她对自己谈恋爱和婚嫁的描述也很有意思。平时,她就跟我说,OK, I will not start dating too early, but Dad, I cannot be like you, dating and marrying so late. How about 17?
I will start my first date in senior prom (高中临毕业的舞会),OK?
我跟她说,最好上大学以后再谈恋爱。她坚决不同意,说如果到了 senior prom 还没有 date, 很丢人的。我说,那如果一上大学就要分开怎么办?她说,no problem, we are supposed to date a few guys and get some broken hearts before we finally marry. 这些观念,都是耳濡目染从 teenager movie 和书籍里面学的,跟我们当年的观念迥异。她根本没有计划生育的概念,倒是心甘情愿生养一串孩子,并随时准备放弃专业做一个家庭主妇,培养自己的新兴趣,跟孩子玩耍,培养孩子成人。
您刚刚读了有关我学前班和幼儿园的信息,现在进入一年级。我最好的日子是当我的工作是班里最好的时候。例如有一次,我们学习写不同的句子,我的老师弗里塔格女士,她以我的故事句子作为范例!这让我笑得很开心,我以为我的笑容是粘在了我的脸上。我最糟糕的一天是被我最好的朋友 Rena 羞辱。一月份的一天,我交了另一个最好的朋友,她的名字叫阿曼达。我最喜欢的运动是足球,我最喜欢的音乐是 Lilo and Stitch。
我可能有很多回忆,但下面这些是最难忘的。我最初的记忆是在我上高中的时候,我获得了优秀学者荣誉和哈佛大学的 5 年奖学金。我嫁给了一个名叫乔伊伯明翰的男生,生了五个孩子,艾米、卡拉、艾琳、蒂姆和艾米丽。我成为一名成功的律师,我的丈夫是一名成功的医生。我中了两次彩票。我的下一个记忆是我在 SAT 中获得了最高分。随着年龄的增长,越来越多的人希望我成为他们的律师。后来我丈夫和我买了一座豪宅,我们甚至没有使用抵押贷款。有一天我听到艾米说:“我终于决定了我的职业,我要像你一样成为一名律师”,我笑得合不拢嘴。
作者 Tanya Lee 目前居住在美国 T 市。她写过很多书,包括 Hamtaro、Remember When… 和 Winnie the Pooh Postman。她的《小熊维尼》被拍成电影。在空闲时间,她喜欢在她的游戏机上玩口袋妖怪,画动物或花卉,以及摆弄电子产品。
Li Mingjie
Nanling People's Hospital, Anhui
14 cases of paralysis due to the trauma or compression of spinal cord in the last 13 years have been reviewed. The operative procedures and long-term follow-up reveal the results: excellent 10, survivals 3 and death 1. The etiology, pathology and operation are discussed in detail.
According to etiologic survey, they are classified thus: spinal columa fractures and co-existing dislocations in 7 cases, tuberculosis in 5 and tumor in 2.
Fracture-dislocations of spinal column can easily cause bad injury in spinal cord, especially when the injury lies in cervical and last-dorsal vertebrae. However, except for the carvical damage which susceptibly causes death, as a rule, the patients may still live rather long. So a fit prescription should be given.
The thoracic vertebrae tuberculosis, as abscess cannot be far drained away, is likely to cause pressure which brings about paralegia as a result. However, surgical treatment can lead to excellent result. The author specially recommends the practice of via-thorax one-time operation.
Most of the tumors within vortebral canal are benign, and they are usually located in the outside-cord. Excision is also good for the outcome.
Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion English Edition Primary Issue ·83·
Comment on Treatment of Heat Syndrome with Moxibustion Stated by the Monography on Moxibustion Therapy
Li, Yangzheng
The Second Hospital Attached To Wannan Medical College 241000
THERE are many statements on the treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion. It has been a long debate issue if heat syndrome can be or cannot be treated with moxibustion. Some people say it can be, some say it cannot and others say that it can be used to treat any disease. Some people indicate it mustn’t be, but in fact, they somehow advocate it can be. Wu Yiding is one of them. So this paper will give some comments on the statements by Wu about the treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion.
Theoretic recognition of the treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion
1. The treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion is a contrary treatment
Plain Question On The Most Important Quintessence of The Doctriness states: “Normal therapy signifies the adoption of methods and drugs with opposite nature to the disease, and contrary treatment signifies the adoption of methods and drugs with the same nature as the disease.” The treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion is a contrary treatment used to treat heat syndromes with warm therapy, characterized by the nature of the pathologic conditions to exert eff. In Diagnosis and Treatment of Surgical Diseases, Wu said: “All sores and carbuncles can be treated with moxibustion. If painful it is moxibusted till the pain is alleviated; if painless it is moxibusted till the pain is induced. In this way, the pathogenic factors will be eliminated by moxibustion. This is contrary treatment and very effective.” There are two implications here: One is that in treating painless numb sores of yin nature, moxibustion can turn yin syndrome into yang and dissipate pathogen at the same time. Another is in treating serious sores and carbuncles of yang nature, moxibustion therapy can not only stop the pain but also dissipate the pathogens with high efficacy. Clearly, the treatment of heat syndromes by moxibustion is a contrary treatment characterized by treating heat syndromes with warm therapy, agreeing with the principle of contrary treatment elucidated in Neijing and signifying a practical application of “pyretic stagnation requiring dissipation”
2. The Treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion can draw heat to dissipate pathogens
The treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion is significantly effective because moxibustion can draw heat out and dissipate pathogens. In Diagnosis and Treatment of Surgical Diseases, Wu said, “Skin and external diseases are due to heart-fire stagnation to form pathogens so when the diseases are treated with moxibustion, the heart-fire is dissipated and pathogens are gone. This is always effective." Skin and external diseases are often of yang syndrome, improper treatment may lead to fatal consequences, while moxibustion can dissipate heart-fire and pathogens and bring the dying back to life. It is clear that the treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion has marvelous effects. No wonder Wu named the book “Marvelous Moxibustion”.
The treatment of heat syndrome can draw pathogens out, which also embodies the idea of prevention first and early treatment. In Diagnosis and Treatment of Surgical Diseases, Wu said: "sores and carbuncles at the incipient stage (less than 7 days) are treated with moxibustion which can soften the mass and draw pathogens out from the deep to the shallow. The effect is better than drugs”. Dissipation is key to the treatment of sores and carbuncles, so early moxibustion will result in better effects. Meanwhile, it pointed out again that the mechanism of the moxibustion therapy lay in the fact that “the moxibustion can soften the mass and draw pathogens out from the deep to the shallow". Thus he expounded in theory on the mechanism of the treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion.
The treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion is applied extensively
Wu stated that the treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion was practiced in clinics extensively. The book mentions over a hundred heat syndromes of which sthenia pyrosyndromes are nearly a hundred and asthenia pyrosyndromes are over ten. They are expounded respectively in the following.
1. Sthenia pyrosyndrome in clinical application
In nearly 100 excessive heat syndromes, they are widely concerned in internal medicine, external medicine, gynaecology, pediatrics, opthalmology, NT (nose-throat), stomatology, etc. There are some examples in internal medicine in treating malaria with moxibustion of Dazhui (Du14), Yixi (B45), Zhangmen (Liv13), Huantiao (GB30),, Chenshan (B57), Kunlun (B60), Feiyang (B58), Gongsun (Sp4), Hegu (LI4); Jaundice with moxibustion of Gongsun (Sp4), Zhiyang (Du9), Pishu (B20), Weishu (B21): Cough due to heat evil with moxibustion of Feishu (B13), Tanzhong (Ren17), Chize (L5), Taixi (K3); Phlegm-fire with moxibustion of Baihui (Du20) and Gaohuang (B43): Painful micturition with moxibustion of Leique (L7), Zhongfeng (Liv4), Geshu (B17), Shenshu (B23), Qihai (Ren6), etc. It is said in the Article on Cholera Morbus: "These diseases are treated much more effectively by moxibustion than by herbal decoction." Diarrhea with blood and mucus is treated with moxibustion of Changqiang (Du1) and Mingmen (Du4). It is said in the Article on Dysentry: “Dysentry is caused by excessive heat stagnation and body fluid exhaustion ….... Moxibustion doctor treats it by selecting points to draw the fire out through warming yang, and it is quite different from abusing hot-natured drugs to 'fight fire with fire’ regardless of a gastrointestinal condition." The mechanism for the treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion is “drawing heat out through warming yang”, not treating heat syndrome with heat drugs. There are other examples in external medicine in treating carbuncle on the nape with moxibustion of Shenmen (H7): pulmonary abscess is treated with moxibustion of Tanzhong (Ren17), Feishu (B13), Zhigou (SI6), Daling (P7), Shenshu (B23), Hegu (LI4), Taiyuan (L9): furnuncle with garlic moxibustion on it. All the heat syndromes such as furnuncle, carbuncle can be treated with moxibustion, heat hemorrhoids with moxibustion on painful regions. It is said: "To put some fresh ginger slices on the painful furnuncle region with moxibustion of three cones, the yellow liquid flows out and symptoms disappear … very effective.” Breast carbuncle of gynecology is treated with moxibustion of Lingdao (H4), Tiaokou (S38), Zusanli (S36); breast swelling with moxibustion of Shaoze (SI1) and Zulinqi (GB41): The women with heat evil attacking the blood chamber are treated with moxibustion of Qimen (Liv14); red and white leukorrhea with moxibustion of Shenshu (B23), Xuchai (Sp9), Daimai (GB26), Zhongfeng (Liv4), Sanyinjiao (Sp6), etc. It is also said, “Moxibustion of Cui’s Sihua points treat red and white leukorrhea very effectively”. It is cited from Wang Haizang: “Leukorrhea is caused by dysfunction of the spleen, which is with moxibustion of Zhangmen (Liv13), with the wheat-particle-like cones, very effective.” Acute and chronic infantile convulsion is treated with moxibustion of Baihui (Du20), Shuigou (Du26), Hegu (L14), Dadun (Liv1), Xingjian (Liv2), Chize (L5), ete: diarrhea with moxibustion of Weishu (B21), Shuifen (Ren9), Tianshu (S25), Shenque (Ren8): painful red and swelling eyes due to unclear cause in ENTT is treated with moxibustion of Hegu (LI4), Eriian (LI2), Ganshu (B18), Zusanli (S36); belpharitis marginailis due to wind-evil with moxibustion of Ganshu (B18), Danshu(B19), Juegu (GB39), Guangming (GB37); nasosinusitis with Shangxing (Du23), Quchai(B4), Fengmen(B12), Hegu(LI4); sore throat with Yangxi (LI5), Shaohai (H3), Yemen (SJ2); toothache and eczema all over the body due to infantile malnutrition with Chengjing (Ren24). All the examples mentioned above repeatedly prove the treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion has miraculous effect, and aslo indicate the treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion is different from the treatment of heat syndrome with heat drugs. This is because the moxibustion therapy can draw the fire out through warming yang and dissipate the pathogens.
2. Asthenia pyrosyndrome in clinical application
They are the examples in asthenia pyrosyndrome in treating hematemesis due to asthenic diseases with moxibustion of Shangwan (Ren23), Feishu (B13), Pishu (B20), Shenshu (B23), Daling (P7), Waiguan (SJ5); night sweat with moxibustion of Feishu (B13), Fuliu (K7), Yixi (B45): diabetes with moxibustion of Chengjiang (Ren24), Zhizheng (SJ7), Yangchi (SJ4), Zhaohai (K6), Shenshu (B23), Xiaochangshu (B27) and digitus mininus points of hand and foot (that is finger-tip); heat-foot caused by exhaustion of kidney yin or downward flow of damp-heat with moxibustion of Yongquan (K1) and Rangu (K2); fever due to consumption with moxibustion of Qihai (Ren6), Guanyuan (Ren4), Gaohuangshu (B43), Zusanli (S36), Neiguan (P6), Cui's Sihua points (EX-CA): pulmonary tuberculosis with moxibustion of Guiyan (that is Yaoyan, EX-CA), Gaohuangshu (B43), Sanzhuigushang (EX-CA). It is said, “Pulmonary tuberculosis is very difficult to be cured and can only be treated with moxibustion." It is clear pulmonary tuberculosis due to yin deficiency and lung-heat is treated much more effectively with moxibustion than drugs. This is repeatedly proved by many cases later.
It is ambiguous whether heat syndrome can be or cannot be treated with moxibustion
The Monography on Moxibustion Therapy is compiled by Wu Yiding who collected previous statements on moxibustion. It is not clear if heat syndrome can be or cannot be treated with moxibustion. He advocated treating heat syndrome with moxibustion, but meanwhile, he was against the treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion when others against. So there are many contradictory statements in the book. In the Article of Moxibustion Forbidden, it says: “Moxibustion is not suitable for one with superficial, rapid and excessive pulse condition and one with dysphoria, dry mouth, sore throat, red complexion due to excessive fire, just after sweating and fever due to yin deficiency, etc.” In Zhongshenzhenglun, it is said: “One with superficial, surging, scattered pulse and fire syndromes cannot be treated with moxibustion in case the fire syndromes are treated with fire, which will aggravate the condition." But in clinic application "exogenous febrile diseases with headache and fever are treated with moxibustion of Eriian (LI2), Hegu (LI4), Fengchi (B12), Qimen (Liv14)" and other points: “exogenous febrile diseases with fever, dysphoria, dry mouth with moxibustion of Quze (P3) and Yingiao (EX-CA)": “fever all over the body with moxibustion of Bailao (EX-CA)": “fever due to consumption with moxibustion of Qihai (Ren6), Guanyuan (Ren4), Gaohuangshu (B43), Zusanli (S36), etc". Of course if can be inferred from “fever all over the body”, his pulse condition is superficial, surging, rapid and excessive, and has red complexion. So this almost repudiates some articles that moxibustion therapy is forbidden for heat syndromes. In the articles that exogenous febrile diseases are forbidden with moxibustion therapy, there are 5 statements, which are also contradictory in comparison with other articles. An example is “superficial pulse should be treated with sweating. If it is treated with moxibustion, the pathogens cannot go out because it is excessive due to fire”. When a superficial pulse is treated with sweating, there is certainly no sweating. In Marvelous Moxibustion, it is said: “One with the exogenous febrile disease has no sweating, eye red, deafness, chest pain, swelling of the maxillary region, Koujin (lockjaw unable to open the mouth), he is treated with moxibustion of Xiaxi (GB43) and Fuliu (K7)", etc. While Wu was against the treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion, he definitely advocated the treatment of heat syndrome with moxibustion, and there are some contradictory statements mentioned above.
Although Wu said heat syndrome mustn't be treated with moxibustion or advocated that heat syndrome can be treated with moxibustion, there are many contradictory statements in the book, the Monography on Moxibustion Therapy recognizes heat syndrome is suitable for moxibustion, which can draw heat out and dissipate pathogens. It is not heat syndrome treated wrongly with heat drugs, but it is the principle of contrary treatment from Neijing and it is the practical application of “fire stagnation requiring dissipation”. This is also applied extensively in clinics, concerning internal medicine, external medicine, gynaccology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, NT (nose-throat), stomatology, etc. The book gives over 100 cases of sthenia pyrosyndrome and asthenia pyrosyndrome treated with moxibustion points and methods, which indicates heat syndrome is suitable for moxibustion therapy, “whose treatment effect is better than drugs” and "it always has miraculous effect”. Therefore the book is still important literature in treating heat syndrome and acute symptoms with moxibustion. It is worthwhile for us to learn, analyze and testify to the statements from the book. Thus we will broaden the range of moxibustion therapy and make the way for the treatment of heat syndrome and acute symptoms with moxibustion.
Li, Yang-zhen
Second Teaching Hospital of South Anhui Medical College
The author of this paper has made a preliminary study of the preventive medical ideology and measures involved in the medical works of Ma Wang Dui ancient tomb - "Fifty-two Prescriptions”, "Taking in Vital Air Instead of Food", "Breathing and Physical Exercise Therapy for Health Protection and Treatment", and "Ways of Health Keeping".
The theme of disease prevention of these works consists mainly of the knowledge of disease-causing factors -knowledge of physiology and pathology. Measures of disease prevention are discussed in two aspects:
1 Corporeal cultivation and vital energy preservation, general health keeping, health protection and treatment through breathing and physical exercise therapy, vital air taking, and sexual activity.
2. Dietetic hygiene to avoid illness caused by eating and drinking: the value of cooked food, a balanced diet, food therapy, and certain food avoidance.
The Medical works of Ma Wang Dui ancient tomb came into being during the early Qin Period (prior to 221 B.C.). Our forefathers of that historical period had already recognized the importance of disease prevention. The works contain a large amount of materials concerning preventive medicine, which is proof of the great attainments achieved in preventive medicine at that time.
The author holds that the ideology and measures of preventive medicine in the Ma Wang Dui medical works occupy an important position in the history of preventive medicine. And it can well be said that its exposition of disease occurrence is based on the ideology of the "Internal Classic", and this ideology has given a profound and lasting influence as well as invaluable contributions to the survival and development of the Chinese nation. The study of these works is significant not only for the science of medical history but also for the development of preventive medicine today.