, teaching future first lady and interpreting for the then foreign minister.  Wow"  



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8  曾新林 蔣勁松 武夷山 刘洋 周素勤 翟自洋 曹聪 bridgeneer

发表评论评论 (2 个评论)

删除 |赞[2]曹聪   2013-3-31 14:56
Don't know whether the First Lady still remembers you.

删除 |赞[1]蔣勁松   2013-3-25 22:07



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