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辗转兰床独抱衾,起来重读柏舟吟, 明明霜冷人何处,影薄灯残夜自深。 入梦相逢知不易,返魂无术恨难禁。 哀思惟奋酬君愿,报国何时尽此心!
To Fulfill Your Will He Xiangning
Tossing in orchid-scented bed, I hug the thick quilt all alone. Then, rising, I begin to read The devotion poem Bozhou1 again. Cold is the frost, and bright the moon, —But where’d I as a sight of you regain? Shadows grow pale, the wick’s burnt out, Ah, yes, the night has deepened so! Even to meet in drams has not Been easy, this, too, I know. No way your spirit to recall— Hence the irrepressible chagrin. But let my grief itself transcend So that I may fulfill your will: —Devotion of my heart and soul To serve the Country, to defend!
1. Gong Bo, heir to the Duke of Wei (one of the fiefdoms during the Chunqiu Period—8th to 5th century B.C.), died early. His young widow Gong Jiang refused his parents’ order to remarry. She wrote the poem entitled Bozhou to express her unchanged, lasting love for her late husband.
(王知还 译) |