《AI 随笔:从对张医生的综述抄袭指控谈起》


我的角度是AI,得出的结论是,综述抄袭的指控跟不上时代了。随着AI语言模型的进展,不仅是对张医生,对任何人的综述抄袭的指控很快就会无效。 改写别人写好的综述,经过机器变换算自己的,实践中是无法从技术上做抄袭指控的。





把它自动转成 text 如下:

kat6 基因是 MTB 染色体中的一功能区段,虽然 MTB 全基因序列目前尚在研究中,但 katG 基因的结构已很清楚。它的上游相隔 44个碱基与 furA 基因相连51,下游相隔 2794 个碱基与 embC 基因相连,应用 kpnI 限制性内切地MTB INH 教感标准株 8 Rv 进行消化后,得到一个大约 4810bp 的 DNA 片段,它作为开放可读框架存在被分析时,具有高度编码概率价值.KatG 基因就位于该片段的第 1979 - 4201位,全长 2223bp,其中 A428bp,C696bp,C740bp,T359bp,C+C 占64. 6%。将此片段转玉到一个能在 500hg/ml INH 中生长的耻垢分支杆菌 ML, smegmatis) 中,结果使后者获得了对 INH 的敏感性 (MIC为 8- 32hg/ml ),而对其他药物的 MIC 不变,证实了此 DNA 序列确是katG基因,它与 MTB 对 INH 的耐药性至直接相关0加。Cooderill以及lin 等对MTB 的 ATCC25618 株的 katG 基因含圾 2223 个核巷酸,除了第 700 位一个碱基由乌嗓叭取代了胞喀喧【它们的产物均为甘氨酸] 之外,与 RY 株的核苷酸种类和顺序都是一样的,但当他们对MTB 的 HRv-MC 株和 ATCC27294 株进行 kat6 基因分析时,则发现它们与 HRv 株的 katG 基因序列至少存有 16 个破基的差异,因此,在进行 katG 基因的研究,选择 MTB 标准对照柏时,应充分考虑不同菌株间基因差异的可能性, 尽量选用通用的标准析 HRv 株。 在对 katG基因进行分子学检测,尤其名聚合醇馆反应 (PCR ) 或 DNA 杂交检测时,其引物和探针的设计应尽可能地各开 kat6 的变异区域。

kat6 基因的同源性和功能

许多微生物都含有 xatG 基因,它们与 MTB 基因有较高的同源性-Heymiy直等用一个找带着来自 MTBkatG 基因的探针进行杂交分析,,结果 MTB H Rv 株和麻风分支持菌等 6 株分支杆菌均可见有亮度不同的杂交带,应用氨基酸序列分析显示,MTBkatG 基因编码的过氧化氢- 过氧化物酶,与胞内分支杆菌、大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌、和芽孢杆菌属的嗜热脂肪杆菌编码的过氧化所 - 过氧化物酶,其氨基酸残基符合率为 60% 、53. 3% 、45.7% ,与来自啤酒酵母菌的细胞色素 5也有部分同源性,表明 kat6 基因的分布是非常广泛的。Kat0 基因编码产生 hene-conting 酶,也称为过氧化气 - 过氧化物酶,醇分子量为 8000,在细菌的氧化代谢过程中发挥重要作用。虽然 katG 基因广泛存在于其他微生物中,但众所周知,INH 通常只对 MTB 野生株有效,MIC 多在 0. 02hg/ml1; 对绝大多数的其他分支杆菌的效果就......


kat6基因是MTB染色体中的一个功能片段。虽然MTB的整个基因序列仍在研究中,但katG基因的结构已经变得清晰。其上游相隔44个碱基与furA基因51相连,其下游相隔2794个碱基与embC基因相连,用kpnI限制性内切酶MTB INH教义标准菌株8 Rv进行消化后,得到约4810bp的DNA片段,当以开放可读框分析时,编码概率值较高的KatG基因位于该片段的1979-4201位,全长2223bp,其中A428bp,c6996%.将该片段转化为能够在500hg/ml INH生长的耻垢分枝杆菌ML,导致后者获得对INH的敏感性(MIC 8- 32hg/ml),而对其他药物的MIC没有变化,证实该DNA序列确实是katG基因,其与MTB对INH的抗性直接相关。Cooderill和lin等人的MTB ATCC 25618株的katG基因含有2223个核酸,除了700位的核苷酸被Wusangpa取代(他们的产物是甘氨酸)外,核苷酸类型和序列与RY株相同。然而,当他们分析MTB HRv-MC株和ATCC27294株的kat6基因时,发现它们与HRv株的katG基因序列至少有16个片段差异。因此,在研究katG基因和选择MTB标准参比柏树时,应充分考虑不同品系间基因差异的可能性,尽量选择通用标准HRv品系。在katG基因的分子检测中,特别是著名的聚合酶链反应(PCR)或DNA杂交检测中,引物和探针的设计应尽可能分离kat6的变异区。


许多微生物含有xatG基因,与MTB基因具有高度同源性-heymie等人使用携带MTBkatG基因的探针进行杂交分析。结果显示,6种分枝杆菌,分别为MTB H Rv株和麻风分枝杆菌等。,具有不同亮度的杂交条带,氨基酸序列分析的应用表明,MTBkatG基因编码的过氧化氢-过氧化物酶与芽孢杆菌属的胞内分枝杆菌、大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌以及嗜热乳酸杆菌编码的过氧化物酶的氨基酸残基符合率分别为60%、53%。分别为3%和45.7%。与酿酒酵母细胞色素5的部分同源性也表明kat6基因的分布非常广泛。Kat0基因编码产生hene-conting酶,也称为过氧化物酶,其醇分子量为8000,在细菌的氧化代谢中起重要作用。尽管katG基因广泛分布于其他微生物中,但众所周知,INH通常仅对MIC大于0的MTB野生菌株有效。02hg/ml1。对大多数其他分枝杆菌的影响是......





在我们入行的80年代,我知道是没有什么严格规范的,论文中只有极少数留洋归来的人才遵循国际规范,每个该有出处的地方都会注明。大部分论文,包括我的导师辈的权威们的论文,大多不严格注明出处。只在论文最后,有个【参考文献】列表,但这个列表与论文没有 coreference,根本搞不清哪个部分是哪个参考文献来的,哪个部分是原创思想。当时我们觉得这就是论文该有的样子。所以,如果以现在的规范回去检查80年代的论文,可能会打倒一大批名人,甚至泰斗。我说的80年代某些领域不规范,是指的引用出处不规范,不是说抄袭。导师辈论文其实很多干货,但是还是有很多引用不规范的问题。当时的圈子没人意识到这是不规范。那还是中国学术圈与国际学术圈没有接轨的年代。很多事情都有个时代局限性的。




因为 AI 领域有一种东西叫“生成语言模型”,最著名的要算是 openAI 推出的 GPT-3 与国内华为等多家研究团队协作推出的“盘古”,二者都是超大规模的语言模型。

GPT-3 参数高达1750亿,据传光训练更新一次模型,就需要两千多万美元的投入,这是AI领域的核武竞赛似的算力和算法的大竞赛。盘古模型有千亿参数,训练数据量也是天文数字,高达40TB,是全球最大的中文语言(NLP)预训练模型。在生成文本时,这类模型非常强大。生成的文本与人类生成的文本从形式上看是难以分辨的。除了辅助写作(包括改写 paraphrase)外,这类模型最大的特点是真正解决了 open-domain 的问答难题,它们所涵盖的知识实在太大了,远远超过曾经名噪一时的打败人类的IBM沃森问答系统。


道理上可以从综述的段落组织、逻辑线条等角度去要求不同,但总是越来越难于量度,无法 enforce,也难以服人。也许未来最终的结果是,综述文章不算发表,至少比原创要打个折扣。将来让机器做综述,让专家做一点后编辑,可以批量而及时地生成种种综述,也不是不可想象的。


道理是如此,可是怎么落地执行呢?怎样定义综述的结构是抄袭的呢?而且如果避免了文字雷同后,谁有精力去查对、指控 并且可以证实这种指控而且服众呢?没有可行性。

现在 GPT-3 故意神秘兮兮的,说不敢公开发布,怕模型被滥用、误用或恶意使用,譬如用来制造机器水军。但是武器已经造出来了,怎么挡得住人们的使用呢?如果只有部分人有使用特权,其他人排除在外,这不是在滥用之上又增加了一层不公平么?

而且的而且,一个有 access 的人使用模型生成了结果,结果本身是没有追踪痕迹的(除非带上区块链 LOL)。这是生成模型的随机性质决定的。





李维 郭进《自然语言处理答问》(商务印书馆 2020)

预告:李维《巴别塔影:符号自然语言处理之旅》(人民邮电出版社 2021)





我们追求NLP系统的可解释性,好像是说,程序做什么、怎么做的,算法背后的那条逻辑线索,你需要让我明白,否则我不舒服。这实际上有点强“机”所难。说老实话,就是设计者本人,如果系统变得复杂了,也很难总是搞明白算法的每一个逻辑线条,更遑论对用户解释了。如果容易搞明白,也就没有 debug 的繁难了。



感觉粗线条的可解释性 目的是为用户友好。细线条的可解释性不可行 也没意义 很像一个伪问题。

特斯拉为了这种用户友好 不得不花力气在屏幕上显示机器 “看” 到了什么物件。用户见到机器看见了障碍物,障碍物渲染的图片越逼真,心里就觉得越心安。如果机器没看见,屏幕上没有那个障碍物,就不放心。但是从看到环境中用户聚焦的物件到驾驶决策,路径很长也非确定性,可是人的这种心理需求不能不照顾。


接着“神经网络短板”的话题讲,迄今为止,神经网络基本上不能落地领域,在NLP领域场景无所作为,这是基本事实。原因也很清晰,就是绝大多数领域场景应用,只有 raw corpus,缺乏或根本就没有大规模带标数据。神经网络无法做无米之炊。于是给符号路线的冷启动应对留下了空间。




李:神经网络主流认知把带路党简单定义为标注,然后就撒手不管了,大不了就是砸银子 找成百上千的标注大军去标注。我可以对任何领域一窍不通 也一样做领域的应用。这个策略对于可以简单明确定义任务又有资源标注的场景,的确是普适的。

梁:数据只是说“有”,没有说“无”,that's the problem



李:说的是NLP,没有数据就没有NL对象了,哪里有 P 的问题。



白:王朔书里的小混混在街上喊“谁敢惹我?”一个人高马大的主儿过来说:“我敢惹你。”混混马上搂着人高马大的主儿说:“那TM谁敢惹咱俩?” 我觉得,老教授应该向小混混学习,混成“咱俩”之一。否则啥也不是。



李:话说回来,缺乏专业知识也不是长久之计。前面提过的那个NLP后学 傻傻地问 it 为什么跟形容词 wide 那么强相关,就是因为缺少语言学的常识。词与词相谐是普遍的,绕一个弯就糊涂了,不是语感差,而是基本专业知识不够。




还有个有意思的发现,密集听了一批最新神经网络的讲座,发现用的最多的几个词是 meaning / information,这就是共同语言了。句子来了,embedding 转成 vectors,vectors 在里面做种种变换计算,就成为 meaning (的载体)了。从 information 的流向和处理角度来看,vectors 对于 information 的各种处理空间大,灵活度高,里面可以有足够的余地尝试各种信息叠加、抵消、门槛等等操作来验证效果。

相比下来,符号基本上是 1-hot coding 的表示,处理 info 就远远不如 vector 的高效和灵活。Not even close,实际是天壤之别。符号主要的好处就是用户友好,看着似乎容易懂,“感觉”比较容易掌控。另外一个好处就是,符号可以外加一个 hierarchy或图谱,进行透明的“过家家”一般的逻辑推理。


李:优先级如果是离散的少数参数的调控,也不好敌大数据落地训练出来的种种 weights。





李:在讯飞的时候,与同事大牛讨论过,我说你的神经网络是个黑盒子,同事说,我觉得一点也不黑。现在比较理解他了。你可以说具体的参数和权重 难以从细节上一一说明白含义,但是总体上的逻辑线条对于设计者是相当透明的。很多时候 学到的巨大的向量表示看上去难以理解 只要结果对了 就不去究竟了。但是真要做一些用户友好的符号化翻译或可视化努力,可解释性是可以不同程度显示出来的。这些都是聪明绝顶的人,模型绝不是瞎撞出来的黑盒子。所以 可解释性作为一个批判要点,更多是从用户友好层面来说 说他们做得不够 还有些道理,而作为对神经系统的总体批判 有失公允。



李:例如,我用自动驾驶每次在相同的几个地点 总是犯错 莫名其妙刹车,我没有办法让特斯拉去做定点纠错,你就是把这个问题录频了 n 次反复提交上去,然后每两周一次软件更新,你盼啊盼,多数时候你的 bug 是泥牛入海,永无改期。这也不能怪特斯拉,它只能收集规律性问题,然后扩大训练,希望下一个 release 整体好一些。客户个体的痛点他不仅是没时间照应,而且也没有有效的办法去定点改正。




《李白126:神经 attention 机制搞定代词指代的案例》

李维 郭进《自然语言处理答问》(商务印书馆 2020)

预告:李维《巴别塔影:符号自然语言处理之旅》(人民邮电出版社 2021)

《李白126:神经 attention 机制搞定代词指代的案例》

李:看到 attention 机制一个图示:

这可算是 attention 机制可视化以后,明确显示其解决了 pronoun coreference 的难题。看前后两句 it 与 animal 和 street 的关联强度就明白了:

1. The <animal> didn't cross the street because [it] was too tired.
2. The animal didn't cross the <street> because [it] was too wide.

这只是过程中其中一幅 attention 的图示化,图中没有显示其他两两 attentions 的图示(包括 it/animal/street 与 wide/tired 的两两关联度),看完就知道形容词(wide/tired)与 host noun(animal/street)之间的相谐性,是如何对 it 的 coreference attention 的影响力了。

这种两两配对的机制 简直令人发指地有效 而且有解释性,也不怕爆炸,反正所谓 multihead self-attention 机制都是可以并行计算的,大不了多上GPU,费些电而已。


李:不知道 不过就看到的这个结果,已经让人嫉妒得咬牙。好玩的插曲是,下面留言貌似还有个“理呆”傻傻地问:老师 为什么 it 与不相干的词 wide 有很强的关系?这位学生理解了 it 与名词的关系 却不能理解与形容词的关系,哈。



李:感觉是 如果句子处理满足下列条件,能穷举两两关系 而且有足够数据训练去计算这种关系,那么我们引以为傲的结构,其桥梁价值就会趋近于零,因为位置信息加语义相谐的 attentions,应该可以搞定这种 hidden correlations。这样说来,attention is all we need 即便从字面上看 也说的不错。

自然语言说复杂也复杂 但说简单也简单。简单在于,有无穷无尽的语料,预训练可以发掘很多语言知识。到下游应用的时候 单位开始变小,小到一句一词 大也不过一篇文章 对于 attention,这都不算事。(也有人现在尝试把 input 扩大到一组文件,来做跨文件自动摘要,结果也让人开眼)。


李:可几年前,我们是不相信神经系统可以搞定 long distance(hidden) correlations 的,当时觉得非符号结构不能的。这个不服不行。 




李:是 he,不是 we。嗯,这两例的确没搞定,也更 tricky 一些,有间接宾语干扰项。再等两年,等最新机制和方法慢慢渗透消化部署到商用神经翻译系统后再看看搞定了多少。总之,总体方向上是向好的,我觉得。越来越多的“非低枝果实”正在被神经吞噬,一个幽灵在地球徘徊......





李维 郭进《自然语言处理答问》(商务印书馆 2020)

预告:李维《巴别塔影:符号自然语言处理之旅》(人民邮电出版社 2021)

《AI 随笔:观老教授Walid的神经网络批判有感》

昨天在 YouTube听了一个数小时的批判深度学习的小圆桌会,有点意思:

NLP is not NLU and GPT-3 - Walid Saba (可惜国内需要翻墙才能看youTube,我截屏如下)


Walid 教授对于领域一边倒极为不满,凭着他对于电脑科学(早年好像是伯克利电脑博士)、传统机器学习和现代神经网络、符号AI、心理学、语言学等多学科的了解,讲述自己对于所谓 Bertology(就是 Bert 这类神经方法论)的批判,他的博客也有系列点评和批判。他是真有学问,所以批判中不时有闪光金句和洞见,但总体而言,说老实话,他的批判显得无力。

说来说去 他批判的焦点就是 embedding 词向量这样的数据结构虽然是伟大的发明 因为语言单位可以做各种信息计算了 但是说到底会遭遇无结构的天花板。他所谓的结构 不是指的文法结构 而是说 向量本身算来算去 无论求和 求product 还是 concatenate 这些信息操作的结果 他认为还是平面的 没有结构的。最终无论模型多大,也只是对于语言数据中可以观察到的词与词之间的某种角度的 similarity 计算而已,尽管可以捕捉语言中的 long distance dependency。

但是 语言理解有两个部分,他说,一个是说出来的 可以观察到的部分 一个是没说出来的脑补的 “我知道你知道(I know you know)”的部分。二者缺一不可,但是纯粹通过大数据训练的模型没办法得到后者,因此是跛脚的。


所谓数据里面学不到的后者 听了半天就是指的某种 ontology(本体知识),他有点遮遮掩掩,说自己几十年探索的最新创新还不想马上公布于众,又忍不住说其实就是一个 type ontology,并不复杂,规模也不大,2000 个基本概念,是四岁儿童都具备的先验知识。这其实就是 HowNet 的头部 features,也是 Longman 词典中用来定义所有词汇的大约 2000 基本词汇的某种映射物,他也许会有些不同的组织方式,不会相差太远。

总之,这些基本概念或 types 所构成的常识(他称 type checking,和 type unification)在语言理解中一直在下意识中起到脑补作用,否则人类的交流难以进行。既然人类是这样利用二者理解和交流的,电脑单单凭借大数据怎么可能模拟人类的语言能力呢?


蕴含常识的基本ontology确实有脑补作用,这个我们在白硕老师的语义计算群讨论过的无数案例中都有体现,但是铁口说这些东西是不可能从大数据学出来的,感觉偏差很大。他举例说 want 需要的 agent 是 human,这是四岁小孩子都知道的常识。其实大数据里面这种主语谓语的 type correlation 太普遍了,不可能不在大数据(预)训练中反映出来。

他还举了两个图片的例子,一个是女老师辅导学生的照片,一个一家三口的全家福,他说这两张图片的数据本身是没有区别的,都是成年人与孩子在一起的合照。他挑战说,因为数据本身没有区别,所以系统学不出来前者是辅导员与学生 后者是父母与孩子的关系。这个笑话闹大了 因为后学马上把两幅照片输入谷歌图片理解系统。结果是:第一张图 tutoring 的概率最高,第二张图 family 概率最高。

他实际上是犯了同样的错误 他以为数据中不存在的某种知识 其实在大数据的雷达上是有反映的。如果是小数据 可能的确找不到区别性特征或规律 数据大了就不同了。老教授这时候不得不说 你不能拿我举的个别案例说事,总之是有一种数据里面不存在的知识在起作用。这么说自然也有一些道理 但是感觉他批判的力度太弱,而且留给自己的批判空间也越来越小了。

说他有一点道理 是说大数据即便学出来常识 这些常识也是支离破碎的 没有内部的组织性和严格的结构 hierarchy,学出来的 onology 和人头脑里的 ontology (以及语义学家精雕细琢的ontology模型)总是有区别的。这一点需要承认,但很难说在语言应用现场前者的效果比后者差,本体知识与其他知识一样最终还是要落地的,要以落地赋能效益作为最终衡量。

他还举了一个有意思的例子,他说大学校园(campus)与大型商场群(mall),从物理角度观察几乎没有区别。但是人类的认知很容易区别二者。既然没有物理区别,机器怎么能够区别它们?这实际上是 tutoring 与 family 的放大版,实际上也经不起质询。二者的区别即便在物理层面也还是有蛛丝马迹。


他还举了一个 product 的例子,他说人类的ontology中有 product 的概念,可是千差万别的几乎任何东西都可以是 product,数据中怎么能区分这样的概念呢?人怎么认知的呢?人是把 product 与 manufature(制造) 结合起来的,“制造”的结果/宾语 就是 product,不管结果如何不同。同理,teacher 这样的概念离不开 teaching,先有 teaching 才会有其 agent 来做 teacher,形成这个概念的 type。这样的先验知识 他认为纯粹数据是学不出来的。因为学不出来 所以需要用到这种知识的认知理解过程 神经网络就是无能为力的。

总之,不能说他的批判完全没有道理,但是力度很不够,不足以批判神经系统的潜力。有些知识目前的神经系统也许没有捕捉,因此表现不出来,但很难说以后就没有。关键是,坚持 ontology 只能先验,不能反映在大数据中,这个论点是有问题的。常识在个例中通常是不说的,人吃饱了撑的,不会总是说出来人人都知道的常识:人要吃饭;枪可以杀人,等等。但是既然是常识,大数据的趋向中就会有反映,而捕捉这种趋向,是多维度的向量空间的拿手戏。常常是系统其实捕捉了,但因为向量表示如果不做可视化的用户友好努力,不变成人可以理解的符号或图示,我们不知道模型已经捕捉了。

他的有道理之处可能是在常识的深度推理、长链条的推理方面,目前的神经架构纯粹靠大数据可能局限于框架而学不出来,也用不起来。但大数据深度学习是一个进展变化迅速的上升领域,今天的无能就是明天的突破口,很难说推理这条路它一定跨不过去。这就好比几年前我们都觉得 coreference 和其他篇章的关联,神经网络应该是无能的,直到今天我们亲眼看到了神经系统在篇章方面的成就,这才改变成见。

这才十年左右的功夫,从CNN,到 RNN,到双向RNN,到LSTM,到 transformer,到各种 attention机制,深度学习的进步让人眼花缭乱,而每次进步都是真实可测的。以前看不上所谓的 transfer learning,觉得有点不实在,但超大规模预训练落地以后,产生了GPT3和盘古这样的庞然大物,NLP方面的 transfer learning 一下子变得触手可及了。今后几年这方面可以预见有越来越多的应用实践出现。

老教授还反复质问:心理学家、语言学家、逻辑学家这么多学者这么多代人艰苦探索语言和思维的奥秘,做了那么多的工作,难道这些人都是做无用功吗?你凭着大数据,一招打天下,只靠神经网络就搞定了人类认知?come on,give me a break

这种质询诉诸感情大于讨论问题,没多大意义。不同的路线和方法论虽然理论上不可能完全覆盖和超越另外的路线和方法论以及先贤,以此说一边倒对科学发展是不健康的,盲目迷信神经网络是不智的,两条路线可以取长补短,这些道理都没问题,但是以此来挑战新方法 还是需要拿出更加实在的立论和案例。老教授给人的感觉“虚”了些,有些倚老卖老,又有点像堂吉柯德战风车。精神可嘉。毕竟这种声音已经很少听见了,即便发声了,也很快淹没。乔姆斯基也多次批判过经验主义路线和机器学习,谁把他老人家当回事呢?都是我干我的,供着他或无视他,敬而远之。



这是基本事实。原因也很清晰:就是绝大多数领域场景应用,虽然有数据,但是多是 raw corpus,缺乏或根本就没有大规模带标数据。皮之不存毛将焉附?神经网络除了预训练的语言模型以外(其实也是监督学习,只不过不需要人工标注而已,无数的语料本身就是自然标注的语言模型训练集),全部的拿得出手的应用成功都源于标注数据的监督学习。不管怎么神经,无米之炊是做不到的。于是符号路线就有了用武之地,就是这么简单。

我们可以做领域NLP的无米之炊。符号NLP在建立了平台和parser以后,就可以用“冷启动”快速结构开发来弥补领域应用的空档。无米(labeled corpus)可以,有稻(raw caorpus)就成,parser 就是碾米成稻的机器,结构就是一种通用标注,在此基础上的领域落地不过就是配置调适到最终目标,这条路经过多领域的实践证明是快速有效的。(但是,预训练也许是个竞争性威胁,在此基础上的 transfer learning 可能是个领域落地的替代品。我们当翘首以望。)


关于领域场景冷启动,可以从我们最近的电力场景知识图谱的实践得到一些启发。这个落地尝试我体会特别深。那真是冷启动,比冷还要冷,是冻启动。平常的冷启动,产品经理至少还能给一个 完整的 specs,里面给出领域知识抽取的样例,定义的每一种类至少给一个 input-output 对照的例子,作为种子去启动冷知识的开发过程。

回顾一下背景,电力NLP落地一直想做,但觉得很棘手,主要是行业太深,看不明白。而客户自己也说不清楚需求的细节,只是感觉有必要首先把这个场景的知识学习出来才好。这次是我们自己与电力客户做沟通了解,我们的一位 leader  临时充当产品经理的角色,给了一个电力图谱的初步 schema 设计图,有原始文档作为参照,完全没有时间去做例示化 specs 定义。我们要自己消化去启动知识工程。等于是把产品经理的任务转移到我们开发人员了。几天后做出的结果与做知识融合的后处理模块开发人员接口。知识融合需要做一些 dirty work,不仅仅是应对NLP抽取的碎片化知识结果,同样要应对半结构化表格抽取出来的碎片化结果,这个过程所化的时间远多于NLP冷启动抽取(现在看来语言parsing和抽取不是真正的瓶颈,后面的融合目前是瓶颈,这方面我们需要一些时间抽象和总结,来提高平台化的融合能力)。不久,做出来的图谱原型看上去有模有样,符合 schema 的设计要求。


刚拿到薄薄的一页 schema 设计图,也是一头雾水,一组抽象的概念连接起来,到底想表示什么领域知识呢,不确定。但是几个小时对着原始文档的对照讲解和讨论,很快就冰释了这个领域知识的壁垒,有点豁然开朗的感觉。


我们主打的RPA(Robotic Process Automation,机器人过程自动化)是普适的,可以触达各种各样的不同领域场景。由此带来的更加“高深”的领域知识抽取任务就会五花八门。这拓展了我们对于不同领域数据的视野。方法论和NLP平台的威力和意义就在于,任你千变万化,万变不离其宗。这个宗不仅仅是指背后的语言结构(这个高深一点,培训难度也大一些),也包括从原始数据自动做领域词汇习得(关键的一环)、上下文约束机制(线性的、结构的,线性的约束比较简单,能很快培训一线人员做低代码开发)、多层松绑机制、冷启动质量保障控制流程(没有大量标注数据也可以对精度和召回做系统性控制)等一系列配套工具,这些就是可以普适的NLP的平台工具。






李维 郭进《自然语言处理答问》(商务印书馆 2020)

预告:李维《巴别塔影:符号自然语言处理之旅》(人民邮电出版社 2021)



屏蔽已有 2160 次阅读 2011-10-14 06:13 |个人分类:成长花絮|系统分类:生活其它| 历史, 马克思, 共产主义

早上起床,甜甜告诉我:Dad, I had a weird dream.  The last sentence I remember saying to somebody is:
"If there is anything that I know, communism is for you."
马克思的人性论,我这个当年的学马列小组积极分子也不大了解。人性在我们的少年时代是塔布(taboo),学习马克思也要绕开它:当年我们强调的是阶级性,而不是人性。改革开放以后,在老邓发动反自由化之前的思想解放年代,曾经有过对青年马克思异化理论的大讨论,印象深刻。顺藤摸瓜,上了维基百科 wiki,发现还真有专题论及青年马克思的人性论及其异化论。马克思的生平、其他论述,包括政府,wiki 上都有很好的概述。互联网上的百科wiki是人类新技术时代的一个创举,女儿已经养成习惯了,凡事查 wiki,我也鼓励她做这类研究项目尽可能参照 wiki.
"we were brain-washed to believe that communism is associated with dictatorship and leads to evil. But according to Marx, communism is a beautiful society, no class. no class struggle, work is fun and not a burden, one can satisfy his most potential with his gifted talents.  But why the countries experimenting with communism all failed?
"They failed for a good reason.  The reason is clearly stated in Marx's works but the followers did not take it seriously.  That is, an ideal society like communist needs to be supported by the maximum productivity."

女儿说,我觉得我现在已经是共产主义者了,资本主义太烂,一定要被共产主义所取代(Dad, by now, I think I am already a communist.  Capitalism sucks, got to be replaced by communism.)



上一篇:《成长花絮: I love me too》
下一篇:《每日一歌: Savage Garden - I knew I loved you》


3  武夷山 全嬿嬿 吴吉良

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删除 |赞[1]武夷山   2011-10-14 08:05

《成长花絮:Hi, I’m Karl Marx》(屏蔽留存)

《成长花絮:Hi, I’m Karl Marx》

屏蔽已有 2458 次阅读 2011-10-14 07:15 |个人分类:成长花絮|系统分类:生活其它| 历史, 马克思, 课堂, 华盛顿

几周前,甜甜世界历史课的项目《与思想家见面:卡尔 马克思》终于完工了,接着是要在课堂上给老师同学讲演。首先,要着装成学者马克思的样子。马克思的形象甜甜很熟悉,还在她很小的时候,她就从我小时候的临摹素描中看到了马恩列斯毛,还有华盛顿(见《成长花絮第一期:学画》)。服装好办,她就穿我的长衫西裤凑合,主要是马克思的大胡子。我陪着孩子转了好几家店铺,她都不满意。幸好由于万圣节将临,湾区临时增加很多化妆店,里面充满了稀奇古怪的服饰、骷髅,当然也有面具和大胡子。最后找到的胡子倒是很像马克思,就是颜色太黑了点儿,印象中马克思是花白胡须的。我安慰甜甜说,这是青年马克思的大胡子,完全没有问题。何况你讲演中的人性主题确实是青年马克思的思想,老年马克思更加激进和革命,远离了人性的主题。

就这样,甜甜上场了,讲得激情昂扬,特别是结句“全世界无产者,联合起来!” 甜甜先是用的德语,然后用英语重复,掷地有声。受到老师的赞许。下面是讲演稿的纲要:
Meeting of the Minds: Karl Marx

Hi, I’m Karl Marx, a middle class, 18th century German scholar, who was born at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when Capitalism was just starting and not yet mature. There were no social welfare programs (such as healthcare or pension) or worker unions, and everything was a class struggle between the rich, Bourgeoisie, and the working class, Proletarians. My theory, Marxism, is about the ultimate government, Communism, in which the property of a society is owned by all members, and peoples’ talents are utilized to their full potential, so that people enjoy their work while working toward the common good. Capitalism is a corrupted system in which the Bourgeoisie have all the power and exploit the Proletarians, while the Proletarians are unfairly treated, wage-earning robots. Even in democracy, when people vote, they are affected by mass media, controlled by the Bourgeoisie. All humans are naturally creative and talented. So I say to you all, everyone is equal. We should overthrow the dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie, "Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt Euch!" Proletarians of the world, unite!


上一篇:《成长花絮: I love me too》
下一篇:《每日一歌: Savage Garden - I knew I loved you》


5  武夷山 吴飞鹏 张玉秀 曹聪 吴吉良

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删除 |赞[1]武夷山   2011-10-14 07:32



屏蔽已有 2566 次阅读 2011-10-14 08:16 |个人分类:成长花絮|系统分类:人文社科| 马克思

Notes on Karl Marx and Communism

1. Bio

Karl Marx was a German philosopher, sociologist, and communist in the 18th century. He developed a famous theory, called Marxism, that fundamentally influenced the human history. In fact, Karl Marx is among the most quoted scholars in history and is one of the most influential figures of all time. His two most famous works are: The Communist Manifesto published in 1848, mainly a political statement for the communist movement, and Das Capital, a book he devoted his life to on the nature of the capitalist system. In the last century, following his revolutionary theory, there were communist movement and revolutions in many countries to form a communist group of states, led by Soviet Union in 1922 and led to the founding of Red China in 1949. However, since the collapse of Soviet Union towards the end of last century, the communist movement suffered a big retreat and even the post-Mao China turned to market economy, a system closer to the capitalist economy than the communist economy. Marx's predictions that the global revolutions will end the capitalist system in the world are not proven right.

2. Marx's view on government

Marx has a theory of social development involving 5 major social types, from lower stages to upper stages, i.e.

Primitive Communism --> Slavery system --> Feudalism --> Capitalism --> Socialism --> Communism.

He regards the capitalist government as an inhuman government which only protects the capitalists (bourgeoisie) while oppressing the working class (proletarians). He believes that despite the name of democracy, a capitalist society is in essence based on Dictatorship of Bourgeoisie. He concludes that capitalist government should be overthrown by the working class and replaced by the socialist government based on Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Eventually socialism transitions to communism when the productivity gets to the highest level. Communism is the ideal society in Marxist theory in which every one enjoys his work, which brings job satisfaction and fulfillment of his creativity, at the same time producing the products to meet the needs of all the society. In communism, there is no distinction of class, no class struggle and everything is in harmony.

3. Marx's theory of human nature:

Contrary to the popular view that human is selfish by nature, Marx thought that human is a naturally creative animal. Accordingly, an ideal society creates a condition for the whole development of human nature. But capitalism is an evil society which turns humans into wage slaves.

Marx's theory of human nature plays an important role in his criticism of capitalism and his ideal of communism. A closely related and even more influential theory of Marx is about alienation from human nature caused by the capitalist system.

4. Marx's theory of alienation

By alienation, Marx refers to the social separation of people from their "human nature" which is supposed to be decent and creative. Marx believed that alienation is a systematic result of capitalism. He believed that it is the alienation that deformed human nature, making people behave differently depending on one's social status. The nature of capitalists becomes exploiting and oppressing the working class purely for the seeking of profits. The working class becomes wage-slaves like robots working in inhuman conditions.

Only in the communism can all men gain freedom and be liberated from wage-slavery, enjoying the full nature of their creativity.

5. why he thinks that way

Marxism was formed in an age when the capitalism was not mature and there were waves and waves of class struggle and society conflicts : there were no social programs, no unions and other forms of laws as seen in the modern society. For example, there were no minimum wage law, child labor law, income tax regulations and social welfare to protect the lower working class and to balance the interests between the capitalists and the proletarians. Out of deep compassions for the lower working class who has been struggling for very basic living, and out of the anger towards the early capitalists who were after profits by forcing the working class to work long hours with very low pay and very poor working conditions, Marx concluded that the capitalist government is inhuman and will be overthrown by the proletarians and replaced by the socialist and then communist government.

Works Cited

“Karl Marx.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 19 Sep. 2011. Wikimedia Foundation. 21 Sep.

2011 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Marx

“Marx’s Theory of Alienation.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 26 Aug. 2011. Wikimedia

Foundation. 21 Sep. 2011 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marx's_theory_of_alienation

“Marx’s Theory of Human Nature.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 22 Jun. 2011.

Wikimedia Foundation. 21 Sep. 2011 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marx%27s_theory_of_human_nature


上一篇:《成长花絮: I love me too》
下一篇:《每日一歌: Savage Garden - I knew I loved you》


2  杨华磊 曹聪



屏蔽已有 1826 次阅读 2012-2-19 21:44 |个人分类:成长花絮|系统分类:生活其它| 叛逆

女儿到了叛逆期,脑后有反骨,凡事逆向思维,不仅总是与父母对着干,对很多传统认知、社会共识也很 不屑。


后来学历史,他选择写毛泽东。在西方的教科书和大众话语中,毛和希特勒斯大林是一类独裁者,反面人物。可女儿觉得自己被洗脑了,她要挣脱出来,一定要找出毛泽东和毛泽东时代正面的东西来写自己的作业。于是跟我谈,开宗明义,阴暗的、反面的、残暴的一面,我看到的很多,你不必谈。你专门给我列一个清单,具体谈谈毛和毛时代的亮点。我说,对于这么复杂的历史人物和历史阶段,自然是正反两面都有。你要正面的材料和论据,我就给列出一个清单来,清单的最前一条就是毛的医疗制度的革命,使得最贫困的农民得以享受几乎是免费的最基本的医疗服务(见  【老爸:毛时代的送医下乡制度】 ;老爸:毛时代的王一千美谈 )。





8  吴飞鹏 曹聪 武夷山 肖重发 刘立 李宇斌 吴吉良 杨正瓴

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删除 |赞[1]肖重发   2012-2-20 00:03

社会媒体是言论自由的天然突破口 (屏蔽留存)


屏蔽已有 2239 次阅读 2012-5-11 23:18 |个人分类:成长花絮|系统分类:科研笔记| 人权, 突破口, 言论自由, 古巴, Yoani



女儿历史课要求写一篇 research paper,选取一个对社会发展有影响的当代人物或机构,论述其成就和意义。社会发展的领域包括政治、经济、教育、卫生、慈善和人权。虽然技术领域不在列表上,女儿还是选了她心目中的 传奇偶像人物 Steve Jobs,因为他 made a ding in the universe, 可以从教育或其他领域谈他的技术革命带来的影响。可是选题提交上去,没被老师批准,说 Steve 前不久刚去世,铺天盖地都是关于他生平事迹的资料,使这个选题具有不对称的优势。于是女儿转选即将上市的社会媒体巨头 Facebook 的创始人 Mark Zuckerberg,还是技术改变世界的传奇人物,结果以同样理由不得通过。

女儿有点扫兴,这两位是她读得最多,最有兴趣研究的人物,其余的人物和机构大多提不起兴趣来,少数有意思的名人如诺贝尔奖获得者南非的曼德拉和美国前副总统戈尔都已经被其他同学抢占了。想了半天说,那我就写盘尼西林的发明者弗莱明吧,说明医药的革命性突破在偶然里面包含了必然,伟大发现是预备给有准备的心灵的(prepared mind)。可是弗莱明不算当代人物,也不行。

最后老师把一个古巴人权斗士 assigned 给她了,算是命题作文。于是上网查资料,做笔记,折腾半个多月,终于写出了这篇研究文字,其主旨就是“社会媒体是言论自由的天然突破口”。特转载于后,与各位分享。虽然只是一个美国中学生的粗浅笔记,可能对转型期的当代中国也许也有些意义。


论述这篇的主题并不难,高技术支撑的社会媒体成为言论自由的平台和突破口是自然而然的事儿。除非当政者退回到前数字时代,废除互联网,任何长城都不可能完全阻挡信息的自由流通。古巴的人权英雄 Yoani Sánchez 女士抓住了时代的机遇,以其勇敢智慧和不屈不挠成为世界人权史上第一批利用技术对抗独裁的先驱之一,因此成就一世英名(以她的国际名声和影响,有望获得明后年的诺贝尔和平奖)。美国这边的论文训练,除了 thesis (中心思想)要鲜明突出外,还要求承转起合(transition)到位,段落要有 topical sentence,人物和事件要有背景介绍,材料来源必须详细标注来源,最后的总结概括阐述其意义和价值后,还需要几句话谈 so what,即从长远的角度预示其历史意义。女儿问:她很了不起,已经为人权做出了很大贡献,so what?我给她提示了两点:一是星星之火,榜样的力量是无穷的,等群众都觉悟了,追随她的结果就会演变成改变世界的力量。第二点就是和平演变,追求自由是人类的天然权利和本性,钳制言论自由和基本人权的反动力量和独裁政权,终将为保护自由的民主社会所替代。但这个过程不一定要伴随流血和革命,和平演变对国家和人民最为有利。女儿有些懵懂,但还是把这两点融合进去了。






11 May 2012

Blogging Through Silence

Living with a fear of speaking is not easy, while the free world takes for granted the freedom of speech, the citizens of Cuba are still deprived of this basic human right.  Yoani Sánchez, who uses the power of Wordpress blogging to air her views freely, is one of Cuba's best-known human rights activists to fight for free expression.  Sánchez manages to use her blog as a forum to exercise free speech in the totalitarian reign of Castro in Cuba.  Her use of Internet and technology to blog through silence pioneers a new direction for the movement of human rights in the world.

The end of The Cold War twenty years ago did not end entirely the communist dictatorships.  Today, there are still a few extremist regimes such as Cuba and North Korea.  The communist Cuba, founded by Fidel Castro half a century ago, still continues the system of Stalin in which free speech is a political taboo: "Stalinism with conga drums," says Ms. Sánchez as she compares it to the former totalitarian Soviet Union (“Cuban Revolution”).  The press in Cuba is under strict government censorship.  The traditional media such as newspapers and television act as a propaganda device for the government to control the people who also cannot elect their own leaders.  The current leader, Raúl Castro, was not elected but was appointed by the former leader, his brother, Fidel Castro.

Born in 1975, Yoani Sánchez spent her childhood worry-free at a time when Cuba was fully supported by the former Soviet Union.  However, her generation had to go through the time of hardships when the Soviet Union collapsed and the soviet aid was discontinued.  Soon there was severe food shortage along with difficulty for all necessities.  Disappointed and disillusioned with her home country, she moved to Switzerland in 2002 where she got used to the life of style in the free world.  Her husband ended up not being able to find a professional job in Switzerland and the couple decided to return to Cuba in 2004.  After studying computer science, Ms. Sánchez later started her career as a freelance writer and was determined to be a free person.  Starting from 2008, she began signing her blog with her real name, a brave move in Cuba. (“Generation Y: My Profile”)

Yoani Sánchez’s blogging enters a taboo area in Cuba.  Time magazine comments about Sánchez saying, "under the nose of a regime that has never tolerated dissent, Sánchez has practiced what paper-bound journalists in her country cannot: freedom of speech" (“The 2008 Time 100: Yoani Sanchez”). Traditionally, journalists who dare to break the silence are punished -- even sent to jails!  This has happened to a number of dissidents and journalists, including Yoani’s husband who used to be a journalist and was sent to prison (“Desde Aqui: The Year of Yoani”).  The regime controls the people through fear and terror and using the police to enact these efforts to brainwash the citizens. Saying what you think in Cuba can be dangerous. In 2002, Cuba imprisoned dozens of journalists, who declared themselves dissidents and published criticisms of the regime. Many are still in prison (“Desde Aqui: The Year of Yoani”).  Most Cubans are so afraid of being labeled a critic that they are reluctant to utter the words "Fidel Castro" in public.  Sánchez believes that the fear of Cuba's own secret police is the main reason why the vast majority of people choose to keep silent. “Fear leads Cubans to restrict what they say and do,” Sanchez states (Sánchez xii).  Worse still, people who live in a totalitarian country for too long tend to generate an "internal policeman," for subconscious self-censorship (“Cuban Revolution”).

To break the silence as well as the internal fear, Sánchez started exercising free speech by blogging in the cyberspace.  The use of blogs and twitter allow her to publish her opinions and report events in Cuba any time she gets access to the Internet.   The digital revolution, also referred to as the information age, helped to provide a platform for Yoani to change the society, in her own way, as part of the worldwide human rights movement.  In April 2007, Sánchez launched her blog, Generación Y (Generation Y: My Profile).  Within a short time, "her name passed from anonymity to popularity" in 2008 (“Desde Aqui: The Year of Yoani”).  Thanks to her honesty in describing the true life of Cubans under the communist regime, and her excellent writing ability, her blog was an instant hit and has become internationally influential.  Generación  Y has about 14 million hits a month and is now translated into seventeen languages by volunteers (“In Cuba, the Voice of a Blog Generation”). In fact, her blog becomes a must-read for any serious researcher who needs to study contemporary Cuban society (“Cuban Revolution”). Her numerous awards, recognizing her pioneering work, include Time magazine's “One of the 100 Most Influential People in the World” in the "Heroes and Pioneers"  category, “Spain's Ortega y Gasset Prize” for “Digital Journalism”, and the prize for “Best Weblog” in “The BOBs” contest (“The 2008 Time 100: Yoani Sanchez”).

Sánchez’s work shows that freedom can only be earned by people who strive for it.  Freedom is not a gift one can expect or beg for from a dictator.  The Internet provides a new platform for all people to take freedom into their own hands.  With her knowledge of computers and the web, Sánchez is grasping this historical opportunity.  Her voice is instantly carried over the country and around the world.  The Internet is a new space, a gray area where the Cuban regime does not yet have explicit regulations, nor can it enforce practical means to stop people from expressing and publishing.  While many people still choose to blog only anonymously, Yoani broke the silence in signing her blog and commenting on any subjects to which she turns her attention, including taboo subjects like corruption, political systems, and democracy.  Her description of Cubans' daily lives provides a true picture of their society, which is not depicted in the official journals of the country.   "You have to believe that you are free and try to act like it," she says. "Little by little, acting as though you are free can be contagious" (“Cuban Revolution”).

Yoani Sánchez is wise to move one step at a time, trying not to break explicit laws, only pushing the limits in the gray area.  She chooses not to associate herself with existing dissident groups.  Under the pressure from the international community, Cuba has to be cautious in handling her.  It has blocked her blog within Cuba, trying to stop her words from spreading and impacting the Cuban people; but it cannot block many of her mirror sites hosted outside the country.  From time to time, her blogs are also made into CDs and smuggled back to Cuba (“Cuban Revolution”).  This is the power of The Internet: unless the government abandons The Internet and goes back to the pre-digital age, the government cannot block the free information flow.  When Sánchez cannot directly reach her blog site, she asks her foreign friends to help publish the posts she has emailed them.  (“Desde Aqui: The Year of Yoani”)  Over time, other Cuban writers have begun to follow her example and the Desde Cuba website, famous for hosting her blog, has since seen an increase of Cuban bloggers, including her husband Reinaldo's and several other popular writers’ blogs.  In 2009, President Obama wrote a letter to compliment her great efforts in using technology for free speech.  "Your blog provides the world a unique window into the realities of daily life in Cuba.  It is telling that the Internet has provided you and other courageous Cuban bloggers with an outlet to express yourself so freely, and I applaud your collective efforts to empower fellow Cubans to express themselves through the use of technology" (“Generation Y: My Profile”).  

With her pioneering work, Sánchez’s free speech is now a fact of life in Cuba albeit only in a limited space.  Sánchez’s effort has made a lasting difference in the human rights campaign. Her persistence and sense of responsibility have earned her a great reputation in the world.  She is a symbol in the digital age for fighting for freedom of speech under a dictatorship.  Gradually, governments in totalitarian countries may have to face the fact of free expression as more and more people follow her example in publishing in social media and exercising their freedom of speech.  When a variety of voices are heard in cyberspace, the same process will eventually occur in the traditional media, sooner or later.  As freedom of speech is exercised long enough, it will become a natural style of living, and there will be no way back.  It is imaginable that a democracy, which protects people's human rights, will eventually replace the existing totalitarian governments.  As an old saying goes, a single spark can start a prairie fire.  Sánchez is just that spark.  Everything she has done is only a beginning in Cuba, but a remarkable breakthrough in human history.


Works Cited

"Cuban Revolution." Wall Street Journal. Wall Street Journal. Web. 11 May 2012. <http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB119829464027946687-2qWBoM9EpwF1S0_7hn6prJNeJqo_20080121.html?mod=tff_main_tff_top&apl=y&r=139874>.

Escobar, Reinaldo. "The Year of Yoani." Desde Aqui / From Here. Wordpress, 31 Dec. 2008. Web. 11 May 2012. <http://desdeaquifromhere.wordpress.com/2008/12/31/the-year-of-yoani/>.

Hijuelos, Oscar. ""The 2008 Time 100: Yoani Sánchez"" Time Specials. Time Inc., 30 Apr. 2009. Web. 11 May 2012. <http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/article/0,28804,1733748_1733756_1735878,00.html>.

Rohter, Larry. "In Cuba, The Voice Of a Blog Generation." The New York Times. The New York Times, 06 July 2011. Web. 11 May 2012. <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/06/books/yoani-sanchez-cubas-voice-of-a-blogging-generation.html?_r=1>.

Sánchez, Yoani. "Generation Y » My Profile." Generation Y: My Profile. Wordpress. Web. 11 May 2012. <http://www.desdecuba.com/generationy/?page_id=108>.

Sánchez, Yoani. Havana Real: One Woman Fights to Tell the Truth about Cuba Today. Brooklyn: Melville House, 2011. Amazon.com: Havana Real: One Woman Fights to Tell the Truth about Cuba Today (9781935554257): Yoani Sanchez, M. J. Porter: Books. Amazon.com, Mar. 2011. Web. 11 May 2012. <http://www.amazon.com/Havana-Real-Woman-Fights-Truth/dp/1935554255>.



上一篇:互联网有史以来最大的IPO:Facebook 眼看就要上市了,怎么玩?


当前推荐数:4 推荐人: 王亚娟 曹聪 李银生 李宇斌


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删除 |赞[1]mirrorliwei   2012-5-12 11:11说到当代、现代和近代的区分,镜某的孩子说:自己出生后的事情是当代,父辈的事情是现代,爷爷辈以前的是近代。或者干脆说,自己出生前的事情都是“历史事件”。这也是个分类方法。


Tian (Age 15): Karl Marx in Tanya's eyes

Tian (Age 15): Karl Marx in Tanya's eyes

屏蔽已有 2251 次阅读 2013-4-27 01:54 |个人分类:Little Stories of Tian Tian|系统分类:生活其它| Tanya, Karl, Marx

This is Tanya's history course project, researching an influntial thinker and then making a presentation in the form of addressing the world with his ideas.  Tanya chose the communist god-father Karl Marx, who she thinks is an intriguing figure with a great dream but failed in the practice.  

(1) Meeting of the Minds: Karl Marx

Karl Marx addressing the world

(Tanya was dressed like an old scholar wearing a grey wig and white thick beard just like Marx and made the following speech passionately, with the ending sentence first in German and then repeated in English, word by word, very powerful.  The teacher was impressed and gave her an A.)

Hi, I’m Karl Marx, a middle class, 18th century German scholar, who was born at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when Capitalism was just starting and not yet mature. There were no social welfare programs (such as healthcare or pension) or worker unions, and everything was a class struggle between the rich, Bourgeoisie, and the working class, Proletarians. My theory, Marxism, is about the ultimate government, Communism, in which the property of a society is owned by all members, and peoples’ talents are utilized to their full potential, so that people enjoy their work while working toward the common good. Capitalism is a corrupted system in which the Bourgeoisie have all the power and exploit the Proletarians, while the Proletarians are unfairly treated, wage-earning robots. Even in democracy, when people vote, they are affected by mass media, controlled by the Bourgeoisie. All humans are naturally creative and talented. So I say to you all, everyone is equal. We should overthrow the dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie, "Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt Euch!" Proletarians of the world, unite!


(2) The U.S. is a land of free speech.  Despite the bad association with communism in the media, Tanya shows keen interest in Karl Marx and his theory of communism.  The other day when she got up, Tanya told me, "Dad, I had a weird dream.  The last sentence I remember saying to somebody is: If there is anything that I know, communism is for you."  

Looks like she really got intrigued by communism during the study of World History.  This was quite a surprise to me, as we have seen and experienced too much of "communism".  Tanya told me that kids in America had been brain-washed to believe communism is evil, leading to dictatorship, but after research, she now realizes that communism is a very nice dream of mankind, perhaps too nice to be practical.  

"we were brain-washed to believe that communism is associated with dictatorship and leads to evil. But according to Marx, communism is a beautiful society, no class. no class struggle, work is fun and not a burden, one can satisfy his most potential with his gifted talents.  But why the countries experimenting with communism all failed?

"They failed for a good reason.  The reason is clearly stated in Marx's works but the followers did not take it seriously.  That is, an ideal society like communist needs to be supported by the maximum productivity."

Tanya continued, "Marx is a great man, and capitalism sucks.  Look at the financial storms in recent years that spread from US now to Europe, all the signs show that capitalism is doomed and communism will most likely conquor the world, if made practical. "

She smiled, "Dad, by now, I think I am already a communist.  Capitalism sucks, got to be replaced by communism."


I was really shocked, at the fact that her speech was almost identical to my thinking when I was her age.  It took us years to get out of it.  Nevertheless, I still like the fact that free thinking and speech enable Tanya to research and understand the world in her own way and pace.   Like all teanagers, the existing reality is always the worst, the ideas from the other world look so much better and beautiful.  

(3) Research Karl Marx

Notes on Karl Marx and Communism
1. Bio

Karl Marx was a German philosopher, sociologist, and communist in the 18th century. He developed a famous theory, called Marxism, that fundamentally influenced the human history. In fact, Karl Marx is among the most quoted scholars in history and is one of the most influential figures of all time. His two most famous works are: The Communist Manifesto published in 1848, mainly a political statement for the communist movement, and Das Capital, a book he devoted his life to on the nature of the capitalist system. In the last century, following his revolutionary theory, there were communist movement and revolutions in many countries to form a communist group of states, led by Soviet Union in 1922 and led to the founding of Red China in 1949. However, since the collapse of Soviet Union towards the end of last century, the communist movement suffered a big retreat and even the post-Mao China turned to market economy, a system closer to the capitalist economy than the communist economy. Marx's predictions that the global revolutions will end the capitalist system in the world are not proven right.

2. Marx's view on government

Marx has a theory of social development involving 5 major social types, from lower stages to upper stages, i.e.

Primitive Communism --> Slavery system --> Feudalism --> Capitalism --> Socialism --> Communism.

He regards the capitalist government as an inhuman government which only protects the capitalists (bourgeoisie) while oppressing the working class (proletarians). He believes that despite the name of democracy, a capitalist society is in essence based on Dictatorship of Bourgeoisie. He concludes that capitalist government should be overthrown by the working class and replaced by the socialist government based on Dictatorship of the Proletariat. Eventually socialism transitions to communism when the productivity gets to the highest level. Communism is the ideal society in Marxist theory in which every one enjoys his work, which brings job satisfaction and fulfillment of his creativity, at the same time producing the products to meet the needs of all the society. In communism, there is no distinction of class, no class struggle and everything is in harmony.

3. Marx's theory of human nature:

Contrary to the popular view that human is selfish by nature, Marx thought that human is a naturally creative animal. Accordingly, an ideal society creates a condition for the whole development of human nature. But capitalism is an evil society which turns humans into wage slaves.

Marx's theory of human nature plays an important role in his criticism of capitalism and his ideal of communism. A closely related and even more influential theory of Marx is about alienation from human nature caused by the capitalist system.

4. Marx's theory of alienation

By alienation, Marx refers to the social separation of people from their "human nature" which is supposed to be decent and creative. Marx believed that alienation is a systematic result of capitalism. He believed that it is the alienation that deformed human nature, making people behave differently depending on one's social status. The nature of capitalists becomes exploiting and oppressing the working class purely for the seeking of profits. The working class becomes wage-slaves like robots working in inhuman conditions.

Only in the communism can all men gain freedom and be liberated from wage-slavery, enjoying the full nature of their creativity.

5. why he thinks that way

Marxism was formed in an age when the capitalism was not mature and there were waves and waves of class struggle and society conflicts : there were no social programs, no unions and other forms of laws as seen in the modern society. For example, there were no minimum wage law, child labor law, income tax regulations and social welfare to protect the lower working class and to balance the interests between the capitalists and the proletarians. Out of deep compassions for the lower working class who has been struggling for very basic living, and out of the anger towards the early capitalists who were after profits by forcing the working class to work long hours with very low pay and very poor working conditions, Marx concluded that the capitalist government is inhuman and will be overthrown by the proletarians and replaced by the socialist and then communist government.

Works Cited

“Karl Marx.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 19 Sep. 2011. Wikimedia Foundation. 21 Sep.

2011 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Marx

“Marx’s Theory of Alienation.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 26 Aug. 2011. Wikimedia

Foundation. 21 Sep. 2011 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marx's_theory_of_alienation

“Marx’s Theory of Human Nature.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 22 Jun. 2011.

Wikimedia Foundation. 21 Sep. 2011 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marx%27s_theory_of_human_nature


上一篇:Tian Tian (Age 10): Tanya's Amazing Life (4/4)
下一篇:Age 9, Age 10 and Age 16: Father's Day Gifts