《成长花絮:Hi, I’m Karl Marx》(屏蔽留存)

《成长花絮:Hi, I’m Karl Marx》

屏蔽已有 2458 次阅读 2011-10-14 07:15 |个人分类:成长花絮|系统分类:生活其它| 历史, 马克思, 课堂, 华盛顿

几周前,甜甜世界历史课的项目《与思想家见面:卡尔 马克思》终于完工了,接着是要在课堂上给老师同学讲演。首先,要着装成学者马克思的样子。马克思的形象甜甜很熟悉,还在她很小的时候,她就从我小时候的临摹素描中看到了马恩列斯毛,还有华盛顿(见《成长花絮第一期:学画》)。服装好办,她就穿我的长衫西裤凑合,主要是马克思的大胡子。我陪着孩子转了好几家店铺,她都不满意。幸好由于万圣节将临,湾区临时增加很多化妆店,里面充满了稀奇古怪的服饰、骷髅,当然也有面具和大胡子。最后找到的胡子倒是很像马克思,就是颜色太黑了点儿,印象中马克思是花白胡须的。我安慰甜甜说,这是青年马克思的大胡子,完全没有问题。何况你讲演中的人性主题确实是青年马克思的思想,老年马克思更加激进和革命,远离了人性的主题。

就这样,甜甜上场了,讲得激情昂扬,特别是结句“全世界无产者,联合起来!” 甜甜先是用的德语,然后用英语重复,掷地有声。受到老师的赞许。下面是讲演稿的纲要:
Meeting of the Minds: Karl Marx

Hi, I’m Karl Marx, a middle class, 18th century German scholar, who was born at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when Capitalism was just starting and not yet mature. There were no social welfare programs (such as healthcare or pension) or worker unions, and everything was a class struggle between the rich, Bourgeoisie, and the working class, Proletarians. My theory, Marxism, is about the ultimate government, Communism, in which the property of a society is owned by all members, and peoples’ talents are utilized to their full potential, so that people enjoy their work while working toward the common good. Capitalism is a corrupted system in which the Bourgeoisie have all the power and exploit the Proletarians, while the Proletarians are unfairly treated, wage-earning robots. Even in democracy, when people vote, they are affected by mass media, controlled by the Bourgeoisie. All humans are naturally creative and talented. So I say to you all, everyone is equal. We should overthrow the dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie, "Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt Euch!" Proletarians of the world, unite!


上一篇:《成长花絮: I love me too》
下一篇:《每日一歌: Savage Garden - I knew I loved you》


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