移民美国后沃尔佳选择在旧金山音乐学院深造,立志把西方艺术的长处融入到中国文化艺术中来,师从著名声乐教授HERMANN LEREU 和音乐教育家 TIM BUCH。2004年春天在旧金山音乐学院剧场举办了独唱音乐会,她演绎的西洋歌剧《托斯卡》、《乡村骑士》、《塞维利亚的理发师》、《水仙女》、《游吟诗人》、《卡门》等诸多歌剧中的咏叹调,别具一格,引起轰动。除了歌剧,她根据自己的音域,还对一些西方民歌重新演绎,揉进了东方艺术元素,风味独特。她演唱意大利歌曲,受到了许多在美国的意大利人的喜爱,也有了一大批美国人成了她的忠实粉丝。沃尔佳还喜欢演唱中国民歌和少数民族歌曲,她唱的中国歌曲,委婉动听,让人听后沉浸在中国的乡情里面。沃尔佳的歌声遍及美国加州,受特邀参加过许多大型演出。2005年代表北加州在洛杉矶柯达剧院参加大型春节晚会,担任独唱,那是华人第一次在奥斯卡颁奖剧场的演出,规模盛大,震撼洛城,展示了中华文艺的独特魅力。2007年春天,沃尔佳随美国“游子吟合唱团中国行”演出,担任独唱和领唱,所到之处,风靡一时,好评如潮,成为海外华侨心系祖国母亲的里程碑式的文艺活动。
硅谷网络电视《丁丁电视》现场直播晚会全场,使得更多的人可以足不出户看到现场的节目,大大提升了晚会的收视率和影响度。科技心脏的硅谷首创华语网络电视,正是最自然最切合的操作,前景无限。《硅谷春晚》现在正在 Internet TV 《丁丁電視》上滚动式热播直到三月四日为止,欲睹从速,精彩不容错过: [dingding.tv]
[New York, USA, 2010-7-21] We’re happy to announce the winners of our international vocal competition, Golden Voices of America 2010. Close to 80 vocalists from eleven countries competed in this year's Golden Voices of America. 1st place winners of this competition will perform at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, while 2nd place winners will perform at a concert at another venue in NYC in May-Jun 2011. Due to greater than expected interest in Golden Voices of America 2010 and a very high level of applicants, we've had to split 1st place winners' recitals between two dates, one in Oct 2010, the other in Jan/Feb 2011.
We would like to thank everyone who participated and encourage those who did not win this year to try again during the next season.
Winners of the competition will perform one piece, selected by the judges from the participant's audition repertoire. Please note that we are not able to change recital assignments between the October and January-February dates. Winners will be notifed of their performance piece (selected by the judges from their audition repertoire).
Winners are listed two repertoire categories (Category 1: Classical/Folk/Traditional and Category 2: Musical Theater/Disney/Broadway/Jazz) and in the following age groups:
A. 6-8 years of age
B. 9-10 years of age
C. 11-12 years of age
D. 13-15 years of age
E. 16-18 years of age
F. Adult
1st Place Winners
Scheduled for Oct 2010 recital, exact date TBA
Scheduled for Jan-Feb 2011 recital, exact date TBA
这位长相有些滑稽的人叫 Joe Wong(黄西),现在正在美国娱乐圈走红,他一上场,随便一句话,一个表情,甚至一个停顿,也会引起阵阵掌声笑声。他算是进入美国喜剧界的主流了,甚至被请到白宫去讲笑话。另一位北京侃爷出身的北美崔哥(Brother Sway)虽然也用英文讲过喜剧小品,譬如去咖啡馆讲中国功夫或者星巴克的笑话。但是崔哥比起 Joe Wang 来,显得边缘化多了,主要还是在华人社区有些名气。Joe Wong 的演出有过非常宏大的场面,现场几千上万人,也曾出现在美国亿万观众的当红电视节目里,听众总是被逗得前仰后合。
Joe 显然潜心研究过西方喜剧的路子,他的一鸣惊人是个异数。Joe 的英语并不纯正,但他深谙西方文化的幽默要素和喜好。除了东方面孔给人以新鲜感外,他非常懂得怎样向主流靠拢,
譬如,美国人热衷谈性,有点类似于中国的成人笑话。Joe 第一次上全美电视夜间节目 Letterman Show 的一开始就讲了个带色的笑话迎合他们的趣味,说他读到一个研究报告表明,性成熟的巅峰是18岁。他说,可我到了25岁才得知这一点(他是24岁从中国来美的)。他故意顿了一下,一脸茫然的样子,说,在我蜜桃最成熟多汁的时候,怎么就无缘被人咬一口呢?
"I read a report saying that a man reached their sexual peak at the age of 18, but I did not know this until I was 25. So the world would never know what a stud I was. Nobody took a bite out of this peach when I was ripe."
后来他又开总统和副总统的玩笑,讽刺他们人浮于事,没有效率。他说,如果我当总统,我要用降低生产率的方式彻底解决失业问题,这样,一个人的活就让两个人来做,这就好比我们现在总统和副总统两人做同一份工作一样。他接着说在奥巴马当选总统前,他一直是个悲观主义者,感觉自己如此渺小,对社会毫无影响(does not make a difference,雁过不能留声的痛苦)。对他来说,人生就好象在黑暗冬夜的雪上撒了一泡尿,也许是有点儿影响,可是很难说有什么影响( I felt that life is kind of like, pee into the snow in a dark winter night, you probably make a difference, but it's really hard to tell. (laughter))。黑白混血背景的奥巴马的成功给了他这个新移民以希望。既然半白半黑 (half black half white) 都可以登上权力颠峰,自己是半不白半不黑(half not black half not white)的少数族裔新移民,也应该一样可以竞选总统。
You may be saying "Hey, what would be your campaign slogan?" You see, I spent ten years in the past decade (laughter) [20] oh you too? okay. (laughter) So I understand that American people are suffering, so my campaign slogan would be "Who Cares". (laughter)
他先说的是同义重复的废话 I spent ten years in the past decade,然后故意面对观众的反应说,哦,原来你跟我一样啊,一个 decade 中花费了十年,来观察美国的社会问题,因而深知美国人民饱受经济不景气的煎熬。然后转到这个 Who/Hu cares 的双关语口号来:表面上是我才不在乎美国人民死活呢,实际是突出自己救民于水火的的亲民形象。
Joe 在表演过程中,非常注意细节。比如,他说成为公民以后,他立马把选票投给了奥巴马和拜登。然后转身看拜登,没等拜登反应,他抢先说了声不用谢(you are welcome)。这是给拜登一个措手不及,凸显拜登反应迟缓。因为西方的习惯是无论何时你受惠于人,你都要表达谢意。Joe 说投票选了拜登,理所当然要领受拜登的谢意,所以他故作脱口而出,说了一声不用谢。可是拜登还愣在那里呢。我们的副总统大人显得多么迟钝啊。
Joe 讲喜剧小品,不徐不疾,张弛有度。他对西方观众心理的把握很到位。他自我设计的形象是不露锋芒,故作木纳,甚至有点机器人似的一脸茫然,其幽默机智隐含其中。他的风格受到西方传统的影响,远胜于中国的相声和小品。他的笑话在国人中据说不很讨好。他自己在访谈中也说,他初出道在同胞人圈子里讲过,虽然精心准备了,会心而笑的却不多,这使得他开始很丧气,甚至怀疑自己是否是喜剧演员的材料。后来慧眼识才的还是老外。
Joe 是一个从我们这代留学生新移民中成长出来的值得关注和期待的喜剧艺术家。他的出现有助于改善我们东方人过于拘谨,被主流社会和文化边缘化的形象。
【附1】 Letterman Show transcript:
Hi everybody. So... I'm Irish. I read a report recently that a man reaches his sexual peak at age 18 but I didn't know this... until I was twenty five. So the world will never know what a stud I was. No one took a bite out of this peach when it was ripe.
I'm not good at sports, but I love parallel parking... because unlike sports, when you are parallel parking, the worse you are, the more people that are rooting for you.
I'm an immigrant and I used to drive an old car with a lot of bumper stickers that are impossible to peel off. And one of them said, "if you don't speak English, go home!" I didn't notice it for two years.
I worked really hard to become a U.S. citizen and I have to take these American History lessons where they asked us questions like:
"Who's Benjamin Franklin?"
I was like; ahh... The reason our convenience stores get robbed?
And the second one was:
"What's the 2nd Amendment?"
I was like; ahh... The reason our convenience stores get robbed?
"What is Roe vs. Wade?"
I was like ahh... Two ways of coming to the United States?
I have a family now, but I used to be scared of marriage. I was like wow... 50 percent of all marriages end up lasting on forever!
I just had my first child last year. I was really amazed at it. I was in the delivery room, holding up my son, thinking to myself, "Wow... He was just born... And he's already a U.S citizen."
So I said to him, "DO you even know who is Benjamin Franklin?"
Now I have a sign in my car that says ”Baby On board.”
This sign is basically a threat. It just says that I have a screaming baby and a nagging wife and that I am not afraid of dying anymore.
Thank you very much!
Implicit explanations to audience with culture difference:
1. Ben Franklin's picture is on the US $100 bill.
2. Second Amendment refers to the US Constitution for the right to keep and bear arms.
"Roe vs. Wade" is a famous court case that you'll learn about in history class that deals with abortion.
Joe Wong used this case in a form of a question: What is Roe vs. Wade? To which he cleverly delivered the punchline "Two ways of coming to the United States".
Roe is used as a play on words to describe "row", as in using a boat to "row" to the US.
The denotation of wade was used, the definition meaning "to walk in water".
这几天我很迷黄西/Joe Wong 3月17号在RTCA Dinner (The Radio and Television Correspondents Association Dinner,全美电台电视记者协会年会晚宴)上的表演。这个晚餐会是当天在C-SPAN 和C-SPAN2 频道上现场直播的,但我直到几天后才在youtube上看到的。实在太迷了,而且网上好像也没见他的表演全文,我就决定把它的全文听写下来并集中注释一下。听写中有个别词不确定用"(??)" 标出来了。注释(理解他的包袱是什么意思)是靠的众多的youtube、mitbbs上的留言,以及自己查字典和google。
Transcript for Joe Wong at RTCA Dinner, aired on C-SPAN 3/17/2010
Transcribed by PB
Good evening, everyone. My name is Joe Wong, but to most people, I'm known as "who?!" (laughter) which is actually my mother's maiden name, (laughter) and the answer to my credit card security question. (laughter) [1]
But joking aside, I just want to reassure everybody that I am invited here tonight. (laughter) [2]
I grew up in China, who didn't? (laughter) [3] And my childhood memories are totally ruined by my childhood. (laughter) When I was in elementary school, as part of the curriculum, I had to work at a rice paddy right next to a xxxxx quarry where they use explosives to break rocks, and that is where I learned that light travels faster than sound. (laughter) which is almost as slow as a flying rock. (laughter) [4]
My dad was a grumpy guy, but occasionally he would try to cheer me up with jokes, but he doesn't do it right. When I was seven, one day he said to me, "hey son, why is tofu better than centralized socialist economy?" (laughter) so five minutes later I said "why?" (laughter) He said "because I said so!" (laughter) [5]
I came to the United States when I was 24, to study at Rice University in Texas. (some applaud cheers and some laughter) that wasn't a joke (laughter) until now. (laughter) And I was driving this used car with a lot of bumper stickers that's impossible to peel off. And one of them said "If you don't speak English, go home". And I didn't notice it for two years. (laughter)
Like many other immigrants, we want our son to become the president of this country and we try to make him bilingual, you know, Chinese at home and English in public, which is really tough to do, because many times I have to say to him in public "Hey listen, if you don't speak English, go home" (laughter) And he would say to me, "Hey dad, why do I have to learn two languages?" I said "son, once you become the president of the United States, you are going to have sign legislative bills in English, and talk to debt collectors in Chinese" (laughter) [6]
When I graduated from Rice, I decided to stay in the United States, because in China, I can't do the thing I do best here, being ethnic. (laughter) And in order for me to become a U.S. citizen, I have to take this American history lessons, where they ask us questions like "Who is Benjamin Franklin?", where I was like "ah, the reason our convenience store gets robbed?" (laughter) [7] "What's the Second Amendament?", where I was like "ah, the reason our convenience store gets robbed?" (laughter) [8] "What is roe vs. wade?", where I was like "ah, two ways of coming to the United States?" (laughter) [9]
Later on I read so much about the American history that I started to harbor white guilt. (laughter) [10] In the America they say that all men are created equal, but after birth, it kind of depends on the parents' income, or early education and health care. (laughter) I read in the Max House Men's Health Magazine that President Obama every week has two cardio days and four weight lifting days. You see, I don't have to exercise, because I have health insurance. (laughter) I live in Massachusetts now, where we have universal health care; then we elected Scott Brown (laughter) - talk about mixed messages. (laughter) [11] I think there was a movie about him - it's called "Kill Bill" (laughter) [12]
I'm honored to meet vice president Joe Biden here tonight, (Joe turned to face Biden) I actually read your autobiography, and today I see you. (Joe turned back to face audience) I think the book is much better. (laughter) They should've get guest cast Brad Pitt, or even Angelina Jolie. (laughter)
So to be honest, I was really honored to be here tonight, and I prepared for months for tonight's show, and I showed the white house my jokes about President Obama, and that is when he decided not to come. (laughter)[13] And he started to talk about immigration reforms, (laughter) Take that, Stephen Colbert (laughter) [14] And president Obama has always been accused of being too soft, but he was conducting two wars. and they still gave him the Nobel Peace Prize, and he accepted it. (laughter) You can't be more bad ass than that. (laughter) where actually, I'm thinking the only way you can be more bad ass than that is if you take the Nobel Prize money and give it to the military. (laughter)
We have many distinguished journalists here tonight, whom I consider as my peers. (laughter) because I used to write for campus newspaper. (laughter) I think journalism is the last refugee for puns. [15] Only on the newspaper can you say things like "I was born in the year of horse and that is why I'm a naysayer" (laughter) [16] my point exactly.
And tonight is my first time on C-SPAN, which is a channel I obviously always watch, when I couldn't stand the sensationalism and demagoguery of PBS? and QVC. (laughter) If I still couldn't fall asleep after watching C-SPAN, there's C-SPAN2 and C-SPAN3. (laughter) [17] Thank you very much. (laughter)
So I became a U.S. citizen in 2008, which I'm really happy about. (applause) thank you very much. American is number one, (laughter) that's true, 'cause we won the world series every year. (laughter) [18]
After becoming the U.S. citizen, I immediately registered to vote for Obama and Biden. (Joe turned to face Biden) you're welcome. (laughter) You handed me a had me at "Yes We Can" (laughter) (Joe turned back to audience) that was the their slogan. (laughter)
So after getting Obama and Biden elected, I felt this power trip. (laughter) And I start to think maybe I should run for president myself. Where, I have to take a step back and explain a little bit, you know, because I have always been a morose and pessimist guy. I felt that life is kind of like, pee into the snow in a dark winter night, you probably make a difference, but it's really hard to tell. (laughter) [19] But now, we have a president who's half black half white, it just gives me a lot of hope, because I'm half not black half not white. (laughter) Two negatives make a positive. (laughter)
You may be saying "Hey, what would be your campaign slogan?" You see, I spent ten years in the past decade (laughter) [20] oh you too? okay. (laughter) So I understand that American people are suffering, so my campaign slogan would be "Who Cares". (laughter) [21]
If elected, I would make same-sex marriage not only legal but required, (laughter) that will get me the youth vote.(laughter) You see I'm married now, but I used to be really scared about marriage, I was like "wow, 50% of all marriages end up lasting forever" (laughter)
And I will eliminate unemployment in this country, by reducing the productivity of the American workforce. (laughter) so two people will have to do the work of one, just like the President and the Vice President,(laughter) or the Olsen twins. (laughter) [22]
And despite heart disease and cancer, most Americans die of natural causes. So if elected, I will find a cure for natural causes. (laughter) You seem to like that one. (laughter) but you won't be covered by health insurance though, (laughter) because of pre-existing conditions. (laughter)
And I have a quick solution for global warming. I will switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius, (laughter) It was 100 degrees, now it's 40. (laughter) You're very welcome. (laughter)
And I'm great with foreign policy. Because I am from China, and I can see Russia from my backyard. (laughter) I believe that Unilateralism is too expensive, and open dialog is too slow. So if elected, I will go with text messaging. (laughter) I will text our allies just to say hi, (laughter) and text our enemies when they are driving. (laughter) "OMG you're building a nuclear weapon?" (laughter), "but you're doing it wrong LOL" (laughter)
I just want to thank Video TV correspondence xx xx for having me here tonight. This is the first time I wish my son knew what I was doing. Thank you so much and have a very good night. Thank you Linda Scott.
注解: based on comments from youtube and mitbbs, dictionary look-up, and google
[1] 他妈妈姓“Hu”,刚好跟"Who"同音。 maiden name :大部分老美婚后改跟丈夫姓(所以夫妻俩同姓);女性结婚前的姓就叫maiden name
[3] youtube留言:he said he grew up in china... it's a joke about the over population of china and how? many people there are there。
还是youtube留言,但解释不同:If you related to "I grew? up in US, who wasn't?" You got to be smart to understand him。(Mitbbs上有人同意这一个,说这是讽刺美国redneck动不动就说I grew up in US。 )
[5] youtube留言:tofu and centralize economic joke: you got? understand that China is a Communist country, there is only one party in power, everything is like his dad said "because I said so"
还是youtube留言,稍微有点不同:it's sort of non-sense talk said by his dad, then his dad went 'because I? said so'.... his farther == the centralized social system. the nonsense == whatever enforced by the centralized social system.
[6] youtube留言:it is "debt collector"..Because of the huge current account deficit? US owes to China.
还是youtube留言,稍微有点不同:China is the country that holds the most US treasure bonds now.
[7] youtube留言:Benjamin Franklin - 100 dollar bills. Convenience stores have 100 dollars bills. (100美元币上是美国总统本杰明-弗兰克林的头像;便利店/社区小超市当然有100刀币;所以被抢劫了)
[8] youtube留言:Second Amendment: is the freedom to carry gun. - It gives the robbers guns to rob convenience stores.? (因为民众能自由持枪,所以小店被抢劫了)
[9] youtube留言:Roe vs Wade, famous? court case on abortion. Joe thought two ways of coming to US, on boat or swim
我找的别的地方的:In 1973, the US Supreme Court had prohibited states from making laws that interfered with a woman's right to an abortion during the early months of pregnancy. Joe 把 roe vs. wade 转换成 row (rowing the boat) & wade (swimming ) to USA. (划船和游泳偷渡到美国)
[10] youtube留言:He studies America history. It talks a lot of white Americans kill Indians, slavery, kills, etc. Basically, white American were guilty of many things, i.e. white guilt. He starts to harbor (to feel inside)? white guilt (as if he were white).
[11] youtube留言:Obama does exercise, but Joe himself doesn't need to because he has health insurance. MA has universal health care which is viewed as the result of Democratic dominance in MA. But they recently voted a Republic senator Scott Brown, mixed message. (MA就是Massachusetts,常说的麻省)
[12] youtube留言:Scott Brown is a? Republican and their motto on health care reform seemed to be "Kill (the health care reform) Bill"
[15] pun: a humorous use of a word or phrase which has several meanings or which sounds like another word (以转意或谐音的方法达到诙谐的效果)
[16] youtube留言:"Nay-SAYER". Horses go “Nay" . It was a joke on a bad pun.
neigh: a long, loud, high call that is produced by a horse when it is excited or frightened. (马嘶叫声)
[18] youtube留言:Because the World? Series is not for the world...only 2 countries play in the World Series. America and Canada. (World Series 指棒球比赛,说是国际/World,其实就美国和加拿大两国的球队。大部分时候都是美国赢)
[19] youtube留言:actually it means pee in snow will melt it, as pee is warmer. but since? it is a dark winter night, so it is hard to tell
[20] "I spent ten years in the past decade" -- ten years 是十年,decade也表示十年。
中華人民共和國駐舊金山總領事高占生,世界著名聲樂教育家郭淑珍、美國國會參議員Michael M. Honda、舊金山市政要員 David Chiu親自為劉麗獨唱音樂會發來了賀信。中華人民共和國駐舊金山總領館文化參贊孫建華夫婦、文化領事潘奇夫婦,加州議員馬世雲辦公室代表,灣區僑界方李邦琴、何孔華、戴錡、李競芬、黃儀莊、黃羡予、章誌堯、魏宏利、于靜江、譚愛清、明瑛等,文藝界重量級人物高曼華,鄧爾蒂,茅愛立等,以及灣區各界朋友約1000多人到現場觀賞。
4)当官方或所谓专家在宣传目前批准商业化的两个转基因水稻是安全的时候,我们不没有看到具体的“安全数据”,Show me your data, not your promise!
5)正在官方说转BT水稻很安全的时候,浙江大学水稻研究所的一组科研小组去年发表了一篇转BT水稻的重金属含量太高的文章,(Wang H. Modified accumulation of selected heavy metals in Bt transgenic rice., Environ Sci (China). 2009;21(11):1607-12)。他们发现,BT转基因水稻比普通水稻更容易富集重金属铜,镉和铅,特别是镉的含量,严重超标。当然,这些元素也是来自土壤,就是需要在种植BT转基因水稻时,不能种植在污染的土壤里面。这个实验至少说明,BT转基因水稻的真正情况并非是这些记者或专家所能“逻辑类比或推理”出来的。
为了给读者用户提供一个方便快捷的查阅国外各类期刊文献的综合网络平台,中图公司组织开发了cnpLINKer(cnpiec LINK service)在线数据库检索系统,并正式开通运行。cnpLINKer即“中图链接服务”,目前主要提供约3600种国外期刊的目次和文摘的查询检索、电子全文链接及期刊国内馆藏查询功能.并时时与国外出版社保持数据内容的一致性和最新性.
感言之三:人心不足,至理名言。以前听人说,阔人们往往吝啬,越有就越想有。此言与观察虽然颇近,但自己没阔过,没有切身体会,总是半信半疑。有时想,一个人如果挣足钱了,一直到老都生活无忧,是不是就把金钱看得淡了,失去了进一步追求金钱的动力,因为此后的财富对他的生活已经不 make difference 了。现在看来,并非如此,人性的常态是,有了还想再有,恨不能拥有了全世界。在追求点击战绩的过程中,立委间接体验了人心之不足。不就是一个玩嘛。点击不能当饭吃尚且如此,如果是真金白银,人心的疯狂可以想见。
Xin-Yuan Fu, Ph. D.
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Walther Oncology Center
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5120Phone: 317-274-2082, Fax: 317-274-4090E-mail:[email protected]
Jianxin Bao
Associate Res. Professor
Dept. of Otolaryngology
Center for Aging
Washington Univ.
Box 8115, 660 South Euclid Ave.St. Louis, MO 63110314-747-7199"Bao, Jianxin"[email protected]
Guoqiang Bi
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Department of Neurobiology200 Lothrop St, E1451 BST
Pittsburgh, PA 15261Phone: (412) 648-9921Fax: (412) 648-1441Guoqiang Bi
Jiang-Fan Chen 陳江帆
Associate Professor
Department of Neurology
Boston University School of Medicine
715 Albany Street, C329Boston, MA 02118Phone: 617-414-1249Fax: 617-638-5354chenjf
Jianzhu Chen陳建柱
Professor of Immunology
Center for Cancer Research, E17-131
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue (regular mail)40 Ames Street (express mail)Cambridge, MA 02139tel: 617-258-6173fax: 617-258-6172email:[email protected]://web.mit.edu/ccr/labs/chenlab/index.html
Lieping Chen陳列平
Professor, Cancer Immunology
Department of Dermatology/Oncology
Director, Dermatology Research
Johns Hopkins Univ, School of Medicine
Jefferson Building, Rm. 1-121600 N. Wolfe St.Baltimore, Maryland 21287Office Phone: (410) 502-0957Fax: (410) 502-0961Email:[email protected]
Shiming Chen陳世明
Associate Professor,
Department of Ophthalmo and Visual Sci.
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
660 South Euclid Ave. Campus Box 8096 St. Louis, MO 63110Phone: 314-747-4350Fax: 314-747-4211E-mail:[email protected]:[ophthalmology.wustl.edu]
Yan Chen陳雁
Associate Professor
Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics
Indiana University School of Medicine
975 West Walnut St., IB130Indianapolis, IN 46202Tel: (317)278-0275Fax: (317)274-2387E-mail:[email protected]
Yuqing Eugene Chen陳育慶
Associate Professor of Medicine
Cardiovascular Center
University of Michigan Medical Center
MSRB III 7301E 1150 W. Medical Center DriveAnn Arbor, MI 48109Phone: 734-763-7838 Fax: 734-936-2641Email:[email protected]
Jing Cheng程京
Cheung Kong Professor
Medical Systems Biology Research Center
Tsinghua University School of Medicine
Haidian District, Beijing 100084ChinaTel: +86-10-62772239Fax: +86-10-62773059Email:[email protected]
Linzhao Cheng 程臨釗
Associate Professor
Stem Cell Program
The Institute for Cell Engineering
Johns Hopkins Univ. School of Medicine
Broadway Research Building, Room 747733 North BroadwayBaltimore, MD 21205Phone: 410-614-6958 Fax:[email protected]://www.HopkinsMedicine.Org/ICE/faculty
Shi-Yuan Cheng,
Associate Professor of Pathology
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute& Department of Pathology
Hillman Cancer Center Research Pavilion
Office: 2.26f, Laboratory: 2.195117 Centre AvenuePittsburgh, PA 15213Phone: (412)623-3261 Fax: (412)623-4840E-mail:[email protected]://www.pathology.pitt.edu/people/Faculty/ChengSY.htm
Y. Eugene Chin秦越
Associate Professor
Department of Surgery and Programs of MCB and Pathobiology
Brown University School of Medicine
Rhode Island Hospital
593# Eddy StreetProvidence, RI 02903401-444-0172 (O); 401-333-3564 (M); 401-444-3278 (F)
Xing Dai 戴醒
Department of Biological Chemistry
250D Med Sci I
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-1700Xing Dai
Chuxia Deng鄧初夏
Chief, Mammalian Genetics Section
GDDB, NIDDK, National Institutes of Health
10/9N105, 10 Center DriveBethesda, MD 20892, USATel: (301) 402-7225Fax: (301) 480-1135Email:[email protected].gov[www.niddk.nih.gov]
Xinxin Ding丁欣欣
Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health; and
SUNY Albany, School of Public Health
Empire State Plaza, Box 509, Albany, NY 12201-0509Phone: 518-486-2585; Fax:[email protected],[email protected]
Chen Dong,董晨
Associate Professor
Department of Immunology
MD Anderson Cancer Center
7455 Fannin, Unit 906Houston, TX 77030-1903Tel: (713)563-3203Fax: (713)563-0604E-mail:[email protected]
Chunying Du,
Assistant Investigator
Stowers Institute for Medical Research
1000E 50th St., Kansas City, MO 64110. Tel.: 816-926-4084 Fax: 816-926-2055 E-mail:[email protected].
Guoping Fan范國平
University of California Los Angels
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1761Office Phone: 310-267-0439Lab Phone: 310- 267-0438Email:[email protected]://www.genetics.ucla.edu/labs/fan/
Guowei Fang方國偉
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Stanford University
Lokey Chemical Biology Building, Rm 137 Stanford, CA 94305-5020 Tel: 650-725-2762 Fax: 650-724-9945 email:[email protected]: [www.stanford.edu]
Gen-Sheng Feng馮根生
Program in Signal Transduction,
The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037Phone: 858-713-6265E-mail:[email protected].
Ying-Hong Feng,馮映紅
美國軍醫大學Associate Professor
Depart of Pharmacology
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
4301 Jones Bridge Road Bethesda, MD 20814 301-295-3232 (Office) 301-295-3220 (Fax) Ying-Hong Feng www.usuhs.mil/pha
Xin-Yuan Fu傅新元
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Walther Oncology Center
Indiana University School of Medicine
635 Barnhill Drive, MS 420Indianapolis, IN 46202-5120Phone: 317-274-2082Fax: 317-274-4090E-mail:[email protected]://www.iupui.edu/%7Emicro/fu.html
Yang-Xin Fu 傅陽新
Department of Pathology
Committee on Immunology
University of Chicago
J541, MC30385841 South Maryland,Chicago, IL60637Phone: (773) 702-0929Fax: (773) 834-5251E-Mail:[email protected]
Bin Gao高斌
Chief, Section on Liver Biology
5625 Fishers Lane Rm 2S-33Bethesda, MD 20892-8115Tel: 301-443-3998Fax: 301-480-0257"Gao, Bin (NIH/NIAAA) [E]"[email protected]
Wei-Qiang Gao高維強
Senior Scientist
Dept. of Molecular Biology
Genentech, Inc.,
MS#72 1 DNA Way South San Francisco, CA 94080 Tel: 650-225-8101 Fax: 650-225-6240 e-mail:[email protected]
Xiaolian Gao,高曉蓮
Professor of Biology and Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Biomedical Engineering
Department of Biology and Biochemistry
Rm: 369-SR2
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77004-5001 Office: 53-SR1T: 713 743-2805F: 713 743-2636E:[email protected]: gaolab.chem.uh.edu
Jun-Lin Guan管俊林
Department of Molecular Medicine
Director of Graduate Studies, Field of Pharmacology
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853Tel: 607-253-3586Fax: 607-253-3708[www.vet.cornell.edu]
Kun-Liang Guan管坤良
Professor of Biological Chemistry
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1055Phone: 734.763.3030 Fax: 734.763.4581E-mail:[email protected]://www.biochem.med.umich.edu/biochem/research/profiles/guan.html
Min-Xin Guan管敏鑫
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Division and Program in Human Genetics &Center for Hearing and Deafness Research
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
3333 Burnet AvenueCincinnati, Ohio 45229Tel: 513-636-3337Fax: 513-636-3486E-mail:[email protected]://www.cchmc.org
Peixuan Guo 郭培宣
Professor of Mol Virology and Biomed Engineering
Director of Purdue Bionanotechnology Graduate Program
Hansen B036Cancer Research Center
Purdue University (普渡大學)
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2064Phone # (765)494-7561Fax # (765) 496-1795Web Address: [www.vet.purdue.edu]
T.-C. He
Assistant Professor and Director Molecular Oncology Laboratory
The University of Chicago Medical Center
5841 South Maryland Avenue, MC 3078 Room J-611 Chicago, IL 60637, USA Tel. (773) 702-7169 (office); (773) 834-5325 (lab) Fax: (773) 834-4598 E-mail:[email protected]Lab Homepage: www.boneandcancer.org
Taosheng Huang
Assistant Professor in Pediatrics &Developmental Biology, Pathology
Attending Physician in Human Genetics & Metabolism
Director of Cardiovascular Genetic
ClinicDirector, MitoMed Molecular Diagnostic Lab
Robert R. Sprague Hall, Room 314 Zot 3950
College of Medicine
University California
Irvine, CA[email protected](o)949-824-9466 (L) Fax 824-9776[www.ucihs.uci.edu]
Jiming Jiang 蔣繼明
Department of Horticulture
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1575 Linden DriveMadison, WI 53706Tel: 608-262-1878Fax: 608-262-4743Email:[email protected]://www.hort.wisc.edu/jjiang/
Jingfang Ju
Head, Cancer Genomics Laboratory
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Medicine
USA-Mitchell Cancer Institute
MSB2015,307 N. University Blvd.Mobile, AL 36688Phone: (251) 460-7393Fax: (251) 460-6994E-mail:[email protected]
Yibin Kang,康毅濱
Assistant Professor
Department of Molecular Biology, LTL 255
Princeton University
Washington Road Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone: 609-258-8834 Email:[email protected]
Wei-Hua (Wendy) Lee
Associate Professor
Departments of Pediatrics and Anatomy
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, IN, 46202Phone: (317) 274-8900 Fax: (317) 274-9906"Lee, Wei-Hua"[email protected]
Ming Lei雷鳴
Associate Professor
Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
Medical College of Wisconsin
8701 Watertown Plank Road Milwaukee, WI 53226 Tel: 414-456-8321 (office) 414-456-4313 (lab)Fax: 414-456-6535
Lei Li
Associate Professor
Department of Experimental Radiation Oncology, Unit 66
Department of Molecular Genetics
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center 1515 Holcombe Blvd., Y3.5621B Houston, Texas 77030 (713) 792-3424[email protected]
Linheng Li李凌衡
Associate Investigator
Stowers Institute for Medical Research,
1000 E. 50th St. Kansas City, MO 64110(816) 926-4000 Fax (816) 926-2000"Li, Linheng"
Luyuan Li李魯遠
Associate Professor of Pathology
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
5117 Centre Ave, G12CPittsburgh, PA 15213412-623-1118 Tel412-623-4747 Faxemail:[email protected]
Min Li, Ph.D.利民
Department of Neuroscience & High Throughput Biology Center
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
BRB 319 733 North Broadway Baltimore, MD 21205410.614.5131410.614.1001 (fax)[email protected]
Pingwei LI 李平衛
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-2128Phone: 979-845-1469"Li, Pingwei"
Xiao-Jiang Li
Department of Human Genetics
Emory University
615 Michael St Room 347Atlanta, GA 30322Phone 404-727-3290Fax 404-727-3949Email[email protected]
Anning Lin林安寧
Associate Professor
University of Chicago
Ben May Institute for Cancer Research
Chicago, IL 60637Tel: 773-753-1408 (O)Fax:773-702-6260Email:[email protected]
Haifan Lin林海凡
Department of Cell Biology
Head, Laboratory of Stem Cells and Germline Development,
Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center
412 Nanaline Duke Bldg., Box 3709
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC 27710Tel 919-684-3169 Fax 919-684-5481E-mail[email protected]://www.cellbio.duke.edu/Faculty/Research/Lin.html
Shuo Lin林碩
Department of Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology
University of California, Los Angeles
621 Charles E. Young Drive South, LS4325PO Box 951606Los Angeles, CA 90095-1606Tel: 310-267-4970Fax: 310-267-4971Email:[email protected]://www.mcdb.ucla.edu/Research/ShuoLin/
Xinli“Henry” Lin藺新力
Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer
ProteomTech, Inc.
5980 Horton St., Suite 405Emeryville, CA 94608Tel: 510-597-9134Cell: 510-710-9835FAX: 510-601-6751www.proteomtech-inc.com
Chunming Liu 劉春明
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochem and Mol. Biology
Sealy Center for Cancer Cell Biology
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, TX 77555-1048(Phone) 409-747-1909(Fax) 409-747-1938"Liu, Chunming"
John? Liu劉興權
Ottawa Health Research Institute
725 Parkdale Avenue
Ottawa, K1Y 1S4CanadaTelephone: (613) 798-5555 ext. 17752Fax: (613) 761-5411 or 761-5411e-mail:[email protected] [www.ohri.ca] [www.ohri.ca]
Associate Professor
Department of Pathology, Division of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX 77005
Jun O. Liu劉軍
Department of Pharmacology and Molecular SciencesSchool of Medicine
John’s Hopkins University
725 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205Telephone: 410-955-4619Fax: 410-955-4520E-mail address:[email protected]
Yan-Yun Liu劉燕雲
Assistant professor
Devid Geffen School of Medicine @UCLA& VA Healthcare System
Bldg 114, Rm 23011301 Wilshire BlvdLos Angeles, CA90073Tel: (310)478-3711 ext.49249Fax: (310)[email protected]
Yang Liu劉陽
Professor and Director
Division of Cancer ImmunologyDepartment of Pathology
The Ohio State University185 Hamilton Hall1645 Neil AvenueColumbus, OH 43210Tel: 614-292-3054Fax: 614-688-8152email:[email protected]
Yusen Liu 劉玉森
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
The Ohio State University
Center for Developmental Pharmacology and Toxicology700 Children's Dr.Columbus, Ohio 43205Phone: 614-722-3073Fax: 614-722-2774Email:[email protected]
Hua Lu盧華
Associate Professor
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Oregon Health & Science University
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park RoadPortland, Oregon 97239Tel, 503-494-7414 Fax, 503-494-8393Email,[email protected]
Xin-Yun Lu
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology
University of Texas Health Science Center
7703 Floyd Curl DriveSan Antonio, TX 78229Phone: 210-567-0803Fax: 210-567-4303Email:[email protected]
Sheng Luan欒升
Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720Phone: (510) 642-6306Fax: (510) 642-4995Email:[email protected]
Robert Luo
Assistant professor
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe, Box 354 Houston, TX 77030 Phone[email protected]
Rong Luo羅榮
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37130Rong Luo
Zhe-Xi Luo羅哲西
Associate Director of Research and Collections& Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology
Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Pittsburgh, PA 15213Administrative Office: (412)622-3296Research Office: (412)622-6578; Fax: (412)622-8837 Email:[email protected]://www.carnegiemuseums.org/cmnh/vp/cv/luo.htm
Hong Ma馬紅
Professor of Biology
Penn State Biology Department
208 Mueller Lab,University Park, PA 16802-5301Tele: 814.863.0278, Fax: 814.865.9131Hong Ma
Jun Ma,馬駿
Associate Professor
Division of Developmental Biology
Children's Hospital Research Foundation
3333 Burnet AvenueCincinnati, OH 45229513-636-7977 (phone)513-636-4317 (fax)[email protected] (e-mail)
Qiufu Ma
Associate Professor of Neurobiology,
Harvard Medical School
Department of Cancer Biology
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
44 Binney StreetBoston, MA 02115. USAphone: (617) 632-4594Fax: (617) 632-4595E-mail:[email protected]
Xin L. Ma馬新亮
Professor and Research Director
Department of Emergency Medicine
Thomas Jefferson University
1015 Walnut StreetCurtis Building, Suite 220-222Philadelphia, PA 19107Tel: (215)955-4994Fax: (215)503-4458
Lin Mei梅林
Professor and Director
Program of Developmental Neurobiology
Institute of Molecular Medicine and Genetics
Department of Neurology
1120 15th Street, CA 4006
Medical College of Georgia
Augusta, GA 30912 phone 706-721-8775 fax 706-721-8685 [www.mcg.edu]
Ruibao Ren任瑞寶
Associate Professor of Biology
Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences
Research Center, Mailstop 029
Department of Biology
Brandeis University
415 South StreetWaltham, MA 02454Tel. (781) 736-2486Fax. (781) 736-3107Ruibao Ren
Yi Rao饒毅
Professor of Neurology, Associate Director, NU Institute of Neuroscience
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,
320 East Chicago Ave. 5-474 Searle Building
Chicago, IL 60611 USAPhone: 312-503-6091http: //www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/igp/facindex/RaoY.html北京生命科學研究所資深研究員,學術副 所長Phone:010-80726688-8368Fax: 010-80726673E-mail:[email protected]
Yong Shen
Professor of Neurology and Molecular Biology
Robert Haldeman Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology
Sun Health Research Institute
Sun City, AZ 85351Phone: 623-876-5456FAX:[email protected]
Zhiyuan Shen沈智淵
Associate Professor and Chief
Division of Radiation Cancer Biology
Dept. of Radiation OncologyThe Cancer Institute of New Jersey
UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
195 Little Albany StNew Brunswick, NJ 08903-2681Email:[email protected]
Weinian Shou
Associate Professor Department of Pediatrics
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, IN, 46202Phone: (317) 274-8900 Fax: (317) 274-9906"Shou, Weinian"[email protected]
Dr. Yigong Shi施一公
Department of Molecular Biology
Princeton University普林斯頓大學
Tel: 609-258-6071 609-258-2948 (lab) Fax:[email protected][www.princeton.edu]
Yuenian Eric Shi史躍年
Chief of Breast Cancer Research
Dept of Radiation Oncology
Feinstein Institute for Medical Research
North Shore LIJ Healthy System
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Tel 718 470 3086FAX 718 962 6675"Shi, Eric"
Duxin Sun孫篤新
Assistant Professor
Division of Pharmaceutics
College of Pharmacy,
Ohio State University
232 Parks Hall, 500 W 12th AveColumbus, OH 43210Tel: 614-292-4381Fax: 614-292-7766Email:[email protected]
Xiao-Hong Sun,孫曉紅
Member Eli Lilly Distinguished Chair
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
825 NE 13th street Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Tel: 405-271-7103 Fax: 405-271-7128 E-mail:[email protected][www.omrf.org]
Yi E. Sun
Assistant Professor
Dept. Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
Dept. Mol. & Med. Pharmacology
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
NRB 351, 635 Charles E. Young Drive (S)Los Angeles, CA 90095Tel: (310) 825-9506Fax: (310) 206-5061E-mail:[email protected]
Xiaoyan Tang
Associate Professor
Department of Plant Pathology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506-5502Tel: 785-532-1345Fax: 785-532-5692
Ya-Ping Tang
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry
The Committee on Neurobiology
The University of Chicago
924 East 57th Street
Knapp Learning Center, R-020Chicago, IL 60637Tel: (773) 834-5151Fax: (773) 834-2970
Jin Wang王進
曼哈頓資本集團合伙人Managing Partner
Manhattan Capital Group, LLCJin Wang[email protected]
Jiwu Wang王繼武
President and CEO
Allele Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals, Inc.綠陽生物技術醫藥公司
9924 Mesa Rim Road
San Diego, CA 92121858-587-6645800-991-RNAi858-587-6692 (Fax)www.allelebiotech.com
Kan Wang,王侃
Center for Plant Transformation
Plant Science Institute
Iowa State University
G405 Agronomy HallAmes, IA 50011-1010, USATel: 515-294-4429Fax: 515-294-2299E-mail:[email protected]://www.agron.iastate.edu/ptf/
Xing Li Wang,王興利
F.A.H.A. Professor,
Director of Cardiothoracic Research,
Baylor College of Medicine
Tel: 713-798-5485, Fax: 713-798-1705 Email:[email protected]
Dr. Weidong Wang
Lab of Genetics
National Institute on Aging/NIH
333 Cassell Drive, TRIAD Building Rm. 3000 Baltimore, MD 21224phone: 410-558-8334; fax: 410-558-8331 [www.grc.nia.nih.gov]
Xiao-Fan Wang王小凡
Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
Duke University Medical Center
C218 LSRCBox 3813Durham, NC 27710Phone: 919-681-4861E-mail:[email protected]://pharmacology.mc.duke.edu/faculty/wang.htm
Yibin Wang
Professor, Division of Molecular Medicine
Departments of Anesthesiology, Physiology and Medicine
Cardiovascular Research Laboratories
Molecular Biology Institute
David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA
Room BH 569, CHS650 Charles E. Young DriveLos Angeles, CA 90095Tel: 310 206-5197Fax: 310 206-5907email:[email protected]
Yu Tian Wang
Professor and HHMI International Scholar
Department of Medicine and Brain Research Centre
University of British Columbia
2211 Wesbrook MallVancouver, BC V6T 2B5Tel: 604-822-0398Fax:[email protected]
Xiaoqin Wang王小勤
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
720 Rutland Avenue, Ross 419Baltimore, MD 21205, U.S.A.Tel.410-614-4547, Fax.410-614-9599Email:[email protected]: [www.bme.jhu.edu]
Jie Wu吳杰
Associate Professor of Oncology Molecular Oncology Program,
SRB-3 H.
Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute
12902 Magnolia Drive Tampa, FL 33612 Phone: (813) 745-6713 Fax: (813) 745-3829 Email:[email protected]
Ray Wu吳瑞
Professor of Biochem and Molecular Biology
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Cornell University
316 Biotechnology BuildingIthaca, NY 14853, USAPhone: 607-255-5710Fax: 607-255-2428Email:[email protected], or[email protected]
Weiming Xia夏偉鳴
Assistant Professor
Center for Neurologic Diseases
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Harvard Institute of Medicine
HIM 61677 Ave Louis PasteurBoston, MA 02115 Tel 617-525-5212Fax 617-525-5190Xialab.bwh.harvard.edu
Zhengui Xia夏珍桂
Associate Professor, Toxicology Program
Dept. of Environ and Occupational Health Sciences
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-7234Phone: (206) 616-9433Fax: (206) 685-3990Email:[email protected]Website: [depts.washington.edu]
Jingwu Xie
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Scientist Sealy Centers for Cancer Cell Biology, Environmental Health and Medicine University of Texas Medical Branch
301 University Blvd Galveston, TX 77555-1048 Tel: (409) 747-1845 Fax: (409) 747-1938 URL: www.utmb.edu/scccb/xie.htm
Ting Xie
Associate Investigator
Stowers Institute for Medical Research1000 East 50th StreetKansas City, MO 64110Tel:816-926-4061Fax:816-926-2029"Xie, Ting"[email protected]
Wen-Cheng XiongAssociate Professor
Institute of Molecular Medicine and Genomics
Medical College of Georgia
Augusta, GA 30912Phone: (706) 721-5148Wen-Cheng Xiong
Derek D. Yang.楊迪
Principal Research Scientist
Lilly Research Laboratories
Eli Lilly and Company
Lilly Corporate Center,
Indianapolis, IN [email protected](317) 277-8292
Liu Yang楊柳
Associate Professor
Department of Pathology,
Slot 845
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
4301 W. Markham Street, BRCII/Room 641-B2Little Rock, AR 72205Tel: 501-526-5300, Fax: 501-526-4601
Wei-ning Yang,
Esq,Partner, Hogan & Hartson LLP
1999 Avenue of the Stars 14th Floor Los Angeles, California 90067 Main Telephone: (310) 785-4600 Direct Dial: (310) 785-4674 Facsimile: (310) 785-4601"Yang, Wei-ning"[email protected]
Xiaolu Yang
Associate Professor
Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute
Department of Cancer Biology
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
421 Curie Blvd., Rm 610 BRBII/IIIPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6160Tel: (215)573-6739 (office) Fax: (215)573-6725[www.med.upenn.edu]
Xiao-Ming Yin殷曉鳴
Associate Professor of Pathology and Department of Pathology
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Scaife Hall, 7th Fl, Room S7393550 Terrace StreetPittsburgh, PA 15261, USATel: 412-648-8436Fax: 412-648-9564e-mail:[email protected][path.upmc.edu]
Dihua Yu,余棣華
Professor, Dept. Surgical Oncology
Director of Research, Division of Surgery
Director, Cancer Biology Program
The Univ. Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX 77030Tel: 713-792-3636Fax: 713-794-4830Email:[email protected]
Yinhua Yu郁茵華
Assistant Professor Dept. Experimental Therapeutics
U.T.M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Blvd. Houston, TX 77030 Phone: 713-792-3790 FAX: 713-745-2107 Email:[email protected]
Zhi-Min Yuan
James Stevens Simmons Associate Professor of Radiobiology
Department of Genetics and Complex Disease
Harvard University School of Public Health
665 Huntington Ave (Bldg. 1, Rm. 507)Boston, MA 02115Phone: (617)432-0763,Fax: (617)432-0107,Email:[email protected]
Jinfeng Yue,岳勁峰
Assistant Professor (proved Associate Professor with Tenure)
Department of Management and Marketing
Jennings A. Jones College of Business
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132 USA(615) 898-5126"J. Yue"[email protected]
Bing Zhang, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor
Section of Neurobiology1 University Station
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712 "B. Zhang"
Dong-Er Zhang
Associate Professor
Division of Oncovirology
Department of Molecular and Experimental Medicine
The Scripps Research Institute
La Jolla, CA 92037Email:[email protected]: (858) 784-9558; FAX: (858) 784-9593Lab website: [www.scripps.edu]
Hong Zhang,張紅
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409, USAPhone: 806-742-3722 ext. 277Fax: 806-742-2963E-Mail:[email protected]
Jian-Ting Zhang
Professor Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Indiana University School Of Medicine
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202Telephone317) 274-7844Fax: (317)[email protected]:[email protected]
Michael Q. Zhang張奇偉
Cold Spring harbor Laboratory
Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724phone (516) 367-8393, fax (516) 367-8461 email[email protected],
Wei-Wei Zhang
President and CEO
GenWay Biotech, Inc.
6777 Nancy Ridge Drive San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858-458-0866 x 101 Fax: 858-458-0833 Email:[email protected]Web: www.genwaybio.com
Xiao-kun Zhang張曉坤
Burnham Institute for Medical Research,
Cancer Center,
10901 N. Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA.Phone: (858) 646-3141. Fax: (858) 646-3195E-mail:[email protected]
Yi Zhang, Ph.D.
Investigator & Professor
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Campus Box 7295, Room 32-046
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7295Phone: (919)-843-8225 (O), -8227/-8228 (L)Fax: (919)-966-4330e-mail:[email protected]://www.med.unc.edu/~zhangyi/lab.htm
Zhuohua Zhang張灼華
Burnham Institute for Medical Research
10901 N. Torrey Pines RoadLa Jolla, CA 92037Tel. 858-713-6286 (office) 858-646-3100 X3716 (lab)Fax. 858-713-6273
Zhizhuang Joe Zhao趙志壯
Alfred M. Shideler Professor and Director of Experimental Pathology
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
BRC Rm 1211975 N.E. 10th StreetOklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104Phone (405) 271-9344Fax (405) 271-9483Email:[email protected]
Xincheng Zheng鄭新程
Director of Immunology
OncoImmune Inc.
1275 Kinnear Rd. Suite 267Columbus, OH 43212
Tao P. Zhong
Assistant Professor
Departments of Medicine and Cell & Developmental Biology
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
358 PRB, 2220 Pierce avenueNashville, TN 37232 Ph:615-936-2989(O); 615-936-1871 (L)Fax:615-936-1872Email:[email protected]
Weimin Zhong鐘偉民
Associate Professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Yale University,
KBT 616BPO Box 208103, 266 Whitney AveNew Haven, CT 06520Phone: (203) 432-9233/ (203) 432-3035 Email:[email protected]
Yi Zhong鐘毅
Cold Spring Harbor Lab
P.O. Box 100Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 USATel: 516-367-6811Fax: 516-367-8880email:[email protected]
Renping Zhou周仁平
Department of Chemical Biology
Rutgers College of Pharmacy and Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
164 Frelinghuysen RoadPiscataway, NJ 08854 (732) 445-3400, Ext 264FAX [email protected]://lifesci.rutgers.edu/~molbiosci/Professors/zhou.html
Xiangjun Zhou周向軍
Professor of Pharmacology
School of Pharmacy
Shanghai Jiaotong University
1954 Huanshan Road, Shanghai, China 200030Phone: 86-21-3420-4763Email:[email protected]
Yuan Zhuang
Associate Professor of Immunology
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC 27710(919) 613-7822Yuan Zhuang
Ming-Hui Zou
Department of Medicine and Endocrinology
University of Oklahoma Health Sci. Center
941 Stanton L. Young Blvd.Oklahoma City, OK 73013Phone: 405-271-3974Fax: 405-271-3973email:[email protected]
根教授对小方导师无视事实,明显偏袒自己学生的文过饰非的做法心里很不满,但反方的炮轰把他置于非常艰难的境地。他可不愿意充当中国人内斗的工具和牺牲品。于是声称如果学术批评导向人身攻击,他就退出,表达他对人身攻击的厌恶。他首先维护小方导师(他的同事)的自由表达意见的权利(谁也没有剥夺这种权利,这样说不过是虚晃一招):“Dr. Burton is entitled to his opinion, and to air it freely. ”(见http://www.rainbowplan.org/bbs/topic.php?topic=169653&select=&forum=1)然后强调就事论事,对于反方一派攻击人品表示厌恶,同时对小方导师不讨论剽窃事件本身,而是把争论归为政治斗争以及强调小方在中国的地位不以为然。原话是:
“The outcome of our deliberations should have nothing to do with whether Dr. Fang is a good person, a bad person, a prominent member of Chinese society, or any other aspect of his character”.