谈不上实锤。进入 auto-pilot 的跟车状态,当然会自动加速或减速,否则怎么叫 auto?这事儿以 recall 多少万辆车的这种方式宣传出来,有点诡异(不知道是不是特斯拉中国团队哪位高参出的主意,来忽悠监管?)。估计是特斯拉根据中国国情做的一种妥协姿态?特斯拉软件通过 OTA(Other-the-air)方式定期更新,是大约每两周就一次的,谈不上传统意义的“召回”,没有硬件召回的成本。但它需要摆一个姿态,我召回了,说明我的软件部分在进入 auto 状态方面确实需要/可以完善。所谓改善,大概就是切入自动驾驶的状态更加显性(增加prompt 或给个铃声啥的?)。此前有些新司机进入了自动驾驶而不自知,对于“正常”的自动加速缺乏心理准备,手忙脚乱确实可能出事故。
如果这叫最大规模召回,那么所有软件产品都在不断召回,尤其是微软和苹果的操作系统,动不动就是亿万电脑的召回。我们的手机隔三差五就打个补丁,来次“悉数召回” lol 有点搞笑。
多方调查都说明所谓失控加速是子虚乌有的事儿,可是辟谣远远赶不上造谣的辐射能力。干脆,我全部召回,够意思了吧。这是被逼糊弄客户和小编。打住。这与语义计算无关。但与语义的语用场景倒是的确有干系。这事儿要是在西方,估计不会用这种 recall 多少万辆的宣传口径,来误导/小看普罗的理解力。
Chang uses the video to clarify the difference between TACC and Autopilot. TACC controlled the vehicle’s speed solely and did not have any warning apart from an icon on the central infotainment screen. Activating it demanded just a tap down on the right lever. Autopilot controls the steering and the speed and demands two taps on the same lever.
The Chinese government demanded Tesla to fix the operation of TACC because it could have a higher speed than the one in which the car was going. If the driver tapped down the right lever by accident—such as in a sharp turn—the vehicle could accelerate and lead to a "misjudgment of vehicle control" and crashes.
我有几次感觉特斯拉失控或者加速的经历作者: 立委日期: 2021/04/24 02:52:46发生在我进入自动跟车状态而不自知的时候。特斯拉有两种 auto pilot 状态,你按下杆一次,进入“自动跟车/巡 航” 状态,但方向盘还在你自己控制下;你按下两次,才进入 auto-steering 状态,既自动跟车,也自动方向盘。
这个问题在 FSD 购买者中也基本消失了 因为汽车在第一种状态时候遇到红灯也会停 不会失控闯红灯了。
等到两万五千的特斯拉模型2明年量产以后再看吧,那会是挡不住的井喷式爆发。中国消费者不傻。中国消费者不傻的一个表现是,一万美金天价的所谓全自动驾驶(FSD,Full Self-Driving)软件,在美国卖得不错(大约四分之一车主选择购买),但在中国就卖不动(才百分之几)。这是精明的,因为那玩意儿性价比不值得。FSD 以外的自带的 auto-pilot 已经解决了最大的驾驶疲劳问题,FSD 现阶段不过是个炫酷的玩具。
譬如 我常开的路段中有两处(一处是家门口连续两个红绿灯的地段,确实是个 corner case,连续两个灯是因 为其中一个赶上了救火车站的出口),目前的系统总是“鬼影刹车”(phantom braking),非常 annoying,但是大数据训练每两周更新一次的系统一直解决不了这个问题。可是我没办法个性化教给机器对这两处针对性处置。
可以想象的解决办法是允许用户做基于地理定位的针对性配置,譬如根据GPS记忆某处的处理方式需要与模型不同。主要是老马压得太紧,很多时候是现在顾不上这些,不是不能实现。例如,高档特斯拉的空气 suspension 系统就可以根据GPS记忆实现用户指定的可调控的高度,增加驾驶舒适度,但 Model 3 和 Y 没有空气悬挂,所以开车很硬,颠簸厉害。
说到特斯拉小三和Y的短板,颠簸绝对算一条。这有个故事。我家特斯拉起名叫 big white (大白)。原来是刚开始买的基本型特斯拉模型3 起名叫 Xiaobai(小白),开了两天觉得颠簸,三天内无条件退换,就去换了辆双马达长续航。其实长得完全一样,尺寸不变,但加了几千块钱,于是叫大白。其实也依然颠簸,开车很硬。好路没感觉,遇到路况不好(加州公路常常失修,路段质量无法恭维),想起来就跟当年学手扶拖拉机驾驶时候的感觉一样。这毛病没治,特斯拉只有豪华版车型 S 和 X 才有空气悬挂,开起来才舒服。但人很奇怪 有心理因素 加了几千块钱 就似乎觉得不那么颠簸了。马斯克本人对此心知肚明,建议顾客不要把轮胎的气放一放,说这样就不会那么硬,瞧,这出的都是什么臭主意:轮胎气不足不仅耗电,降低续航,还有很多其他问题甚至危险。老马曾经一度说要给小三添加空气悬挂,结果回去一合计觉得成本压力太大,自食其言。
人无完人 车无完车。颠簸是短板 瞬时动力就是亮点 跟跑车似的 飙起来风驰电掣。但其实 这过剩的动力平时也不大用得上 开了一辈子老爷车 Toyota 没有飙车的习惯。宁愿它牺牲一些动力 换取更好的悬挂系统。当然 最大的亮点还是自动驾驶 不仅长途省老力气了 而且好玩得很。不过 据说国内小鹏的自动驾驶不比特斯拉差,在国内路段驾驶感觉比特斯拉好很多。还有华为也紧追上来。
Myth: AV software is a singular “AI” that simply learns to drive over time.
Myth: Creating an AV is just a matter of collecting a large amount of data and putting it into a neural net.
Myth: The company with the most data is necessarily in the lead.
Myth: It’s possible to enumerate every situation an AV will ever encounter. Creating an AV is then just a matter of experiencing each possible situation one time and adding it to the data set.
Myth: An AV can only use its sensors, or its map. It cannot use both at the same time. If the sensor input disagrees with the map, it is an irreconcilable problem and the AV can’t work anymore.
Myth: Mapping is extremely expensive (billions of dollars) and/or time-consuming (years).
Myth: If an AV uses a map, then it cannot handle construction zones or other changes.
Myth: If an AV uses a map, then it cannot ever operate in unmapped areas.
Myth: If an AV uses a map, then it’s just a tram running on virtual rails.
Myth: Roads are designed for vision, so other sensor modalities like lidar and radar are useless.
Myth: Lidar uses a huge amount of power.
Myth: Lidar is so power-hungry that it can’t be used on a battery electric vehicle.
Myth: Computer vision is as good as lidar, so lidar is useless.
Myth: Humans drive just fine with two eyeballs, so other sensor modalities (radar and lidar) are useless.
Myth: Once your AV sort of works for a few miles at a time, it’s an easy process to improve it to superhuman reliability. It’s just the March of Nines, which requires nothing but time, or more data.
Myth: If an AV completes a trip without an intervention or disengagement, then it was L4 (or L5) for that trip.
Myth: It is possible for individuals to observe an AV system over the course of their typical personal driving needs and declare the system universally safe.
Myth: The trolley problem is of fundamental importance to the design of AVs.
Myth: AVs can’t work unless we put sensors or beacons in all the roads, and/or make all the cars talk to each other wirelessly.
Myth: Simulations are useless.
Myth: It’s all just a matter of finishing the software.
Myth: Regulations are the only thing holding back AVs.
Myth: Humans have to be sacrificed today in order for an AV system to improve, so it will eventually save lives.
Myth: This is a taxonomy, and not just a litany.