Professor Ma Claims to Have Fully Unveiled the Mysteries of Neural Networks

Professor Yi Ma’s white-box transformer paper is available here.

Professor Ma is a prominent figure, renowned for his distinctive style and leadership in the field. His name is widely recognized and respected. Of particular interest recently are his critiques of mainstream large models and the bold claims he has made about his own work (see his post in Chinese below).

Recently, at a conference in Shenzhen (which I attended with my own talk too), Professor Ma sharply criticized mainstream large models, Ilya, and Kolmogorov complexity theory, dismissing them as being on the level of high school students and claiming that they lack a true understanding of theoretical concepts. He asserted that he has achieved breakthroughs in both theory and practice, particularly with the white-box Transformer developed by his team. According to him, this model not only demystifies the complexity of large models but also offers an engineering-feasible alternative.

When someone speaks with such confidence, it usually indicates genuine expertise and a commanding presence. Just as Yann LeCun in the U.S. criticized GPT as being inferior to a dog and called it a dead end, proposing his world model as an alternative, China has Professor Ma. Their critiques balance the global discourse, making the world feel less excluding. There is indeed hope that their work might address the "slow thinking" and "interpretability" shortcomings of current mainstream large models and contribute to the overall advancement of AI. Professor Ma’s academic and practical work deserves close study, though we may have to wait for time and peer reviews to fully test and validate their findings.

At the Shenzhen conference, after delivering his talk and sharp critiques, Professor Ma left immediately, likely due to his busy schedule.

The paper is over 100 pages long and is said to be released in a few days. Based on the current outline, the key points are as follows:

Overall, CRATE is similar to a transformer, with two differences:

- In each attention head, the Q, K, and V weight matrices are tied, i.e., set to be equal.
- The nonlinearity following each attention layer is no longer a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) but rather a more structured operator (ISTA) with sparse outputs.

Let's examine ISTA (Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm), a widely used algorithm for solving sparse optimization problems in machine learning. In his  CRATE architecture, ISTA replaces the traditional MLP in Transformers. Not long ago, KAN also introduced innovations aimed at replacing the MLP, both approaches representing surgeries within the Transformer architecture.

In my understanding, ISTA and KAN (for Science/Physics) share a common goal: through regularization or pruning, they ultimately fit a sparse path, thus achieving interpretability.

How it works

ISTA Iteratively approaches the optimal solution of a problem. Each iteration involves two steps: a) a gradient descent step, which aligns with mainstream methods; and b) a soft-thresholding operation. This operation is added to balance two objectives:

a) Maximizing model accuracy;
b) Achieving model sparsity, i.e., simplicity (as overly complex models are difficult for humans to interpret).

The soft-thresholding operation encourages internal elements to become zero, resulting in sparse outputs and increased interpretability. The weight-tied attention mechanism, combined with ISTA, promotes a deeper understanding of the input data structure, resembling a human-like structured analysis process that prioritizes key elements while regularizing the data.

Professor Ma claims that these two modifications naturally lead the model to learn the interpretability associated with human-like structuring and sparsity during supervised learning (and later as claimed successfully applied to self-supervised learning too).

For example, in image recognition, it was observed that certain attention heads correspond to different parts of animals. What's more remarkable is that this correspondence remains consistent across different animals and even different categories of animals. For instance, an attention head focused on the "head" consistently pays attention to the head area when processing different kinds of animals. This consistency suggests that CRATE has learned a general representation of visual features across categories.

However, those studying LLM interpretability have long discovered that at the end of MLP networks, various structured components (such as heads and feet) are also captured by attention mechanisms. Without this, it would be difficult to explain the generalization (or compression) capabilities exhibited by LLMs. The challenge lies in the early stages of the MLP network, where attention is more mixed, and mainstream researcher struggle to clarify what the attentions heads are focusing on. It seems that they are vaguely paying attention to the relationships between basic elements like pixels/dots and lines.

The core idea behind explainable AI is consistent: transforming the tangled, black-box, multi-layer network's internal data fitting paths into structured paths that are enabled with various constraints and pruning, leading to a sparse representation.

Who wouldn’t want a model to be interpretable? However, achieving sparsity and simplicity is extremely challenging, which is why, so far, these approaches have struggled to compete with the black-box methods that involve randomness.

Professor Ma’s confidence stems from the fact that, in the past six months to a year, he has begun to train models using the explainable white-box methods mentioned above, achieving results comparable to traditional transformers. At the Shenzhen conference, he mentioned that while he had always been confident that this was the correct approach, he remained cautious until results were obtained. Now, he believes that his cross-national team’s achievements with this approach have satisfied him enough to announce to the world that he has found a breakthrough in theory as well as practice, the correct method for white-boxing transformers, which could lead to a paradigm shift and a breakthrough in deep learning. This has made him both excited and confident. Therefore, he is no longer content with academic theoretical achievements alone; he feels compelled to take actions in industry as well. Professor Ma has recently founded a company to advance this work on an engineering level. At Shenzhen, he announced a directionally significant project challenging the mainstream, first time under the banner of his new company.

However, based on my years of NLP experience and intuition, I must point out a challenge (or potential issue): Human interpretability is built on a highly simplified finite set. If we consider symbolic features, a feature system with more than thousands of elements becomes incomprehensible to humans. But on the other hand, the number of parameters in transformers and the number of KQVs for attention heads are on a completely different scale. Reducing such complexity on this scale seems almost unimaginable.

KAN for Science succeeded because their target was extremely narrow—certain existing symbolic formulas in physics or potential formulas limited to a few parameters. With such a goal, pruning, along with scientist intervention or feedback, allowed KAN to claim interpretability.

Regardless, Professor Ma seems confident, so we would like to observe how his methods and results evolve and will, or will not, be accepted.



Related Links:

What did Ilya see? -- secret behind success of LLMs




立委博士,出门问问大模型团队前工程副总裁,聚焦大模型及其AIGC应用。Netbase前首席科学家10年,期间指挥研发了18种语言的理解和应用系统,鲁棒、线速,scale up to 社会媒体大数据,语义落地到舆情挖掘产品,成为美国NLP工业落地的领跑者。Cymfony前研发副总八年,曾荣获第一届问答系统第一名(TREC-8 QA Track),并赢得17个小企业创新研究的信息抽取项目(PI for 17 SBIRs)。


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